Yes, now… now… now They splintered apart together, their groans mingling, their slick bodies straining as they toppled over the precipice into blinding ecstasy. As she lay shivering under him, Avery wondered when, or if her response to his controlling possession would ever lessen. God, she hoped not.

“Come on, sugar. We need to get going.” After giving her a soft kiss, Grayson pushed off her, yanked her out of bed and swatted her ass. “Into the shower. I’ll bring you in a cup of coffee.”

Avery rubbed her butt as she padded toward the bathroom, looking back over her shoulder to see him strolling out, his jeans left opened, a small smile curling his mouth. Her heartbeat kicked up, and she found herself in the precarious position of teetering on the edge of falling in love. Yesterday, he’d told her his digging had revealed Darren and Chad had been questioned by IA, that small tidbit offering her the first ray of hope since she’d fled Chicago. But now the thought of leaving Willow Springs, and Master Grayson dimmed that beckoning brightness.

Shaking her head at her growing, contrary dilemma, she slipped into the bathroom, praying her heart stayed intact in the upcoming days.

Grayson pulled his gaze away from Avery where she sat wearing nothing but his black silk shirt and her glasses, twisting on the barstool to face Dan as he took the seat next to him. The activities already taking place in The Barn didn’t command his attention as much as she continued to do. Watching her had become his favorite pastime, even when she was doing something mundane, such as talking to Sydney and Nan at a table a few feet away, her soft face showing less strain, those whiskey eyes sparkling with the humor portrayed by her smiling mouth.

“Anything new?” Dan asked with a lift of one brow as he glanced from Grayson to Avery.

“No. I did a little more snooping today but couldn’t pick up any movement by Chicago IA toward Avery.”

“But that doesn’t mean they’re not,” the lawyer finished for him.

“I know and I can only dig so deep without sending up red flags. I’m tempted to agree to Avery’s suggestion she hack into their personal finances.”

“I wouldn’t do that, at least not yet,” Dan advised. “One, they’re sure to catch wind of it and two, anything she found couldn’t be used against them. Best to give it more time, see if IA goes so far as getting a warrant to do the same thing.”

“Are you two talking about Avery’s scumbag, crooked cop?” Caden asked as he joined them from behind the bar.

“You know?” Surprise colored Grayson’s voice.

Caden nodded toward the three girls. “She told Sydney and Nan the other day and gave Syd the okay to tell me. Given my girl’s experience with being on the run, Sydney said Avery seemed relieved to have it out in the open.”

Avery had kept that conversation from him, which was no big deal, Grayson admitted. So why did it rub him the wrong way, as if she still wasn’t comfortable speaking openly with him about any and everything like he wanted her to be? “That’s good,” he murmured, taking the beer Caden handed him. “How’s Con? Still cranky?”

“Not as much.” Caden shrugged. “He knows he screwed up going after cattle thieves by himself, without backup or telling anyone what he was up to, and how much worse it could have been.” Concern clouded his friend’s blue eyes. “I sure hope he doesn’t end up with permanent damage to that shoulder.”

“He’s tough and determined,” Dan put in. “He won’t let a gunshot injury keep him down for long. I hear the clinic’s hired a physical therapist, so maybe he won’t have to drive into Billings for therapy.”

“Let’s hope.” Caden sighed before cocking his head at Grayson. “So, you’re pitting yourself against two crooked Chicago cops?”

Scowling, Grayson replied in a deep rumble, “Fucking A, I’ll go up against the whole Chicago police force if I have to.”

Shaking his head with a smirk, the rancher who should know stated, “They slip under your radar when you least expect it.” Caden reached across the bar and slapped Grayson on the shoulder. “Welcome to the downfallen, buddy.”

“Shit.” Dan hopped off the stool. “Keep away from me, both of you. Whatever is going around, I want no part of it.” He took off, stopping at a sofa where two unattached subs sat and held out both hands to them.

“Lucky bastard,” Grayson commented when the girls accepted his invitation to play.

“So are you and I.”

Looking back at Caden and then over at Avery and Sydney, Grayson nodded in agreement. “Damn right. I’ll be back to relieve you in an hour.”

“No hurry. Have fun.”

He intended to. Reaching the table, he snatched Avery’s hand and pulled her up, raising one brow as she wobbled and leaned into him. Her face reddened, likely from the sudden shift of the larger plug he had inserted before leaving the house. “Please excuse us, ladies.”

With a breathless laugh he loved, Avery recovered enough to stutter behind him as he dragged her toward the stairs. “Wh… where… are you hauling me?”

“Upstairs.” Turning his head around halfway up, he inquired with a small smile, “Do you have a problem with that?”

Her reciprocating grin lit up her face. “Nope, not in the least.”

“I love your eagerness, sugar.” Grayson led her to the corner swing where he’d first introduced her to bondage. Dropping her hand, he ordered her to strip as he reached for the long strap dangling on a hook in the wall behind the webbed contraption. Seeing her standing there naked, her eyes darting around the loft to check who might be watching as she fidgeted with her fingers, he nodded in approval. “Excellent.” Clasping her soft waist, he lifted her onto the swing and smiled when the apparatus rocked and she made a frantic grab for the lines attaching it to the ceiling. “Relax. I haven’t let you fall yet, have I?”

“There’s a first time for everything. This thing feels so flimsy.”