“It’s not. As for there’s a first time for everything, that’s true about a lot of things, but not me failing to ensure your safety. But it does apply to this scene.

Avery’s eyes turned wary as Grayson issued an up gesture using two fingers above her right knee, but she obeyed the silent command without balking. Wrapping the end of the strap right above her knee, he fashioned a loop by velcroing it closed and then brought the strap around her shoulders, lifting her bent leg up to her chest as he went, gesturing for her to raise her left leg to meet the opposite end.

“Sheesh,” she muttered in consternation after he bound her other leg in the same folded back and out position.

Standing between her splayed legs, he offered a token to ease her embarrassment. “Between the dim lighting and my position, it’ll be difficult for anyone to get as close a look at your pretty pussy and uplifted ass as me.” He ran his hands over her quivering thighs until her tight grip on the lines eased and she strained towards him with a tiny whimper. “There you go, sugar. Breathe.” As soon as she inhaled, he removed the plug and tossed it aside. “So fucking wet,” he growled, thrusting two fingers into her sopping pussy and swiveling them around until they were well-lubed with her juices.

“Oh, God.” Avery’s eyes flew from his face down between her splayed legs as she watched him pull his fingers from her vagina and slowly breach her back orifice, prepping her dark channel for his cock using her own abundant cream.

“Bear down and don’t tense up. I’ll go slow, and only so far. I know what I’m doing, Avery,” Grayson assured her with a light caress down the inside of her left thigh.

She nodded on a long exhale and didn’t shy away from watching him release his cock and sheath himself in a lubed condom. Pulling his fingers from her ass, he reached for her right hand and brought it down to her gaping pussy. “Finger yourself as I take you.” He didn’t give her time to think or balk at the order as he pushed two of her fingers inside her while fisting his shaft and working into her puckered rear entrance. Avery bit her lip, zeroed in on her clit as he pressed forward, filling her with half his length before pausing and then retreating until just his cock head remain buried inside her snug rectum.

“Sir… Master Grayson… please,” she whispered, lifting eyes drenched in need up to his face.

“Tug on your clit and keep tugging as I fuck you.” Grayson’s breathing grew as harsh as Avery’s as he jabbed back and forth inside her tight ass, feeling the small contractions in her pussy through the thin wall separating her fingers and his invading cock. As hot as her pussy, her ass gripped his girth with spasmodic clutches, her mewling cries and arching hips pushing him past the point of slowing down after a few, shallow thrusts. Clasping her buttocks, he lifted her hips higher to meet his deeper, faster plunges, all the while her fingers plucking nonstop at her swollen, crimson bud, her juices dribbling down her crack to aid in his possession.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Grayson ground out, wishing he could have made this last longer as he spewed his climax into the condom and saw stars. He heard Avery’s cry of release, felt it rippling along his cock even with the barrier between the orifices, and swore nothing had ever come close to rivaling the sensations her climax pulled from him.

Avery leaned on The Barn’s bathroom counter, hardly recognizing herself in the mirror. With her thick, unruly hair falling around her face and shoulders in a tangled mess and her face, neck and upper part of her chest exposed by the open buttons on Grayson’s silk shirt flushed and damp, she looked… ravished. Heck, she mused, with the muscles lining her rectum and pussy still contracting and her body still pulsating, she felt ravished. But that wasn’t what had prompted her hasty dash from the loft and into the restroom as soon as Master Grayson had released the binding strap she could still feel wrapped around her shoulders, holding her knees up and out, leaving her exposed in a lewd, decadent position.

Shaking her head, Avery wondered why she hadn’t seen her downfall coming. Tonight wasn’t the first time he had maintained his stern dominance and need for control while that inner core of protectiveness and decency prompted him to alleviate her insecurities first. But after choosing an apparatus in a secluded corner instead of one out in the open for her initiation into public fucking and anal sex and then easing her embarrassment over her displayed body by shielding her, how could she help taking that last step into falling in love with him?

With her mind whirling from that revelation and her body humming in sated bliss, she didn’t notice someone else entering the bathroom until Cassie’s mocking voice interrupted Avery’s musings and her cold face appeared in the mirror.

“Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in,” she sneered with an insolent look up and down Avery’s disheveled appearance. “Enjoy it while you can, hon, because it won’t last.”

“What are you talking about, Cassie?” Avery managed to ask with a semblance of calm despite her racing heart. It was no wonder the woman had few friends as she rarely offered any friendly overtures to females, only men.

The attractive blonde snorted and shook her head, crossing her arms in front of her. “Shit, you can’t be that stupid, can you? Do you honestly think a man like Master Grayson wants anything more from you than that ass fucking he just gave you? Hell, you’re not even his type. Trust me, you’ll be history soon, just like every submissive who’s come before you and will follow you.”

Avery surprised herself by shooting back, “Like you?” despite the coldness invading her body from the other woman’s cruel taunts.

Cassie laughed and stepped up to the other sink, running her fingers through her long hair. “Oh no, not me. You see, I’m the only one he returns to, time and time again. He can’t get enough of me,” she lied.

Moving toward the door on rubbery legs, Avery dug up enough bravado to toss over her shoulder, “And yet he continues to seek others. Mmm, I wonder why?” I am really liking this new streak of courage I’ve found, she thought as she opened the door with a shaking hand. Too bad her bravery only lasted long enough for her to get away from the other woman. Uncertainty assailed her as soon as she stepped back into the club room and saw Master Grayson leaning against the bar, talking around the toothpick in his mouth, those piercing eyes zeroing in on her with the quick, laser sharpness of a radar beam.

Was Cassie right? Maybe she’d read too much into Grayson’s solicitous attention since she’d come to town, injected too much hope into the signs of caring and concern he’d been lavishing on her. She’d never felt at ease around men like most women did or was good at reading them. Just look at what an idiot she’d been with Darren. Why hadn’t she remembered that hard-learned lesson these past few weeks?

Avery could tell the moment he read something on her face that drew his suspicions. Pushing away from the bar, he said something to Caden before striding toward her, nailing her in place with an unbreakable, intent stare. Wiping her clammy hands down the sides of his silk shirt, she pressed her bare toes into the wood floor, tried calming her ratcheting pulse and struggled to hold herself in check and prevent him from seeing anything else.

Fisting his hands on his hips as he reached her, Grayson cocked his head, asking, “Everything all right, sugar?”

Remembering his accurate astuteness, she answered with as much honesty as possible at the moment. “I’m a bit… overwhelmed right now, with all this,” she waved a hand around the room, “along with everything else I’m trying to work out in my life.”

Master Grayson nodded but his eyes remained sharp and assessing. “Understandable. Do you want to head back to my place now, or would you rather visit more with Nan and Sydney?”

Avery blinked rapidly against the moisture blurring her vision. Damn the man, why did it have to be someone so unattainable who did it for her in every way she’d ever dreamed, and ways she never imagined? “I’ll stay. I know you’re needed at the bar now.”

“I am, but there are always exceptions allowed for needy subs. Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.” She smiled, not wanting to appear needy.

“Then come keep me company.” He frowned as Cassie came through the foyer door an

d flicked Avery a smug look before beaming at Grayson as she walked by.