Kelsey’s annoyance with ‘the boys’ was growing by leaps and bounds as she realized Greg must have told his employees to keep an eye on her. “I appreciate their concern,” she drawled. “Thank you for your timely intervention.” She cast a wary look at the horses that appeared so docile. “Do you have any I can get to know? I need something to do in the afternoons, and I figure learning to ride might be fun.” Not. Even though she doubted she would find much enjoyment in that activity, it was better than sitting on the porch twiddling her thumbs every afternoon while everyone else was out doing their thing.

A smile creased Tom’s leathered, lined cheeks, crinkling his brown eyes shaded by his hat. “Come with me. Cleo is a small mare, a pretty bay roan with a sweet disposition. She would be perfect for you.”

“What’s a bay roan?” she asked, following him to the next barn and the attached corral around back.

“That’s a horse whose coloring is a mixture of red and white hair all over.” Pointing to a petite mare with large doe eyes and a grayish coat with hints of red, Tom whistled then said, “This is Cleo,” as the little horse trotted over with a toss of her head. “Here.” Pulling a sugar cube out of his pocket, he handed it to Kelsey. “Hold it out to her with your hand flat so you don’t get nipped.”

Cleo’s velvet soft mouth tickled Kelsey’s palm as she took the sweet treat and she felt her attitude toward the equine species shift into the positive column. After getting Tom’s nod, she reached out a tentative hand and stroked her nose and then down her soft, corded neck.

“If you want, I can saddle her and walk you around a little.” Tom looked down at her feet and bit his lip. “How’s the ankle today?”

She’d never earned such fretting attention from so many people before and it left her unsettled. “It’s much better, just a little lingering soreness. I’m game to try, if you don’t mind.”

“Nope. Give me a minute to get a saddle.”

Kelsey found riding more entertaining than she’d imagined. Seated atop the dainty mare, she enjoyed the view spread out for miles as Tom walked them around the corral. Once she settled into the rhythm of Cleo’s slow, smooth gait, it was easy to relax. She could feel the shift of Cleo’s muscles against her legs with each step and realized how powerful even a smaller horse could be. As long as she didn’t look down and see how far away the ground was as it moved beneath her, she got a kick out of this new experience.

“You’re a natural, Kelsey.” Tom smiled up at her as he brought them to a halt. “Want to take her out to the field? I’ll be right by your side.”

“As long as you don’t move away from me too far.” She reached out and stroked Cleo’s silky neck. “She’s a sweetie but I still don’t trust anything that’s this much bigger than me.”

Tom snorted and shoved his hat back. “I hope you’re just referring to animals since most of the human population over the age of ten is bigger than you.”

She gave him a mock scowl. “Ha, ha. Good things come in small packages, or haven’t you heard that before?”

He chuckled and tugged Cleo toward the rail where he tethered the reins, saying, “I think it’ll be good for the boys having you here. Sit tight and I’ll go get my horse.”

Over the next thirty minutes, Tom gave Kelsey riding instructions in a field away from all other activity, teaching her how to steer her horse and control how fast she wanted to go. She kept Cleo to a steady, slow pace, not ready to try anything faster. They spotted a small group of white-tailed deer and took a moment to watch their graceful run across the prairie as the sun’s brightness dulled to an amber orange with the start of its descent. Squinting her eyes, Kelsey saw Devin’s group of riders merging with Greg’s and then head their way, her pulse jumping as they neared and Devin and Greg’s piercing eyes settled on her.

“Is that the group Devin took out trail riding all day?” she asked Tom.

“That’s them.” Tom flipped her a proud grin. “In two weeks, reservations drop in half and you’ll be able to accompany an excursion by then. Maybe not such a long one though. Do you want to wait up for them?”

Kelsey’s heart thudded with anticipation as she nodded. She didn’t know which man fired her up more or what accounted for her interest and sudden obsession with sexual fantasies. It could stem from the stress of being accosted and then responsible for a man’s death, or escorted out here to Timbuktu, away from everything and everyone she knew. But as the group neared and she damn near drooled watching Greg and Devin handle their huge mounts with a combination of strong control and coaxing, soothing strokes, she pinned all of her wayward thoughts on lust-driven hormones. I can live with that, she mused with a sigh as they approached and the ripped, corded muscles of both men’s forearms rippled as they pulled back on their reins. Her face heated as she wondered if those lean muscles would bunch if either man swung his arm and cracked his palm against her butt.

Crap, pull your mind out of the gutter. There are people around.

The first words out of Devin’s mouth cooled the rush of heat their nearness evoked, his sharp tone once again laced with censure.

“You were supposed to stay off your ankle today.”

A deeper blush stole over her face as the eyes of strangers shifted her way, his cool reprimand rubbing her the wrong way. Tightening her hands on the reins, she replied evenly, “I am off it. Can’t you see I’m sitting down?”

“Devin.?? Greg nudged his horse between Devin and Kelsey. “Go on in. I’ll follow with Kelsey.” He waited until the group was out of earshot before turning to Tom. “How far did you get with lessons?”

Tom reached over and patted her arm. “She’s got a good seat and has steering down perfect. Just needs practice before she can take Cleo any faster than a walk.”

Kelsey nodded. “There. Tell that to Mr. Grumpy. And, my ankle is fine.”

“Good to hear.” Before she realized his intent, Greg moved alongside her and plucked her from the saddle, settling her in front of him on his massive beast of a ride without breaking a breath. “If you’ll take Cleo back, I’ll give Kelsey a faster ride on in.”

Saluting his boss, Tom grabbed Cleo’s reins and waved as he trotted behind the other riders. The dizzying effect of being transferred from one horse to another with such ease and speed cleared Kelsey’s head as Greg wrapped one thick arm around her waist and pressed her back against his wide chest. With her butt nestled against his groin, another sensation took hold, this one more to her liking. Wiggling her hips, she turned her head enough to grin up at him, catching his frown from under the rim of his hat.

“I like this seat much better.” She meant the flippant remark as a tease, but when the hard, thickness of his cock jerked against her butt, a slew of other possibilities ran through her head.

“Sit still and hold on to the pommel.” His guttural growl sent a frisson of excitement running down her body and her grin widened.

“Why? You’ve got a good hold of me.” Kelsey didn’t know if it was the pleasure of being this close to such a freaking sexy male body or the desire to see Greg smile at her that prodded her into pushing his buttons. Whatever it was, she was enjoying this turn of events in her afternoon.