Avery couldn’t think about anything except easing the ache he’d caused as Master Grayson escorted her back downstairs, and wondered how far he planned to take her, and where and how. Despite her desperate need for relief, getting stripped and fucked in public left her uncomfortable, at least more so than others she’d witnessed tonight who appeared to enjoy the exhibitionism as much as their orgasms. But she swore she’d combust if he didn’t end her torment soon.

Which was why she was both confused and disappointed as he led her toward the front doors, saying, “I’ll walk you out. I’ve given you a lot to think about tonight, a lot to decide before I take you further.”

Okay, damn it, that made sense, and was considerate of him. Damn it again. Still, she ached and didn’t relish going it alone, not after having his hands on her all night. Of course, she wouldn’t tell him that.

“Thank you. I had a good time.”

He must have read something on her face because his lips quirked, and his eyes crinkled with humor. “Don’t fret, Avery. I’m not going anywhere yet. Drive safely.”

Once again, she resisted the urge to look back as she drove out of the parking lot, her mind at odds with her body’s cravings.

On Saturday, Avery learned how fast word spread in a small town when Bill Wojick, the barber asked for her assistance in updating his computer with new software when she waited on him at the diner. After agreeing to stop by the next day, Harvey Loggins, who owned the feed store, waylaid her to inquire about setting up his accounts online.

“It’s time I quit fighting it and get on board with paying my suppliers and other bills online,” Harvey sighed, the disgruntled look crossing his weathered face a sign he wasn’t happy about twenty-first century technology.

Avery patted his shoulder while refilling his iced tea. “I promise, it won’t hurt for long,” she teased.

They thrilled her with their requests and the opportunities to use her mind and skills again. Her job logging evidence onto the computer had just been a stepping stone while waiting for an opening in the precinct’s IT department, but she’d often done personal side jobs, keeping up with the rapid changes and honing her talents. When Caden and Sydney entered without Grayson, both her smile and lighter heart faltered, making her

realize she’d been keeping one eye on the front for his usual appearance.

“Hi,” she greeted them once they took their seats in a corner booth. It took every ounce of willpower not to ask about the sheriff, but that’s where her strength ended. She tried and failed to keep from wondering if he was already at the club enjoying someone more experienced, ready and willing to indulge him in all his kinks. How he’d known just how far to push her the last two weeks she didn’t have a clue, but at the time had appreciated. Now, not so much. She didn’t care for the images in her head or the tightness around her chest they caused.

“Hey.” Sydney returned her smile with a puzzled look in her eyes. “I didn’t get a chance to talk with you much last night or see you leave. Everything go okay?”

“Uh, sure.” Avery shrugged. “Some things take time getting used to.”

Caden smirked. “You could take lessons from Syd. She caught on real quick.”

“Would’ve been quicker if you hadn’t been so stubborn,” she muttered.

Avery enjoyed their easy banter with each other; it was obvious how happy the two were. Another pang clutched at her chest. At one time, she’d imagined herself that happy with Darren. Just how pathetic did that make her? “Just the two of you this evening?” she asked, hoping her desire to hear about Grayson wasn’t obvious.

“Just us and I’ll take the chili even if it’s not as good as Sydney’s,” Caden answered. It hadn’t taken Avery long to hear what an awesome cook Sydney was and how much the Dunbar hired hands adored both her and the meals she prepared for them. “If you’d like, I’ll open the doors at The Barn to let you in after you get off tonight,” he offered, eyeing her with a probing look similar to those Master Grayson gave her.

Must be a Dom thing, Avery mused, shifting her gaze away from his. “Thanks, but I’m more than ready to rest by the time I leave here.” He didn’t need to know that wasn’t the entire reason she turned down his invitation, or even the mitigating factor. Despite mentioning taking her further and that he wasn’t going anywhere yet, she hadn’t heard from Grayson all day. Since she couldn’t imagine herself submitting to anyone but him and wanted no one else except the sheriff, there would be no point in exposing herself to the potential embarrassment and heartache of entering the club only to see him with someone else.

“Sydney, do you know what you would like?” Poised with her pen above the pad, she prayed her friend wouldn’t push for more.

Sydney nodded, her green-eyed gaze both shrewd and knowing. “I’ll have the same, thanks. What are you doing tomorrow?”

Taking their menus, Avery breathed a sigh of relief at the change of subject. “No plans yet. Why?”

“It’s supposed to reach a balmy forty degrees by two o’clock and Caden promised I could accompany him and Connor on their afternoon ride to check on the herd. I’m told the weather is due to take a turn for the worse anytime, so I want to take advantage of any outdoor time I can clock. Come along,” she invited with a coaxing smile.

“Oh, I couldn’t,” Avery answered with a shake of her head. “I’ve never been on a horse. Heck, I’ve never even owned a pet of any kind.”

“You can ride up with Con. He’ll enjoy the company. One o’clock.” Caden’s low, insistent voice and direct, blue gaze added to the unwavering resolve she heard behind the casual words.

“Okay, I’ll go. Leave me directions.” She ripped off a page from her notepad and laid it on the table. “I’ll get your order turned in.” Maybe the excursion would keep her mind off Grayson, and the growing ache for more from her dominant caller.

Grayson leaned against the end of the bar, his current mood as dour as a late spring snow warning. He’d been nursing the same drink since he arrived at The Barn an hour ago, and now the lukewarm whiskey had lost its appeal. He found the loud music as annoying as the interested looks aimed his way from willing submissives. He should have stayed home, or better yet, waited until Avery’s next evening off and then issued another invitation for her to accompany him.

The temptation to pull her secrets from her was as strong as the one prodding him to fuck her. Yet, he refused to indulge either her or himself until she trusted him enough to open up about herself. He could do a little discreet digging on his own, run her license plates for one thing, but wouldn’t take that backstabbing route unless she left him no choice. Betraying her now would undo everything he’d accomplished the last two weeks.

“Heads up,” Connor murmured from behind the bar, his blue eyes on someone behind Grayson. “Cassie is making a beeline straight for you.”

“Fucking A,” Grayson growled, snapping his toothpick in half when he bit down on it. He was in no mood to deal with the pushy, clinging sub. Removing the splintered pieces, he tossed them down and fished another one out of his shirt pocket and stuck it in his mouth. He’d picked up the habit in the military-it had given him something to do with his mouth while struggling to keep silent and still while holed up on some Godforsaken hill, watching for insurgents.