Grabbing her hand, Caden tugged her next to him and cupped her breast, his thumb strumming her nipple. “He’ll spin the wheel and whatever position the flap lands on will be the one we’ll restrain you in on the wagon wheel. Don’t worry, the spokes were sanded smooth to negate the risk of splinters. Now, bend over and grab your ankles. Any time you want to tell us what happened yesterday, say so and we’ll stop.”

Humiliation heated her face, but Sydney refused to utter red, no matter how much that order tempted her to. She didn’t know which disconcerted her the most, bending over or the different prospects awaiting her with the apparatus. Grabbing her ankles, she was grateful for the way her hair shielded her face from what they were doing. She heard the small wheel spin then held her breath as Caden spread her buttocks and inserted a row of greased, cool balls inside her. Unab

le to hold still against the strange invasion, she swayed her hips, the move rolling the foreign objects against the tight walls and ultrasensitive nerves along her rectum.

“What the heck are those things?” she gasped as Caden helped her upright, her entire body quaking from the tiny sparks of pleasure the anal toy produced.

“Vibrating anal beads, but I haven’t turned them on yet.” He glanced at the smaller wheel as the fast twirling slowed and then stopped. “It looks like you’ll be starting in the ideal position.” Caden and Grayson exchanged identical smirks, leaving her to wonder if the sheriff hadn’t taken liberties with his spin.

Sydney didn’t protest when they bound her facing the wheel, stretching her arms up and out along the top spokes before cuffing her wrists and then doing the same with her spread ankles. She had little time left with Caden and planned to soak up every minute of his attention she could get before she moved on, even if she trembled inside over what they might do because of her silence about her troubles.

“Perfect.” Caden stepped in front of her and her heart turned over at the tight set to his mouth. With her arms bound on the two spokes, her breasts were thrust forward, aligned just right to it make it easy for him to tug on her nipples.

“Ca… Sir,” she corrected when he scowled. “What…” She broke off with a startled cry, the smack Grayson delivered with the paddle catching her unaware. Hissing in a deep breath, she struggled with the burn before the painful pleasure took hold.

“The paddle is worse than my belt, but not as bad as a flogger, or cane. We can switch to one of those if you don’t tell us what we want to know.” Caden reached into a pocket and in the next instant, small pulsations rippled up and down her rectum as the beads set up a vibration against sensitive tissues she could feel in her sheath through the thin membrane separating the two orifices.

“Oh… crap.” Sydney’s low moan followed the next swat, both cheeks now throbbing along with her rectum. Caden’s fingers plucked at her nipples, adding to the bombardment of sensations slowly robbing her of cognizant thought. She averted her eyes from his rugged face, not trusting his probing gaze, or her ability to resist giving in to him.

“Talk to me, darlin’,” Caden insisted before bending and drawing one beaded tip into his hot mouth.

She could feel the strong, suctioning pulls on the tender bud all the way to her toes, the warm pleasure overridden by the next, painful smack of the paddle. “Please, I… can’t,” she pled, wishing different circumstances had brought her to the Dunbar Ranch, and to her rancher.

“Why?” Grayson nipped the soft spot where her shoulder and neck connected, his hand caressing her heated buttocks.

Shaking her head, Sydney fought off the desire to share her burden and remained silent. They couldn’t help her out of her dilemma back home. Despair dampened her eyes and need threatened her determination to keep from revealing her uncle’s machinations. That need increased when Caden swore and delved between her legs to tug on her swollen clit and the sheriff delivered yet another blistering blow to her ass, and her sanity.

“I just can’t… Caden, Sir, please.” Unable to voice her concern over her plight or the desperation to lose herself in the pleasure only he could drive her to, she yanked on the restraints and looked into his eyes. “Please.”

Chapter 6

Caden’s frustration with Sydney’s stubborn silence rose another notch. The need to learn what could have happened to upset her so much warred with the driving force to lay claim to her once and for all. She surprised him with the way she’d maintained her stoic resolve to keep him in the dark given what he and Grayson were putting her through. Since his patience was wearing thin, he deemed it time to up the ante.

“My turn to spin the wheel,” he said, yanking on her hair and then stepping over to the smaller wheel. He spun it, the odds in his favor of it landing on a position convenient for what he wanted to do next. Smiling at where it stopped, he moved in front of her again and reached up to rotate the large wheel. “Head down, literally,” he warned before turning the apparatus until she dangled with her head a few inches off the floor. “Perfect.”

“For what?” she gasped, her heart thumping in rapid rhythm beneath his hand as he reached down and squeezed one breast. The bonds were snug enough to hold her without undue pressure or discomfort, at least not on her limbs. Both her libido and sanity were another matter.

“Oh, a little of this,” Grayson interjected, nipping one reddened buttock.

“And a little of this.” Caden flicked the anal beads up a notch and bent his head to lick up her damp seam and then dip inside her slick pussy to tease her clit before pulling back. “Ready to talk yet, Sydney?” He pinched her ass when she shook her head, her breathing escalating as he added a finger to his tongue delving inside her. Grayson kept his own hands busy on her breasts while tracing his mouth over her butt. The two of them had enjoyed many years tormenting reluctant women into submitting to their demands and knew what they were doing. The curl of jealousy in Caden’s abdomen took him by surprise however, but then, it shouldn’t have. He should be used to the unexpected emotions she pulled from him by now.

Sydney quit pleading aloud, but her body spoke in eloquent demand for her. A light sheen of perspiration coated her soft skin, her pussy’s slick, grasping heat, and the little mewls of pleasure that accompanied each stroke over her puffy clit all telltale signs of her heightened state. Caden nipped at one smooth fold, enjoyed the catch in her throat, and then plundered her depth with three fingers.

“Anytime you want to spill the beans, we’re all ears,” he said above her saturated flesh. Wrapping his lips around her clit, he drew on the delicate, hypersensitive nub until her whimpers turned into cries and a gush of liquid heat filled his mouth.

“I don’t know,” Grayson put in as he took another bite out of her ass and reached down to squeeze her breasts. “I’d hate for her to stop my fun now.”

“I…God!” she exclaimed as Caden upped the vibrations of the anal beads one more time and plowed her pussy with deep, forceful plunges. He tortured the tender flesh of her clit with a scrape of his nails and then pulled back as her damp muscles contracted with small spasms. “Okay! I got a message from… back home I didn’t… like,” she stammered, her confession easing his guilt, her next pitiful, whimpered plea shredding his need to push for more. “Please.”

Caden nodded at Grayson and stepped back, even though he suspected there was much more to Sydney’s upset yesterday. She’d never spoken of her family or hinted at where she hailed from. Understanding family dynamics, and the desire to keep them between family members, he relented in pushing for more as there was always tomorrow to delve deeper if he found it necessary.

With a slow spin, he righted Sydney’s body and they both worked to get her down. Her flushed face revealed a combination of relief, irritation and desperate need, all of which he planned to do something about without his friend’s help.

Grayson cupped her face and kissed her slow and deep and then nodded at Caden. “Later,” was all he said before strolling away, leaving Sydney to fall against him when her legs refused to hold her up.

Scooping her up, he carried her over to a spanking bench, laid her down and released his engorged cock. Her thighs fell open as he sheathed himself, the blatant invitation also reflected in her eyes and in the cream oozing from between her swollen labia. Grasping under her knees, he brought her legs over his shoulders and leaned forward to thrust inside her grasping pussy. “Now, darlin’, right now,” he growled in demand, withdrawing and then plunging, over and over, his vigorous assault inching her up on the bench until he grabbed her ass and held her groin tight against his. He could feel the pulses of the anal toy through the thin membrane separating her orifices, the tight clutches of both holes pushing him to the edge. His grunts mingled with her pants, the glaze in her eyes matching the mindless ecstasy spinning through his head. The bench shook from his hard, carnal fucking. The unexpected pain

of Sydney’s small teeth sinking into his shoulder caused him to see stars with his explosive climax, the exalted pleasure more than anything he’d experienced before.