Chad leaned forward, bracing his arms on the table, his eyes darting around before he snapped in a low voice, “Did you know Avery hasn’t contacted her guardian in Florida since the day she walked off the job and disappeared even though her supervisor told me she left because of a family crisis?”

Closing his eyes, Darren counted to ten to get his anger under control. Opening them again, he whispered back in disbelief, “Please tell me you weren’t stupid enough to call Marci Devers again. I told you to let me handle her.”

“It wasn’t so stupid since I found that out, now was it? We both know Avery is hiding, just as you must realize she’s smart enough to hack any information she might go looking for, info that could send us to jail for a long fucking time, partner.” Chad leaned back and grabbed his drink, tossing back the half-full glass of scotch in one gulp.

Darren shook his head. “Look, just chill until after the sting goes down tomorrow night. We’ve busted our asses to take down this ring, and the stash we might

grab from it will add a nice cushion to our accounts. Then we can talk about hunting her down. Until then, let her lie low a little longer. She’s such a fucking coward over everything, I’m not worried in the least she’ll do an about face and get up the nerve to turn to an illegal activity like hacking just because of one anomaly between a witness and the evidence we turned in.” His tone turned smug as he stated with confidence, “Odds are, as I’ve said, she’s probably more upset over the possibility I was using her than by anything illegal she thinks I may have done. She fell for every line I fed her without questioning my sudden interest or even considering I may have an ulterior motive for sleeping with her.”

“I’m not a risk taker, partner. After tomorrow night, we go after her.” Tossing down a few bills, Chad stood and stalked out without another word or a backward glance, leaving Darren to wonder if it was time to end their lucrative thefts, and their friendship.

Willow Springs

Avery made it through her busy shift on Friday with just one clumsy stumble and one tray mishap that resulted in a spilled glass of water. That was quite a feat, she surmised, given her frustration level and the unaccustomed sensations teasing the bare flesh of her labia every time her panties brushed against the newly exposed skin. She had no idea why she had obeyed Grayson’s order to insert the beads for thirty minutes each day the past four days and shaved her pubic hair that morning, or why she’d held back from getting herself off and relieving the constant ache his devious commands had resulted in. It wasn’t like it would be the first time she’d resorted to attaining her own pleasure due to a lack of other options. But something inside her stilled her hand every night as she’d lain in bed quivering after removing the tormenting objects. Grayson’s face etched with disappointment kept popping up, his deep voice laced with disapproval intruding on the dark silence.

He’d done her a huge favor weeks ago, when she’d been so desperate, afraid and alone. That favor had led her here, to him and the other wonderful people whose friendship now brightened her days. But this new, contented feeling couldn’t last, she knew that. When Grayson had asked her what she’d been thinking as she’d sat in front of the fireplace at the ranch following their ride, she’d been remembering the rent payment coming due at her apartment, wondering about who had taken over her job and if anyone missed her, and desperately wishing she wasn’t such a coward.

There had been something about the way he’d gazed down at her from where she’d been kneeling, as well as the way he’d taken her over the minute she stepped into his office the other day that settled something inside Avery she hadn’t been aware needed calming before she could reveal both how he knew her and her troubles. Whatever the unnamed emotion was, it opened her up to taking that final step toward giving him her complete trust. Tonight, when they left the club, she would reveal who she was, and enlist his advice on how to get back home safely.

“No broken dishes tonight. There’s hope for you yet, girl.” Gertie’s gruff voice coming up behind Avery made her jump. “Even with your head in the clouds,” she grumbled as she reached for an order.

“I’m not a total lost cause,” Avery returned with a smile. She’d grown fond of her brusque employer who kept her on her toes.

“I would say not.” Ed winked at her as he set another steaming plate on the ledge separating them. “At least Gertie is giving credit where it’s due. That’s a plus.”

“You.” Gertie pointed at Avery. “Clock out. I saw the sheriff pull up and I’m assuming he’s here for you and not my food. And you.” She glared at Ed. “Get me that fried chicken order. We’ve got a line forming.”

Guilt forced Avery to offer, “I can stay, if you need me. It’s no problem.”

“Shoo, girl. I’ve got all the help I need. It’s just a matter of keepin’ ‘em goin’.”

Grayson walked in just then, sealing her fate with one look at his face. Dressed in his usual black shirt, jeans, Stetson and coat, he looked every inch the rugged, cowboy lawman as well as the dominant Master ready to put her through her paces. As usual, a warm rush traveled through Avery just from one glance out of those piercing eyes. She only prayed he still regarded her with such intense promise after tonight.

“Hi.” Coming around the counter, she said, “All I need to do is grab a change of clothes and I’ll be ready.”

“Don’t bother,” he replied, taking her elbow with one hand and snatching her jacket off the coat rack with the other as he steered her toward the door. “You won’t stay dressed for long once we get to the club, so I can excuse your jeans.”

She looked up at him as he held open the passenger side door of his SUV. “I honestly don’t know what to say to that.”

“Good. Get in.”

The man knew how to rattle her while at the same time putting her in a state of heated anticipation. He spoke of mundane topics, such as their continued search for the rustlers and how well his office and staff were functioning with the updates she’d done; and distracting her from where they were headed and what they would be doing by placing one large hand on her thigh, close enough to her crotch to keep her focused on his not-so-innocent touch.

As he pulled to a stop at The Barn and turned off the engine, Grayson turned to her with a complete change in conversation and demeanor. “Did you insert the beads every day, as I instructed?”

Grateful for the darkened interior, Avery flushed and nodded. “Yes, and that wasn’t very nice of you.”

“No, but necessary.”

She followed him inside, wondering at the dark edge to his tone, the one that sent a shiver of unease trickling down her spine while her pussy clenched in a spasm of damp awareness. As soon as they entered, Cassie waylaid them before they could reach the bar and Avery didn’t understand the cold glare the other woman gave her before a sly look came into her eyes as she shifted them to Grayson.

“I see the newbie still hasn’t learned the dress code. I guess you’ll be delivering her punishment, won’t you, Master Grayson?”

“Since my guest is dressed as I instructed, no. Excuse us, Cassie.” Grayson’s frown and the icy bite in his voice sent Cassie back a step.

Avery couldn’t remember when a man had ever stood up for her, and the warm glow she experienced as Master Grayson escorted her away from the disgruntled shrew had nothing to do with arousal and everything to do with a pop of pure happiness. When they reached the bar, he lifted her by the waist onto a stool next to Sydney and ordered a light beer for her from Caden, who was bartending.

“Visit with Sydney for five minutes. I’ll be right back.”