Kelsey held her breath as his eyes bored into hers, as if gauging her sincerity. She didn’t know what he saw but breathed easier when he huffed, spun on his heel and headed toward the stairs.

“Oh, wow, you seem to have gotten under his skin. Y

ou will definitely have to tell us how,” Sydney mumbled in awe.

Caden reached across the bar top and flicked her bare shoulder. “Or, you could mind your own business, darlin’. Kelsey, what can I get you?”

“I’d love a rum and coke, if that’s okay.”

“Coming right up.”

Sydney leaned over to whisper, “Okay, quick, tell,” as Tamara hopped off her stool to take the one on the other side of Kelsey with an excited gleam in her eyes.

Kelsey tried not to envy how comfortable the two women appeared wearing eye-drawing silk teddies that left their braless breasts easily visible. She wished she had the freedom to indulge in wearing fetish wear and to explore the cravings that started two weeks ago, yearnings that had only escalated since staying with two of the hottest men here.

With a shrug to disguise her disgruntlement with her current situation and the guys, she replied, “I hate to burst your bubble, but I don’t know what you’re talking about. What makes you think I’ve made any kind of impression on Master Greg?” Oh, it was scary how easy that title rolled off her tongue, and alarming at how much she enjoyed saying it here.

“Because between him and Master Devin, he’s the easier going of the two, and I’ve never seen him look at a sub here the way he did you,” Tamara said, fanning herself.

Both girls straightened up as Master Caden returned with her drink. “Here you go. When you’re ready for your second drink, just stop by.”

“Thank you.”

He eyed her for a moment, one of those silent, probing looks that made her fidget before he said, “Greg mentioned you had experience as a submissive.”

Kelsey didn’t know if he wanted details or was just curious and grew nervous under his stare. “I do, Sir, but not much. There’s a lot that’s still new.” She found it much easier to lie when there was a thread of truth to what she said.

He nodded, as if her answer satisfied an uncertainty he had about her. “In that case we can cut you a little slack.” A call from the end of the bar put him back to work and Tamara and Sydney took advantage of his distraction to resituate at a nearby table.

“You’re the first guest Masters Greg and Devin have brought to the club. You have to give us the juicy details on what’s going on between you three,” Sydney insisted as soon as they sat down.

Kelsey became too distracted watching the man at the next table reach inside the corset of the woman perched on his lap and scoop out her breast without pausing in his conversation with the other couple to heed Sydney’s comment right away. The arousing scene drew an acute awareness of the constant tingles racing over her bare labia with every move she made. On one hand, it was nice to know her responses to kink were the same as the first glimpse she’d gotten inside a club, but on the other, they made for a long, frustrating evening if she abided by Greg and Devin’s rules.

Tamara’s giggle pulled her eyes off the man’s hand and the woman’s flushed face from the tight grip of his fingers squeezing her nipple. “What? Oh, sorry. Um, no, there’s nothing going on between us.” Kelsey scowled as she spoke as openly as Sydney. “Not for my lack of trying though.” Since it didn’t sound as if the guys had revealed the reason for her stay with them, she kept that little tidbit to herself. “It seems they don’t cross that line with their guests. Bummer, huh?”

“Oh, that really sucks.” Sydney sighed. “My Caden was just as rigid when I came to work for him. I sympathize with your frustration.”

“Me, too,” Tamara added, taking a sip of her beer. “Connor’s stubbornness over not risking our friendship with sex drove me bonkers.”

“But it worked out, for both of you?” They looked happy, and Master Caden’s blue eyes had held an enviable gleam of love and lust as he’d gazed at his wife.

Tamara’s mouth twisted into a wry grimace. “Eventually. Have you met anyone else yet?”

Shaking her head, she took a sip of the sweet rum and coke before saying, “No. Master Greg pointed out the couple in the shower before nudging me toward the bar, but I’m terrible with names, so don’t expect me to remember anyone for one night.”

Sydney’s face fell. “Will you only be at the ranch for a week then?”

“No, closer to a month, but I had enough of a time finagling an invitation tonight, so I don’t know if I’ll be back.” And just in case that happened, she intended to go through with the plan that had been flitting through her head all day. Despite the guys’ friggin’ rules, if someone showed an interest in her tonight, she would use this chance to explore her newfound interest and end the needy ache that had taken up permanent residence in her body lately.

“Since you’ve been left to your own devices and I’m on my own for about another hour, why don’t I give you a tour, or did Master Greg already show you enough?” Tamara asked.

“No, I’d love to look around.” Her palms grew damp with nervousness and excitement. “Thanks.”

“In that case, let’s go upstairs. That’s where most of the bondage equipment is. Or, if you’d rather, we can step out back and enjoy the hot tub.”

“I’d love that, but I didn’t bring a swimsuit.” Once again, Kelsey could have kicked herself as soon as she spoke, the amused expressions on the two women’s faces adding to her annoyance with herself for making such a stupid statement.

“You really are new at this, aren’t you?” Sydney teased. “Relax. Yes, we usually get in the hot tub naked, but that doesn’t mean everyone here is comfortable stripping bare. There are a few who prefer the secluded corners for a scene or leaving something on while playing. Caden is signaling me, so I gotta go. Nice meeting you, Kelsey. I hope you come back.”