“Deal,” she readily agreed, deciding it wouldn’t be her fault if he failed to get anywhere with her. The closest she’d come to relaxing enough to let go with a pleasurable release were the times Darren’s frustration with her in the bedroom had brought out his take-charge attitude. His succinct ‘flip over’ or ‘ride me’ commands had enabled her to shove aside worries over whether she was pleasing him or doing something he didn’t like. Those few times always left her wondering if her orgasm would have been stronger if his focus hadn’t then switched to himself and his pleasure.

“Then we’ll start with something simple. Tell me what you’re wearing.”

She glanced down with a grimace at her baggy jeans and plain pink tee shirt. Well, he did insist on honesty. “Nothing exciting, I’m afraid. Just jeans and a tee.”

“Clothes don’t need to be sexy or tantalizing. It’s how you obey my instructions on getting out of them that will please me. Are you wearing a bra, panties? You didn’t mention those.”

Avery frowned at the light note of censure behind his last statement. “I wasn’t aware you wanted every item.”

“And now you are. If I were there with you, you would have earned five swats for the sarcasm I heard in your defensive voice.”

Swats? “As in spanking?” she squeaked, a sudden rise of heat covering her face. He must have been joking.

“As in.”

“You can’t be serious,” she returned, still unsure over whether or not he was putting her on.

“As a heart attack, sugar. But since I don’t have that discipline option, watch your tone if you want this to continue,” he warned, his tone now lacking all humor.

Oh, wow. She was more out of her depth now than when she’d first taken his call, only in a better way financially, she mused, surprised at how much time she’d already clocked on this call. Doing the math in her head, she figured she could get through anything he ordered without balking as long as he was willing to stay on the line.

“Sorry,” she replied. “This is all so… strange.” That truth was an easy admittance.

“Good girl. Your honesty pleases me.” Warm approval softened his tone, but her delicate shiver in response to his voice remained the same. “Now, finish telling me what you’re wearing.”

“A bra and panties. No shoes or socks, no jewelry.” There, that should cover all possibilities.

“Excellent. Remove your top without setting the phone down.”

Even knowing she was alone, Avery couldn’t keep from casting a quick glance around the room and then toward the curtain-covered window. “I’ll try,” she stated, cocking her head until the phone sat pressed between her shoulder and ear. Pulling her arms through the sleeves, she maneuvered the shirt over the right side of her head and then grabbed the phone with her right hand before shaking the tee down and off her left arm. “There! I did it!” she exclaimed with a pant, rather proud of herself.

His low chuckle drew goosebumps of pleasure along her arms. “You have potential, sugar. That also pleases me. Describe your bra.”

The inherent demand in his voice kept her from asking what he meant by the word potential. Since she didn’t want to risk him hanging up, she shoved aside her curiosity to keep him talking. Remembering his insistence on the truth, she replied, “I hate to disappoint you, but it’s plain white, nothing fancy, no padding.” She injected humor behind her next words. “That’s what you get for demanding honesty.”

“Your ceding to my demands turns me on more than what you’re wearing. Remove it and describe your breasts.”

“You want me to talk about my own breasts?” Avery never imagined herself doing such a thing, but then, she also never dreamed she would be conversing like this with a stranger.

“Since I can’t see them, yes.” When she hesitated, he added, “Remember, your job is to excite me.”

Avery blew out a breath and shrugged out of her bra. Her nipples beaded from the brush of cool exposure, or maybe because of the tremors his deep voice induced. She’d never experienced such a strong effect from a man, let alone from the deep timbre of his voice. Add in his air of authority and sex-backed demands that seemed to stir something new, exciting and a touch unnerving deep inside her and was it any wonder her body perked up and took notice?

“I’m waiting.”

Guilt sluiced through Avery. He was kind enough to instruct her at a high financial cost to him, she shouldn’t push her luck or his generosity. “Sorry. I’m not sure what to say. I’m a size thirty-four C, and fair skinned.”

“Very good. Is your skin pale all over, or do you never sunbathe topless?”

A giggle burst free. She would have to gain a ton of courage before she’d ever be brave enough to parade outside showing more than a hint of cleavage. “Both, and since I don’t draw a lot of male appreciation, I’ve never imagined doing anything so risqué. Besides, it’s too cold outside.”

“Don’t bring practicality into it; that’s a sure way to lose your caller’s interest.” He grew quiet again, and she held her breath. When he spoke, his next instruction cut off her sigh of relief. “And your nipples? Describe them, please.” Despite the polite phrasing, his words still came through as a command.

“Uh, they’re pale pink, not small but not big either.” Damn, this wasn’t easy, she thought, wondering about his reaction to that vague description.

Avery quit worrying when he said, “I would enjoy fucking your breasts, stroking between the fleshy mounds as you held them together. Tug on your nipples.”

The erotic image he’d implanted in her head sent another rush of heat over her face, only this time the warmth invaded her pussy, leaving her with another surprising response to question later. As she reached up to pluck her right nub, the stimulating touch added to the cocoon of intimacy he’d drawn around her with his smooth, deep voice. Avery no longer heard the night traffic outside the window or the loud voices coming from the adjoining room, only the deep timbre of his voice and the staccato thumping of her heart.