“But look on the bright side,” Avery said, slowly kicking her legs back and forth under the water. “You and Master Dan realized how deep your feelings ran and now you’re living together and getting married.”

“Congratulations,” Kelsey returned, wondering if she would ever be so lucky. “Please tell me that jerk paid for what he did to you.”

“He’s sitting in prison right now, thank God,” Nan answered. “That’s something Avery and I have in common. We both got to put away some really bad people.”

Kelsey resisted taking another peek toward the glass doors to see what Greg and Devin might be doing, giving her full attention to Avery. “You too? Tell me, please.”

Nan smirked, turning her head to the side to look at Avery. “She’s just using us to distract her from Masters Devin and Greg. I can tell you now, Kelsey, it won’t work,” she warned, shifting her gaze across the tub toward her.

“Hey, I am interested in hearing about your ordeals, and how they landed you here, but maybe you could enlighten me on why I can’t think about anything except getting one of them to relieve this ache that started with a really painful spanking.” She shifted on the seat, and yeah, the slutty bitch still spasmed in response to the lingering soreness.

Avery giggled. “I was as confused and aroused as you when I got my first spanking. But, wow, the orgasms an intense punishment can lead to will have you begging for another one.”

Kelsey sighed in relief. “So this feeling is normal. That helps to know.”

“The key to learning what works for you, to discovering whether you prefer a Master’s dominance for a fun bout of kinky sex or because his control settles something deeper inside you is exploring with the right person.” Nan looked through the glass doors at Greg and Devin, who still sat at the bar. “Or with two right men.”

Listening to Nan confirmed one suspicion hovering in Kelsey’s mind tonight – her temporary hosts were into ménage. Imagining herself with both men ignited a heated rush though her veins that matched the hot temperature of the swirling water. Too bad Devin didn’t even like her, let alone want her staying in their home for a few more weeks. His attitude toward her before tonight, and when he’d flipped her over his lap, didn’t jive with the tender, comforting way he’d held her after blistering her butt for her transgressions. Through the roaring in her head and the fast, escalating gush of arousal his painful punishment ignited, she managed to hear the concern in his voice as he had berated her and explained why her disobedience could have landed her and Master Kurt in an untenable situation.

Hearing Greg’s voice, realizing he was looking at her bare, chastised butt and likely noticing her seeping juices, and then seeing anger toward her reflected in those green eyes for the first time left her as shaken as Devin’s hard hand. She tightened her legs, wishing it could be that easy to still the need still quaking deep inside her pussy since she doubted she could entice either man into educating her further during the next few weeks, or talk one into allowing her to return to The Barn after her behavior.

“What’s wrong?” Without her glasses, it was easy to see the compassion reflected in Avery’s eyes.

“I doubt I’ll get the chance to do any more exploring after tonight, at least not here, and not with either Master Greg or Master Devin.” Damn it, it shouldn’t be that easy to say their titles, not after they’d made it clear how unhappy they were with her.

Nan scowled and shook her head. “If they won’t invite you back, call one of us. If need be, I’ll drive out to the ranch and pick you up and then you can stay the night with us, at Dan’s place.”

Her offer pleased Kelsey, warming her where the guy’s displeasure left her cold, as did Avery’s adamant head nod in agreement. Sadly, her body didn’t appear to want anyone right now except one, or heck, maybe both of her hosts. Add that irritating admittance to the fact Greg, for sure, wouldn’t go back on his promise to watch over her until the McAllisters gave the all clear made for a bleak picture for the rest of her stay in Montana.

“Thanks, but Greg made a promise to stick close regarding my stay with them.” She went on to give them a quick rundown of why she was at the Wild Horse Dude Ranch, staying in their house in the first place.

“Oh, wow, I hate to say it, but you might be right. Like I said before, if there’s one thing I know for sure it’s these guys take protecting us seriously,” Avery said.

All three girls heard the slider open and looked over to see Master Greg stepping outside, his Stetson returned to his head. But it was Kelsey he zeroed in on, her nipples that puckered under his heated gaze as he eyed her breasts bobbing just above the water. Snatching a towel off a bench, he flipped it over his shoulder, strode over to the hot tub and reached in to grasp her upper arms. Lifting her out as if she weighed nothing, Kelsey was happy to have his hands on her. Her heart went pitter-patter and her abdomen clenched as she pressed her wet body against him and gazed up into his rugged face beneath the lowered brim of his hat.

“Time to leave, little bit,” he stated, nudging her back to whip the towel around her. With brisk rubs over her back, buttocks and down her legs, her body went noodle-soft, her eyes blinking in drowsy pleasure.

“Mmm, that feels good.” She sighed, closing her eyes as he moved up the inside of her legs, kneaded her thighs and then cupped a towel-covered hand over her pulsing crotch.

“I bet that feels even better,” Nan called out from behind her, amusement lacing her voice.

Kelsey opened her eyes as Master Greg rubbed her bare folds with the nubby cloth. The swift, stimulating pressure back and forth over that sensitive flesh started a tingling that spread up her core. “God, yes,” she moaned before injecting a note of warning in her voice as she added, “You better not be toying with me.”

“Uh, oh.”

Avery’s whisper reached Kelsey as Greg narrowed his eyes, dragged the towel up to dry her torso and then looped it around her neck to draw her up on her toes against him. “You’re forgetting your place, and the rules again.”

For a split second she thought he would kiss her, but disappointment swamped her as he released the ends of the towel, tossed it over the deck rail and handed her her clothes. “Get dressed and meet me in the foyer. Goodnight, ladies.” With a nod to Avery and Nan, he turned his back on Kelsey and sauntered inside without another word.

Tiredness and a wave of depression settled on Kelsey’s shoulders as she dressed. If orders and touches that never led where she wanted to go were all either man was willing to give her, she planned to call Jordan and Theresa first thing in the morning. While it appeared she was a glutton for erotic punishment, she wasn’t one for self-abuse, which is what staying much longer in Greg and Devin’s house would amount to.

“It was nice meeting you, and everyone else. Thank you for hanging out with me.” She buttoned her blouse without looking at the two women still lounging in the hot tub.

“Since you don’t have your phone on you, one of us can call the ranch and get a hold of you this week,” Nan offered. “Don’t fret, Kelsey, they’re all reluctant in the beginning.”

She smiled and waved with a nod as she turned to go inside, hoping the McAllisters wouldn’t still insist on her staying. A girl could only take so much, after all.

Chapter 8