“You tell me.”

“I needed a change, is all. My job… I wasn’t happy there anymore.”

Grayson moved to her other breast, toying with that nipple as he said, “From your computer skills, I’m guessing you weren’t waitressing.”

Avery paused long enough to push into his exploring hand with a small shudder before replying, “No, I… I’m a certified IT tech.”

It should make him happy she was talking, but instead he found himself frustrated by the bits and pieces she kept tossing out with the evasive replies. Deciding it might be best not to push her for more answers tonight, he nudged her up from his lap. “We’ve hidden behind here long enough

. Come on.”

Snatching her hand, Grayson led her around the half wall and toward the bar, surprised to see Dan filling drink orders instead of Connor, who usually took the early shift bar tending until later in the evening, when he was ready to play. Ever since his breakup with Annie, though, Connor had been spending more and more time behind the bar and less time with a sub.

“A little early for you to be taking over, isn’t it?” he asked Dan as he slid onto a stool, pulling Avery in front of him and caging her in between him and the bar top.

“Connor’s a no-show tonight. But I’m good. Caden will relieve me in an hour when you’re up for monitor upstairs,” Dan reminded him.

Grayson nodded, removing the toothpick as Dan set his usual whiskey in front of him. “Got it. Thanks.”

“You look like you could use a drink, Avery. What can I get you?” The lawyer’s dark eyes missed nothing as he took in her flustered appearance and distended nipples.

“A light beer, thanks.” She squirmed against Grayson, shifting her eyes away from the knowing glint in Dan’s assessing gaze. Smart girl to suspect the other Dom knew about and might have caught a glimpse of her first spanking.

Grayson pressed his arm against her lower abdomen, pulling her ass against his pelvis, her soft buttocks providing a nice cushion for his erection. After taking a sip of his drink, he turned her face to meet his mouth and let her taste the liquor on his tongue. She sank into the kiss, her hands clutching his forearm as he took his time exploring the inner recesses of her mouth, their teeth gnashing as he went deeper with it.

The clank of Dan setting the beer bottle down drew them apart, the return of Avery’s glazed expression leaving Grayson satisfied. “Take a drink, sugar. I agree with Master Dan. You look like you could use it.”

Grabbing the bottle, she gulped down a hefty swallow, her eyes watering from the long drink. Dan chuckled and reached over to give her hair a friendly yank. “I don’t think you need to worry about this one hiding what she’s thinking, or feeling, Master Grayson.”

No, just everything personal about herself and her past, he thought. “She can be an expressive little sub,” he returned, not surprised to see that cute frown appear between her eyes. Those small signs of irritated rebellion against an observation by him or someone else contradicted the way Avery continued to cower away from verbally revealing too much about herself. He liked that spark of fire as much as he disliked her reticence about her past. Time to test that fiery streak and work on knocking down a few more barriers.

Reaching up, he lowered the narrow strap of her camisole until the scooped, lace-trimmed neckline snagged on her nipple. “Problem, sugar?” he taunted, pinning her other hand down on the bar top as she attempted to readjust it.

Avery bit her lip, indecision written clearly on her face as her eyes flickered between him and Dan. “I’m right here, you know,” she returned, her peevish tone at odds with the consternation she exhibited over her potential public exposure.

“Yes, we can see that, and want to see more.” Grayson nodded to Dan who took over shackling her wrist so he could return his arm around her waist. Figuring she didn’t need another reminder about using the safeword option to stop him, he tugged on the lowered strap, dropping the top and baring her breast. Her deep inhale lifted the enticing, plump mound, her nipple tightening into an even harder pinpoint under his and Dan’s gazes.

“Very pretty, Master Grayson.” Dan followed his compliment with a wink at Avery as he stated, “Thank you for sharing.”

“My pleasure.” Grayson relented under Avery’s heated blush and downcast eyes, lifting her chin to take her mouth again, this time in a softer kiss designed to encourage and put her at ease.

He palmed her breast as he slipped his tongue past her lips, the soft fullness as enticing as her delectable ass. Thumbing her rigid nipple, he swallowed her low moan and relished the way she leaned back against him in surrender. He loved testing a sub’s limits as well as his own, but he’d only just begun with Avery and every time he touched her, he felt his control slip another notch. The urge to take, possess and ravish kept growing stronger instead of lessening the more he was with her. And fucking A but he wanted answers, both to what she was running from and to ending the constant nagging sense of familiarity continuing to plague him.

Master Grayson released Avery’s mouth, leaving her lips to tingle along with her nipple. She couldn’t recall doing anything as difficult as sitting there with her breast bared to two men, and anyone else mingling around who happened to glance their way. She also couldn’t think of anything in her sexual experience that had been as erotic or as arousing as her current exposed state or the men’s eyes on her nakedness and Master Grayson’s hand on her flesh. This time when he scraped a nail over her nipple, the absence of the thin satin resulted in an electric charge zinging straight down between her legs. She shook from the instant pleasure, biting her lip to swallow a low moan begging for release.

Master Dan moved away to serve someone else, which helped ease her tension and get her mind off Master Grayson’s earlier personal questions. When he touched her, she forgot everything, including what was at stake if she revealed too much too soon. What if Sheriff Monroe refused to cross the blue line after she told him about Darren, or started checking into her allegations and Darren or his partner found out? What if he stood by the law instead of by her if she admitted to hacking to show him her proof? She shuddered to think what would happen in either case.

Picking up her beer, she took a sip, but the cold brew did nothing to counteract the heat of Master Grayson’s hand casually exploring her breast.

“What are you thinking?” he whispered in her ear, kneading the full softness of her left breast. The activity and sounds resonating around the room fell to the wayside under the rising tide of arousal until he sank his teeth into her earlobe. The sharp nip distracted her as much as his hand until he demanded, “Avery, answer me.”

The whole truth, or a portion of it? She made the decision to err on the side of caution and went with door number two. “I don’t like how easily I answered your personal questions earlier.” Which was true, she didn’t, but had to admit he didn’t push very hard or for much.

“Sugar, you are anything but easy.” With a sigh, he covered her breast and she twisted on his lap enough to watch his tanned throat work as he tossed back the rest of his drink. “It’s my turn to monitor upstairs. Come keep me company.”

“Okay,” she agreed, thrilled he still wanted her company and with the chance to learn more about him by watching him work without his distracting touch. Little did she know how good he was at doing two things at once.

Over the next hour, Master Grayson kept Avery close to his side as he alternated between strolling around the lofts on both sides of the barn and leaning against a wall to observe in silence, all the while never wasting a chance to brush his fingers over her nipples or trail his hand down her thigh, stopping to press against her mons. She discovered he liked nipping along her neck, hard enough to sting and make her gasp with a delicate shiver. As if she hadn’t already suspected, she learned he enjoyed a butt fetish and didn’t miss an opportunity to fondle her cheeks or trail one finger in between, pushing the material of her skirt and panties to rub against her anus. Avery still couldn’t get over the surprising tingles of pleasure those touches produced. By the time his shift as monitor ended, he’d reduced her to a quaking mass of edgy, pulsing arousal, leaving her nipples aching and her swollen pussy needy.