“I pinched you to keep you from making a bigger mistake, and to give you a clue as to why she enjoyed nipple pain. I can only bend the rules so much when dealing with someone who has broken protocol. You need to get permission when watching a scene or if a couple is in a strict relationship that extends beyond sex and the Master insists. It’s an unspoken rule to remain silent unless the Dom speaks to you or invites conversation.”

“Sheesh, how many of these unspoken rules are there?” There seemed to be more to this stuff than getting together for a few hours of kinky sex, Avery mused as she dropped her hand from rubbing the offended nub. She looked away from Grayson’s knowing eyes as she dealt with the soft pulsing of her nipple.

“Several.” Grayson pinched her chin and turned her back around. Cocking his head, he asked, “If you’re considering returning, I can go over a few more. Next time, you won’t be given a pass on crossing lines.”

“Like with my clothes?”

He nodded. “Yes, that’s one. Another will be the way you address a Dom. The respectful title is Sir and not using it will earn you a reprimand.”

Avery winced, recalling the painful looking, bright redness of the women’s buttocks downstairs. “Is there like, a pamphlet or something I can study before returning?”

A broad grin split his dark face, the first she’d seen from him, and almost dislodged his toothpick. “No, sugar, all you need is a good Dom to guide you.”

She desperately wanted that to be him, reminding her it wouldn’t do to read more into his attention than warranted. From the little she’d witnessed of his scene with the other woman when she had arrived, he wasn’t stingy with his undivided attention when with someone. As he steered her toward another strange contraption, she tried not to wonder if all his examples would result in pleasant, warm pulsations like the one encompassing her nipple.

Strapped on a wood-slatted A-frame, Nan’s bound arms and legs, along with Master Dan’s tight hold of her hips, rendered the slender brunette immobile and helpless against his rigorous fucking. Their harsh breathing and low grunts accompanied the slap of their pelvises together. Her rigid tipped breasts jiggled with his pounding strokes, her glazed eyes and copious juices coating his sheathed cock sure signs of her pleasure.

“This is our newest acquisition. Nan and Master Dan are demonstrating one way someone can use it.” Grayson reached behind Avery and cupped her buttock, his tight clasp making her jump. “I’d love to see you up there.”

Struggling with his grip of her backside, Avery tried picturing herself in Nan’s position and couldn’t. There was no way she could imagine herself being taken openly in a room full of people even if she couldn’t deny her friend appeared blissfully unaware of her surroundings and seemed entrenched in her partner’s rough possession.

“I think I’ll leave now. I have a lot to consider before I decide whether to return,” she told him even though she already planned on coming back. She couldn’t appease her curiosity and the need he’d stirred inside her tonight if she didn’t, and she still wanted to get to know him better before risking asking for his help with what she knew about Darren and his partner.

Grayson released Avery’s buttock and blood rushed back to the small area, leaving her cheek to throb in tune with her nipple, the dual titillating sensations distracting her from the other couple. He squeezed her hand, his rough palm pressing against her quivering one; a comforting hold no one had offered her before and a balm against the new, rioting sensations he had stirred up.

“I’ll walk you out.” As he escorted her back downstairs, she relished the intimacy of the simple gesture of keeping her close using his tight grip. She couldn’t recall any of the few men she’d dated, including Darren, doing something so simple yet so possessive as hand holding. One more thing that set Grayson apart from other men she’d known.

“Leaving already?” Connor asked as they reached the bar.

“Avery feels she’s seen enough for one night. I’ll be back after I walk her out.”

Connor nodded to Grayson but tipped his hat to Avery. “G’night, sweetie. I hope you come back.”

“Thank you.” Turning to Grayson, Avery said, “You don’t need to trouble yourself. Thank you for your time.”

“It’s no trouble, and I insist.”

Now, why did that deep, authoritative tone affect her with such heat? Avery had been asking herself that question for weeks and still couldn’t come up with an answer. As Grayson helped her on with her coat after she retrieved her shoes, the need to offer a sign of appreciation and willingness to hook up with him again took hold as they stepped outside. She waited until he held her

car door open before saying, “Jenkins. My last name is Jenkins.” What could it hurt to give him her mother’s maiden name? Before her only parent’s passing three years ago, Alice had been married four times, that Avery knew of. It would take some digging to connect the two of them.

His silent, probing look unnerved her until he nodded and replied, “Thank you. If you come back, I’ll take you further, give you more to think about. Drive safe.” He stepped back, removing his body heat and the temptation to return inside and take him up on that offer right now.

Grayson watched until the taillights of Avery’s clunker disappeared. He wondered how she had made it all the way to Montana in the old car and hoped she had the foresight to ensure the engine was sound enough to make the trip. Pivoting, he returned inside before the longing and confusion etched on her face tempted him to follow her and continue his initiation into kink in private. He couldn’t help regretting not getting her number so he could ensure she arrived back in town safely. He shouldn’t be so concerned about her—she was a grown woman, perfectly capable of taking care of herself—and then reminded himself he was the sheriff. Wasn’t it his job to look out for the welfare of the people in his county? Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Monroe, his inner voice chided. A large whiskey, that’s what he needed to get his head back in the game. With his interest centered more on a drink than playing, he didn’t see Cassie’s approach until she waylaid him before he reached the bar.

Remembering the glare she had leveled at Avery from her earlier position over the spanking bench, he was in no mood to deal with the ornery sub’s pushy attempts to get his attention again.

“Master Grayson!” Clutching his arm, Cassie leaned against him, making sure her bare nipples pressed against his bicep. “I’m free now and would love to try the new frame upstairs,” she gushed.

Clenching his jaw, he removed her hand and stepped back. “I don’t appreciate your forwardness, or your rudeness to our guest earlier. Watch your step, Cassie.” He walked away before he could make the mistake of encouraging her bad behavior and possessiveness by dishing out a painful punishment.

Sliding onto a barstool, Grayson ran a hand through his hair before signaling for Connor’s attention. “Pour me a whiskey, would you?”

“Did our little waitress get to you?” Connor reached under the counter for a glass, his eyes reflecting amusement at Grayson’s expense.

“She’s hiding or running from something, and couldn’t be more obvious about it,” he growled in frustration. It didn’t help to have his cock aching to get inside Avery’s body as much as he desired to pull answers from her.

Connor shrugged, pouring a healthy dose of liquor. “None of our business if she is.”