“I’m so proud of you, Kel,” Theresa crooned, smoothing back her blonde hair. “If you hadn’t kept your head and remembered everything we taught you…” Her voice caught and she tightened her arms before releasing her. “But you did, and that’s what counts, right?”

Kelsey sucked in a deep breath and brushed the tears aside with the backs of her hands. “If you say so. Do you know what he wanted? Was he looking for money or…” She paused, unsure if she should reveal she knew what sort of establishment this was.

Jared walked in just then and lifted one dark brow at her dangling question. “Maybe you think he broke in here wanting a sneak peek and you were in his way.”

She flushed and looked away from the censure in all three of their gazes, but caught the quick, unnerving glance between Jordan and Theresa, one she’d witnessed off and on over the years and didn’t understand. Irritation crept in and she resorted to sarcasm. Fisting her hands on her hips, she squared her shoulders and looked back at them, drawling, “Well, what do you expect? You people aren’t exactly quiet down there.”

Jordan rolled his eyes, a gesture she had picked up, much to his amusement. “You’re coming home with us until we know more about this guy and can figure out what he wanted.”

Kelsey shrugged, more relieved by his order than annoyed. “Fine by me. I don’t relish spending the night alone.” She still quaked inside and prayed she could sleep without nightmares haunting her.

“Montana?” No way. Enough was enough. Kelsey jumped to her feet and started pacing in front of Jordan and Theresa who were seated on the sofa in their den while trying to ignore the sensitive tingling erupting over her labia with each shift of her silky panties against the newly bared skin. She’d finally given in to that plaguing curiosity yesterday and had been enjoying the tantalizing sensations having a denuded crotch evoked until just now when the couple dropped that bombshell on her. She had agreed to stay with them and work out of the house this past week in deference to their concern for her, but this was carrying their over-protectiveness way too far. Not since she’d first come to live with them had they gone to such extremes in keeping close tabs on her.

“No. There is no reason to send me away just because you don’t know what, or even who that guy was after.” They had identified the man who broke into the club last week and unearthed his reputation as a thug for hire. The problem was, since he was dead, there was no way to know who hired him or for what purpose. Was someone targeting the club, or one of its members and she happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, like when she was a kid? Or had he been after her specifically, and if so, why?

Throwing up her arms in frustration when they remained quiet, she snapped, “There is no reason for anyone to come after me. I’m a nobody, and no one knows that better than you. I love you, you know I do, but this is asking too much. Montana? Who the heck goes to Montana? There’s nothing there but cows.”

Theresa stood and padded across the plush carpet to grip her upper arms and halt Kelsey’s movements. “Thousands of people visit Yellowstone each year, but regardless, sweetheart, we know how upsetting this has been for you. You’re not sleeping, and the stress of n

ot knowing is making you irritable. We get it, we really do. But, Kelsey, I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you.” Her voice wobbled and Kelsey panicked seeing the tears swimming in Theresa’s green eyes. “It would tear me apart. We love you too, and you know that.”

Crap. The woman knew just what trump card to play, and when. Kelsey believed her foster mother. Theresa couldn’t feign the naked emotion written on her face, and both she and Jordan had demonstrated how much they cared for her in numerous ways over the years. Would it be too difficult for her to repay their kindness and love by giving in to this demand meant to ensure her safety? Maybe, when she thought of leaving her beloved city with all the noise, pollution, rude people and the best food and entertainment anyone could ever want for the boring, unpopulated, backwoods west.

She glanced at Jordan and saw the same love and determination to protect her at all costs reflected on his face. “You do know the odds of that guy being after me are next to none, right?”

Theresa stiffened, and Kelsey noticed she didn’t turn around and look at her husband. These two had always harbored secrets, but given their professions as FBI agents, she understood and never questioned them. If she felt excluded at times over the years and hurt from their obvious attempts to keep things from her, she sucked it up as a small price to pay to stay a part of their lives.

“We know, Kels.” Jordan sighed and stood. “But in our line of work, we’ve learned not to take unnecessary risks, and where you’re concerned, we’ve always drawn a hard line we know you don’t understand. I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not. You have come to mean too much to us to ever be sorry for putting your safety first.”

Have they always played so dirty, or was this a new tactic now that she was older and more independent? Either way, it didn’t matter. She would cave, she always did. But, God, she didn’t want to go to Montana.

“Fine. I’ll go since you took it upon yourselves to clear it with my boss for me to work remotely.” That also rankled. “But give me a time limit. I refuse to leave my home for an indefinite period.” There, exerting an ounce of independence made her feel much better.

Theresa squeezed her, her smile coming through her voice as she replied, “Thank you. It won’t be bad, I promise. We have some friends who run a small dude ranch. You’ll have fun.”

A dude ranch? Could this exile get any worse? “How long, Theresa?” she reiterated, pulling out of her arms.

“Give us a month. Will you do that?” Jordan asked.

“A whole month? What am I supposed to do in my spare time? Muck out smelly stables?” A shudder of revulsion rippled down her spine. Eew!

Theresa laughed, wrapped an arm around her shoulders and steered her toward the kitchen. “It won’t hurt you to repay their hospitality by pitching in to help, but I’m sure they won’t ask you to. Greg and Devin are former agents and have experience with keeping an eye on people in trouble. I’m sure we can convince them to welcome you as a guest for a few weeks.”

Kelsey narrowed her eyes as a small thread of hope blossomed inside her. “You haven’t asked them yet, have you? A possible reprieve.” She threw her fisted hand up in the air with a wide grin. “Woo hoo!” The unsure look Jordan and Theresa exchanged offered her an even bigger boon. Neither of them was as sure of her welcome on this dude ranch as they let on.

Greg Young eyed his friend, Dan Shylock from across the table. The Barn, their private club, was still quiet with him, his partner, Devin, Dan, the Dunbars and the sheriff the only ones here at the moment. They’d just finished a short meeting regarding the club’s newest members, Kurt Wilcox and Mitchell Hoffstetter, and were enjoying a drink before opening the doors. He didn’t know much about either man other than Kurt and Caden were old high school friends and Kurt had recently returned to the area after a twelve-year absence. Mitchell was the new, much-needed doctor in Willow Springs and both were experienced Doms.

He relished the few hours he and Devin spent here every Saturday night, socializing with friends and indulging their ménage kinks with willing submissives. But now, Dan just informed them he and Nan were going to tie the knot, following in the footsteps of first Caden then Grayson and shortly after him, Connor.

“We were hoping you would hold out longer. Soon there won’t be anyone left to play with if this keeps up.” Shaking his head, Greg sighed as if disappointed, but in truth, was happy for the lawyer. He and Devin had enjoyed the pleasure of Nan’s submission before her recent commitment and knew what a lucky man Dan was.

“Doubtful,” Dan returned. “Besides, after five years, we decided we knew each other better than most couples when they marry.”

“When it’s right, it’s right. I took way too long learning that the hard way,” Connor put in. Kicking his long legs out, he leaned back in his chair, eying Greg and Devin from under the lowered brim of his Stetson. “You two have never lacked for female attention.”

Devin lifted one dark eyebrow and nodded at Connor’s left hand. “Neither did you, but there you are.”

“Jealous?” the younger Dunbar taunted.