“Oh, for crying out loud,” she muttered as the girls and slutty bitch let her know with soft pulses how much they liked that idea. Leaning against the door, she closed her eyes, wondering how far she was willing to go with pushing either Greg or Devin into sex. The fact she couldn’t decide which man she was drawn to and itching to get down and dirty with most should give her pause. But it didn’t, just the opposite kept happening. She liked both men and was in enough of a needy turmoil due to the upheaval in her life that had landed her here that she would settle for the diversion of either man’s attention.

“What’s wrong? Did Greg reprimand you for not staying off your ankle today?”

Kelsey opened her eyes and glared up the stairs at Devin who stood in the shadows at the top. His cool, taunting tone hurt, prompting her to disguise that undesirable emotion any way she could.

“No, in fact, he rewarded me for knowing when I was healed enough to walk on it. I do believe I could get into this spanking proclivity you two seem to enjoy.” Shoving away from the door, she strode toward her room, smiling when his low curse reached her ears.

Devin was nowhere around thirty minutes later when Greg stood ready to escort Kelsey to the social hall, and as happy as she was for the warmth of his hand resting on her lower back as he held open the door, another part of her wished they were both willing to spend time with her.

A sigh escaped her as they stepped out into the evening air, the sound catching Greg’s attention. “Are you okay?” he asked, casting her a probing look from under the brim of his hat while slowing his stride to match her shorter steps.

“If you’re referring to that ‘reprimand’,” she finger quoted the last word, “then yes, I’m fine. It’s not as if you hurt me.” Nope, just gave her enough to leave her aching for another lesson, one harder and longer enough to satisfy her curiosity instead of adding to it.

“If you refuse to heed that warning, you won’t get off so lucky the next time. I made sure you were settled afterward before letting you go, so why the sigh?”

“Why does Devin dislike me so much? He doesn’t even know me.” Kelsey’s stomach rumbled as she caught a whiff of tantalizing aromas emanating from the open doors to the dining hall, but as they entered the crowded, noisy building, she preferred an answer before food. Pausing, she looked up at Greg, waiting for a reply.

Removing his hat, he tossed it on a hook next to several others and raked his fingers through his thick, wavy hair. “He doesn’t dislike you, he just doesn’t want the responsibility for your safety. And, before you ask, his reasons are his own and for him to tell.”

“Aren’t you both responsible for the safety of all your guests?” she returned, smiling when he frowned and tried to work through the logic of her question. “See, you don’t have an answer, do you?”

“You make a good point, little bit, except our other guests aren’t hiding out from a possible assailant.”

She shrugged, pivoting toward the buffet across the room. “There’s no proof I need to be either. Thanks for walking me over.” Flipping him a cheeky grin and finger wave, she left him standing there with a rueful twist of his lips.

Devin finished his meal, struggling to keep his mind on the guests at the table and their conversation instead of straying toward the sound of tinkling laughter coming from the table next to them. Not even two days, he thought in disgust as he eyed Kelsey’s animated face and sparkling eyes, and she was wreaking havoc on his intentions to remain immune to her presence. Greg’s knowing smirk from another table didn’t improve his mood. He knew his friend didn’t want to take the same risk they’d both taken the last time they were in charge of a woman’s safety any more than he did, but he also knew Greg didn’t blame himself for their charge’s death as much as Devin did. Deep down, he knew they’d done everything humanly possible to protect Catherine Valdez when the surprise attack had occurred, but a part of him would always question whether they were distracted that morning following the first and only time they’d spent the night in her bed. After being brave enough to agree to testify against her corrupt boss, she hadn’t deserved to go out that way.

Kelsey tossed her head and laughed at something one of the men sitting next to her said, all four people at her table appearing captivated by the girl. There was no denying she had a way about her that, when coupled with the fey appearance of her petite features, drew people in. And then she bit into her thick burger, closed her eyes as she chewed then slowly opened them with a sigh as she swallowed. Jesus. As if the look of bliss on her face wasn’t enough to stir his cock, she had to raise a fry to her mouth, dart her tongue out to savor a lick of salt and then nibble on the slim potato with small white teeth. When she shifted those wide, guileless blue eyes his way he swore under his breath, damned sure her antics were for his benefit. Pushing back his chair, he hardened his determination to stay clear of the girl and let her remain Greg’s problem.

“Anyone for a friendly pool wager?” Devin asked the young couple who would be checking out the next day and Otis and Silas, two of their long-term renters. It didn’t surprise him Silas was the only one eager to join him at the billiards table.

“I’m in. I owe you a rematch, boy.”

Devin grinned, replying in kind. “Come on then, you can give it your best shot, old man.”

An hour later, he and Silas were finishing up their game with each readying to make the winning shot when Kelsey strolled up with a Cheshire cat grin Devin didn’t trust. Leaning a hip against the pool table, she cocked her head as she took in the placement of the last three balls, her pose distracting him as he bent at the waist and lined up his shot.

“You won’t make it at that angle,” she said, her tone laced with amusement.

“Hey, don’t give him any pointers. Save them for me. I’m old and need all the help I can get against these young sharks.” Silas winked at her from the other side of the pool table and Devin shook his head at both of them from his position at the end.

“Nice try, but I’ve been watching your moves. You’re good enough on your own,” Kelsey retorted with an engaging smile.

It surprised Devin she caught on to Silas’ bullshit so fast and he couldn’t help but be amused by the older man’s disgruntled expression and grumbling reply. “I used to have a way with the ladies. Sucks to get old.”

Devin flicked a look toward Kelsey and told her the truth. “He says that a lot. Shouldn’t you be getting back to the house and putting your foot up?”

“Shouldn’t you give me a little credit for knowing when I need to turn in and put my foot up?” she shot back.

Silas threw his head back and guffawed, setting his cue stick on the table. “Good for you, girl. This one’s yours, Devin. I am ready to turn in. Otto and I plan to be at the creek with poles in hand by sunup.” The two best friends had booked the entire month of September for the last three years, spending most of their time fishing all day and shooting the breeze with other guests in the evenings.

“It’s a draw. We’ll settle the matter next time. Goodnight, Silas.” Devin frowned as Kelsey reached for the rack, placed it on the felt tabletop and started grabbing balls to put inside the triangle. “What are you doing?”

Leaning across the table, she plucked up Silas’s cue stick and straightened with a wicked grin. “One game, you and me. We each name our own prize if we win. I want you to give me my next riding lesson if I beat you.”

She was challenging him? Devin never could resist a dare and maybe it was time he demonstrated who held the upper hand between the two of them. “You’re on, and if I win, you ignore me, stay clear of me, don’t talk to me for the next few weeks.” He regretted his words the instant they came out of his mouth, the flash of pain in her eyes cutting him to the quick. Sliding his gaze away from her expressive face, his eyes connected with Greg’s stormy green glare. The social hall had cleared out except for a few people playing cards in front of the fireplace, so at least he had spared her the humiliation of anyone else overhearing his callous wager. “Look, Kelsey…”

She lifted a hand and shook her head. “Fine, you’re on. I’ll even let you go first.”