He slid his arm down to her hips to leave room for her clasped hands. This left her leaning against the high arm of the sofa with her legs draped sideways over his thighs. Tightening the hand cupping her hip, he distracted her from the awkwardness of the position by popping open the top button of her blouse.

“You have an attractive, tight little body I wish to see more of,” Master Kurt stated, his black eyes boring into her as he flicked open several more buttons.

A small shudder went through her and Kelsey gripped her hands tighter behind her back as he spread her top open, baring both breasts to his eyes and the cooler air. She liked having his eyes on her, and the simmering arousal as he circled one turgid tip with his finger, his gaze shifting from her flushed face to her breasts and then back up. One thing dominant men seemed to have in common was a focused, intent way of watching their partner, a trait that made her wonder what her expression might be revealing. Right now, she hoped he couldn’t read her thoughts, which kept straying to two other men, or see how much she wished it was either Greg or even Devin holding her, touching her.

“Very pretty.” He plumped her small mound and then plucked at her nipple, tightening his fingers by slow degrees. “Tell me, do you like a touch of pain as well as bondage?”

“What makes you think I like bondage?” she asked, avoiding the question as his grip drew tiny pinpricks around her nipple.

“You’re leaving your hands behind you, not even thinking about releasing them. Answer my question. Are you accepting of light pain?” He emphasized that order with a tighter pinch to her tender bud, the discomfort prompting her to press her thighs closer together to stop the answering quiver of her pussy muscles.

Her response reminded Kelsey of the arousing flush she’d experienced from Greg’s light smacks on her butt. The squeezes Master Kurt kept up on her nipple elicited close to the same heated reaction but something was missing this time, something she couldn’t, or didn’t want to put a finger on. It was upsetting on several levels to discover her initial enthusiasm for accepting his offer was ebbing instead of escalating.

“I don’t know, Sir,” she replied, tacking on the title when he tightened the hand on her hip in warning.

“You’re about to find out,” a deep, gravelly voice growled from the alcove’s opening.

Kelsey jerked, her startled gaze flying towards Devin’s dark, disapproving face as he stood there glowering with booted feet apart and muscled arms crossed. “Uh, oh,” she muttered, thinking maybe it had been ill-advised to break his and Greg’s number one rule in agreeing to let her come tonight.

Master Kurt squeezed her breast and hip tighter and looked at Devin. “Problem?” he drawled with a lift of one brow.

“Tell Master Kurt, Kelsey,” Devin commanded.

Kelsey’s annoyance with him and their rules rose to the surface, propelling her off Kurt’s lap as she yanked her blouse closed. “That was an unfair rule, and you know it, Devin.” The stormy look swirling in his dark blue eyes proved she was playing with fire, but some untapped perverse part of her flat-out didn’t care.

Kurt came to his feet, his glower matching Devin’s and causing her to take a hasty step back. “I’ll leave it to you to take her to task for whatever infraction she has incurred, Master Devin. I apologize if I crossed a line here.”

“You didn’t, Kurt, but Kelsey was allowed to attend tonight as our guest to socialize, and that’s all, a small fact I’m sure she neglected to mention.”

He sent her a cold glare and then nodded at Devin, walking out without another look at her, leaving her with a man who didn’t want her to come tonight in the first place, let alone be a guest at his ranch for a few weeks. Why couldn’t it have been Greg who had discovered her with Master Kurt?

Chapter 7

Devin kept Kelsey pinned in place with his glare as he struggled to get himself under control. He didn’t know what pissed him off most, her blatant, unrepentant disregard for his and Greg’s orders or the obvious reluctance on her face as she sat on Kurt’s lap and let him touch her. He’d caught a glimpse of something in her eyes he’d only seen on the faces of newbies, a hint of unease from girls who were exploring the lifestyle for the first time and were unsure about what they were doing and feeling.

Which meant she had lied about her experience. Damn it, I knew she was trouble. The problem was, that small package of trouble had caused a clutch in his abdomen the moment he’d seen someone else’s hands on her, something he’d never felt with another woman. He swore Greg would pay for this, one way or another. In the meantime, as opposed as he was to getting involved with her in any way, he’d never shirked his duties as a Dom and wouldn’t start now. Taking slow steps toward her, his lips curled in a taunting grin as the defiance sparking in those bright blue eyes switched to wariness.

“I believe Master Greg mentioned consequences for bad behavior,” he reminded her as he reached for the hand not clutching her blouse. The look he’d gotten of her small, soft breasts tipped with pale pink nipples had been enough to stir his cock into an uncomfortable, semi-erection pressing against his zipper, enough to irritate him with how badly he wanted to shove Kurt’s hand aside and replace it with his own – something else she needed to answer for.

“I thought you didn’t want anything to do with me,” she stated, the slight tremor in her voice telling him she wasn’t as sure of herself as she was trying to portray.

“I don’t, but all Masters here at The Barn have a duty to enforce the rules, and that includes the orders we gave you earlier.” Keeping a firm grip on her hand, he took a seat on the sofa and tugged her to stand between his spread thighs. “Did it not once occur to you there might be reasons, damn good ones, for Master Greg and me telling you not to get involved with anyone tonight?” He continued to emphasize their titles so she knew she wasn’t dealing with her hosts here at the club.

Whatever intimidation he’d inspired in her a moment ago disappeared as she narrowed her eyes and tightened her hand on her blouse. “Did it not occur to either of you I’m a grown woman who is capable of making

my own decisions?”

“I don’t appreciate your smart-aleck reply any more than my suspicions you lied about your experience in submitting and with the BDSM lifestyle. Even someone who has spent minimal time at a club and is still learning the rules, knows not to talk back, and definitely wouldn’t dare disobey a direct order, as you have. You’ve been here an hour and have one – lied, and two – disobeyed our instructions.” Kelsey’s face flushed as he ticked off her transgressions, but she didn’t try to pull away from him. If he wasn’t mistaken, the gleam in her eyes and the press of her turgid nipples against her top suggested she wasn’t afraid of what he would do. A part of Devin admired her gumption and another part craved to see just how far her bravado would extend.

“Did you even bother to negotiate a safeword with Master Kurt?”

The look of guilt crossing her face stirred his anger anew, especially when she tried hiding it with an evasive answer. “I agreed to the standard word.”

“And that would be?” When she bit her lip and shuffled her bare feet, the force of his ire made him take a deep breath before giving her the answer. “Red, damn it. Yet another infraction you’re going to answer for.”

With a hard yank and no warning, Devin pulled her over his left thigh, lifting his right leg to pin her flailing legs down. Kelsey’s surprise cost her the hold on her blouse, the sides flying open again as she went down. Shackling her wrists together in his left hand, he held her arms pinned against her lower back as he flipped her skirt up and smacked her panty-covered, wriggling ass.

He didn’t tell her green meant continue and yellow pause as he didn’t consider those choices an option with this woman. It would either be continue as he saw fit or stop altogether. “Let’s discuss why you were given orders to keep to socializing tonight.” He cracked his palm against her soft buttocks again, enjoying their jiggle. And her gasp. “Since we know little to nothing about you or your experience, it would have been irresponsible to turn you loose and allow you to fend for yourself.” Smack! “What if you had lied to one of the stricter Doms and he pushed you too far? Would you have been able to stop him before he traumatized you? I think not.” Smack!