Again, Avery sensed an underlying meaning behind his comment, but as Lobo stood again and opened his mouth, it took every ounce of her willpower and nerve to hold her hand steady. “Oh!” she exclaimed as he took the bone with careful slowness, his black eyes glued to her instead of the tasty peace offering. She waited until he settled back down and started gnawing before looking at Grayson with a wide smile and sense of accomplishment. “You were right.”

“I usually am, sugar. Come on, you’re shivering.” He led her up to the house, saying, “I’ve set my computer in front of the fireplace since I don’t imagine your car puts out much heat.”

Avery stopped at the threshold and gave him a quizzical look. “How do you do that? See beyond what’s in front of you?”

“A tour overseas taught me a lot about not relying on only what was visible. Besides, your car is a piece of crap so that was a logical deduction.”

Warmth stemming as much from entering Grayson’s heated home as enjoying his company spread through Avery. Although he still wore a cloak of authority like a second skin, he appeared more approachable and less intense in this cozy environment than he had at the sex-charged club. To dispel the desire his presence stirred, she let him slip her coat off and asked, “What’s the problem with your PC?” Looking across the spacious great room, she saw the desktop sitting on a small table by the floor-to-ceiling stone fireplace blazing with yellow/orange flames of crackling heat.

“It’s slower than molasses and getting worse. It also shuts down when I’m in the middle of something.” Waving his arm toward the computer, he said, “Help yourself while I fix some hot chocolate. I left my password written next to it.”

She nodded, now eager to get started on the challenge. After spending so much time alone since fleeing Chicago, she enjoyed the daily interaction with people her job at the diner afforded her, but she relished the chance to pit her skills against technology again even more.

Grayson watched Avery settle at the computer, her slim brows lowering into a look of intense concentration as her fingers flew over the keyboard with admirable skill. The only time she paused was to scoot her sliding glasses back up, her face tightening with irritation each time. Even though her eyes had stayed wary, her rise to the challenge of befriending Lobo and unquestioning belief in his promise the wolf wouldn’t hurt her were two more signs of her willingness to submit. Now, if he could just get her to reveal what trouble had landed her here, he could deal with it, and her and then move on without constant, plaguing thoughts interrupting his nights and interfering with his days.

Carrying two mugs of steaming cocoa over to her, he heard her mumble, “Sheesh,” and experienced that same sense of familiarity certain things she did and said always conjured up.

“That bad, huh?” he asked, setting one mug down next to her.

“You have no room to talk about my old car. When was the last time you upgraded?”

Grayson shrugged, settling on the arm of the sofa. “Sorry, I’m computer illiterate and like it that way. I prefer hands on interaction with people.” His mouth quirked as a delicate shiver racked her body. She was smart to read more into some of his words than the obvious.

“Huh. I’ve always been the opposite. Aha – gotcha!” she crowed, delighting him with the beaming smile she flipped him. “I haven’t met a computer yet I couldn’t set straight. You’ll need to download some new programs and upgrades, which will cost you. A new one might be better in the long run.”

“Put on what’s necessary for now and when you have time, maybe you can go with me into Billings to look at them.” Instant hesitancy wiped off her smile, and she glanced away to reach for the mug. He waited until she took a sip and set it down before leaning forward and cupping her chin to turn her face back to him. Holding her still, he covered her mouth with his, kissed her long and deep, and then released her to sit back. “Give me the cost and I’ll put it through when you’re ready,” he stated, letting her know trust was a two-way street.

Avery’s small tongue came out and stroked over her plump, lower lip, a simple gesture made all the more potent by its innocence. Grayson needed space and perspective, in that order. Rising, he nodded toward the hall. “I’ll be in my office, first door on the right.”

It took her another hour, but when she called for him to pay for the upgrades and then showed him how well his computer now ran, he couldn’t help but be impressed. He also couldn’t help wondering what position she held before coming to Willow Springs and watched her closely as he walked her outside, commenting, “You know, sugar, with your skills you could likely land any IT position.” She stiffened against him before reaching for the car door handle and ignoring his observation.

“Thanks for giving me the chance to help you out.”

With his hand on the top of the open door, he waited until she settled behind the wheel before leaning down and expressing his desire to pay her again. “Your time and talent are worth something, Avery. Since you refuse to let me pay you and we only offer one guest pass per person to our club, feel free to return at my expense.” He hardened his voice when he saw the immediate resistance on her face. “I insist.” Shutting the door, he stepped away with a wave and then turned his back on her confused expression.

“I need a favor,” Avery told Sydney a few days later as they sat in Nan’s tea shop for their weekly visit. When Grayson had tossed out his payment of the club entry fee in exchange for the work she’d done on his computer, his look stated louder than the offer that he wanted to be the one to continue her education into kink. Since that was what she wanted also, she needed to show up prepared to stay on his good side, and that meant finding something suitable to wear.

“Sure. What’s up?” Sydney agreed without hesitation.

“Clothes. I only have jeans and tops and need something that will pass the club rules.” She shrugged self-consciously. “I’m not exactly skinny, or sexy and never needed much else in the way of clothing.”

“Master Grayson seemed pleased enough with your figure,” Nan tossed out from behind the counter. “I knew he could entice you into returning.”

“And I sure as heck wouldn’t mind some of your curves.” Sydney’s pointed look at Avery’s chest slid down to her own.

Avery giggled. “To use Nan’s words, Caden seems happy with what you’ve got.”

Sydney’s face brightened. “Yeah, he is. I’m in. We’ll run down to the boutique when we leave here and find something that will knock Master Grayson back a step.”

“Not too far,” Avery chided. “The idea is to keep his attention.”

Concern clouded Nan’s brown eyes. “Enjoy him, Avery, but don’t get attached or read too much into his attention. He’s not the staying type.”

“I disagree,” Sydney argued with a shake of her head. “Caden was a confirmed bachelor before I showed up and now look at us.” She wiggled her glittering ring finger. “I’ve seen the way Grayson watches you, Avery. A hawk couldn’t maintain such intense interest.”

Avery didn’t mention she feared that interest stemmed more from unearthing her secrets than her sexual education into BDSM. She didn’t need Nan’s warning; she knew there was no future for her here, or with a man like the dominating but caring sheriff.

“Like you both have told me, Grayson is a good tutor, and that’s all that is between us. I don’t want to be punished the minute I step inside the club Friday night.” She winced.