“Because I said, and I’m the boss as long as you’re here.” He placed her hand on the pommel and nudged the horse into a walk. “Did you like riding Cleo?”

She nodded, her head rapping his chin. “Sorry, and yes, more than I thought. Probably because I didn’t have as far to fall off.” She cast a quick look down and shuddered.

His deep chuckle went through her, clear to her toes. “Cherokee is big but well-behaved. You won’t fall.”

Unable to help herself, she rubbed her butt against his crotch again. “You sure?”

Greg brought the hand holding the reins up and gripped her chin, turning her to face his disapproval, which only made her smile wider “Stop that,” he scolded. “You’ll distract me and that’s not wise, in more ways than one.”

“You’re taking the fun out of my first ride.” Kelsey feigned a pout.

Releasing her chin, the arm around her waist turned into a steel band. “Behave and I’ll take you for a real ride.”

“Ooh, promise?” Whether it was the accumulation of stress, unhappiness and lust that prompted her to keep pushing him or just plain orneriness, Kelsey didn’t care as a sudden thought struck her. What better way to pass the time here than with a hot and heavy affair? It would be the first time she entered into such a relationship knowing there would be an end date and the two of them would go their separate ways. How much more freeing, and enjoyable could such a liaison be when the risk of getting hurt is taken out of the equation? The more she pondered the idea, the more she liked it.

“Be careful, little bit, or you might incur consequences you aren’t prepared for.” With that warning, Greg kicked his booted heels against the horse’s sides, sending the steed into a trot that jarred her as much as his words.

Kelsey exhilarated in the faster clip that blew her hair into her eyes and bounced her against Greg, wondering if it was just coincidence both men had now hinted at spanking as a way to stop her from goading them. Were they idle threats, or were they serious? God help her, she was tempted to find out. If she could entice one of them – Greg being her best shot – into an affair, that penchant would fit right in with her vivid imagination and fantasies of the past two weeks.

Squeezing her side, Greg stated above her head, “Ready? Here we go.” Another nudge to Cherokee’s heavily muscled flanks and the stallion took off in an all-out run.

With her hair whipping around her face, the evening air cooling her heated flush and the ground below them whizzing by, her exultant laugh rang loud and clear. Who would have ever thought this could be so much fun? Maybe it was the tight hold of a sexy cowboy that was responsible for sending her senses soaring. Either way, by the time they galloped up to the barn, she could feel the strain in her legs from gripping the sides and the rapid beat of her heart pounding against her chest. Greg pulled on the reins, controlling and slowing the huge animal with admirable ease, his equally large body swaying in tune with hers as Cherokee tossed his head in a vigorous shake, his long, shade lighter mane brushing against her arm.

“He seems awfully winded,” she commented on a deep breath, noticing the horse’s labored breathing and heaving sides as Greg brought him to a halt at the corral rail by the stable.

“He’s fine.” He dropped his arm and patted Cherokee’s long neck. “We spent most of the day at a sedate pace, so he’s glad for that short run. Don’t let go until I have hold of you,” he warned as he dismounted.

Kelsey missed the comfort of his embrace and strength as soon as he slid off, but then those large, calloused hands reached up, clasped her waist and lifted her down with as little effort as he’d exhibited when hauling her off Cleo onto Cherokee. Accidentally on purpose, she fell against him as soon as her feet touched the ground, loving the hard contact of all those chest muscles against her front as much as she had pressing against her back a few minutes ago. As soon as her nipples flattened against his taut pectorals, the girls puckered into turgid tips and the slutty bitch showed her glee with a surge of damp heat. Who was she to continue telling her body no?

A quick glance proved they were the only ones around. With a coy smile and blatant batting of her eyes, Kelsey brushed her chest against his, shivering as he narrowed those heart-melting green eyes and sucked in a deep breath that shifted his tense muscles over her nipples.

“I don’t know what you’re playing at, Kelsey, but knock it off,” he warned. “It’s not happening.”

Cocking her head, she trailed her fingers down his corded, tanned neck. “What’s not happening?”

“Anything between us while you’re here. We’re responsible for you, and we take our responsibilities seriously.” Greg reached up and pulled her hand down. “Now, be a good girl and return to the house. I’ll escort you to dinner after I see to Cherokee and get washed up.”

Grabbing the reins, he pivoted and led the horse into the stable, Kelsey following on his heels with another taunt. “Fine, but Devin made it clear he wasn’t responsible for me, so I’ll just see if he’s interested in helping me pass the time in this boring place so I don’t go stir crazy.”

A laugh burst from Greg as he pulled the saddle off and opened a stall gate. He didn’t want to see her hurt by what would be Devin’s much harsher rebuttal to her wiles, so he sought to caution her. “If you think you’ll get anywhere with him, you’re sadly mistaken.”

Flipping that long, blonde hair, she glared at him with sparks in her bright eyes. “It’s my mistake to make, isn’t it?”

He swore as she spun around and took two steps toward the open door, twitching that cute ass he was sure, on purpose. He understood she was put out by her circumstances and that the ranch offered little in the way of pastimes she was used to. But that was no reason to break his vow not to involve himself on a sexual or personal level. She tempted him, he wouldn’t lie, but not enough to go down that slippery road again with a woman he’d sworn to protect.

After ensuring they were alone in the stable, Greg decided an example of those consequences he mentioned wouldn’t threaten his resolve if he delivered just enough to deter Kelsey from her set course and spare her the embarrassment of Devin’s reaction. Reaching her in two, long-legged strides, he grasped her hand and tugged her back into the stable.

“You need to heed my warnings better, and remember, I don’t bluff.” Ignoring her startled gasp, he yanked her into the crook of his arm, pinned her against his side and delivered five rapid swats on her upturned, jean-clad butt, putting just enough force behind them she would experience a twinge of discomfort and nothing more.

“Hey! What? Holy shit!” Kelsey’s strident cry ended on a gasp, and much to Greg’s surprised annoyance, she lifted her ass for the last slap, as if embracing the humiliating experience instead of balking at it.

Helping her upright, he kept hold of her upper arms as he gauged her reaction. Fuck if the rose hue blooming on her face and dilation of those large eyes didn’t hold a hint of excitement. Not only he, but Devin would be hard pressed keeping their hands off her if they learned she possessed a submissive streak and she kept up with her cock-teasing innuendos.

“You need to get any thoughts of pushing one of us into entertaining you with sex out of your head, little bit. It’s not going to happen. Now, run along and let me finish seeing to my horse.”

Chapter 5

Whoever said fantasies were best left unexplored didn’t know what they were talking about. Every step Kelsey took toward the house stirred the warm tingles still racing across her butt with one word resounding in her head. More. All that from a few light swats, just enough to make her wonder what her response would be to harder spanks, to the crack of Greg’s large, calloused hand on her bare flesh. A shiver trickled down her spine as she entered the house with the image of her lying across his hard thighs with her pants pulled down running through her mind.