“Do you have anything else to say or are you ready to continue?” he drawled, one corner of his mouth kicking up in a taunting smirk.

Sydney returned her hand to grip the pommel and gave in to his mastery and the need rippling around the ridged toy filling her. “Do your worst, boss. I can take it.” At least, she prayed she could.

Shaking his head, he delivered a strike onto her left nipple, but this time she was prepared for the bite, and for the heated streak of pleasure. She closed her eyes again, this time against the cobalt blue of his knowing gaze and rode the dildo for all its worth. If he wanted a show, she’d give him one, and get a little payback along with her pleasure in return.

She shivered as the thick phallus abraded her slick, swollen tissues and her inner muscles clamped around the toy. Pushing down with her feet again, she dragged her pussy up the pulsating, silicone cock, moaning as she contracted around it with the slow gl

ide over her clit. Arching her head back, she lowered once more, feeling the stretch and burn, glorying in the fiery pleasure. The clit rasping up and downs were accompanied by snaps of the spanker back and forth between her breasts and buttocks, leaving behind the most delicious zing of pain/pleasure.

Unable to hold back any longer, Sydney gasped, arching her sweat-slick body and grinding down on the fake cock with all the finesse of a panting bitch in heat. Her body bucked under the onslaught of pleasure coiling up through her core with the vibrator’s increased pulsations. Muscles spasmed, her juices seeping around the intruding phallus to pool on the seat as her sheath convulsed with rhythmic pulses. Her cry reverberated around the room, but she kept her eyes closed, basking in the release that soaked her mind as well as her body, through it all, conscious of Caden’s eyes on her.

Caden’s mouth went dry watching Sydney splinter apart, her soft, glistening body undulating on the Sybian a sight to behold, guaranteed to drive a man to his knees with lust. Tight nipples thrust up, begging for a touch, the areola puckered around them, giving away her heightened state of excitement the cream coating her slippery folds confirmed. Her labia wrapped around the dildo like a loving glove, and he couldn’t look away as her body clutched at the toy with tight grips meant to contain both the vibrator and the pleasure. Her abdominals quivered as she strained for release and he succumbed to the urge to touch, lightly tapping on her mons pubis with the slapper while strumming one turgid nipple with his finger.

By the time he shut off the vibrator and the machine and watched her come down from the high by slow degrees of awareness, he wasn’t sure who won this round. All he knew for certain was it wasn’t him, not when his cock remained a steel rod of discomfort in his pants and he refused to bury himself between her slick folds and allow her fiery heat to take him up in flames. Even if her responses to his control were every Dom’s fucking dream.

Setting aside his own need to see to Sydney’s well-being after such an intense experience, Caden lifted her perspiration-slick, quivering body into his arms and carried her over to a chair nestled in a corner. Without talking, he cuddled her on his lap, stroking her damp hair back, running his hands over her soft skin as he gave her time to work through what she was feeling. For him, he would need more than these few moments of aftercare.

His brother had a lot to answer for, but could he honestly blame Connor for the riot of emotions Caden couldn’t get under control? Only two things had become clear as a bell tonight; he couldn’t continue to straddle the line between employer/employee and Dom/sub. And he couldn’t let her go.

Sydney snatched her purse off the hook by the front door and skipped out into the crisp afternoon. Bounding down the steps, the dogs came loping toward her. She smiled at their eager welcome and stooped to feed them the leftover bacon and sausage from breakfast. Too bad she didn’t see or hear Caden come up behind her until his deep voice revealed his frustration with her continued spoiling of the collies.


Spinning on her heels, she shielded her eyes and looked up at him, catching the glimmer of amusement in his eyes despite being shaded by the low brim of his hat. “You’re not mad,” she accused, pushing to her feet. “It’s just a few meat scraps. See, they’re back to work already.”

They both watched the dogs answer a call from a hand on horseback before Caden noticed her purse. “Where are you off to?”

“Willow Springs, and get that look off your face,” she chided. “I know my way there and back. I didn’t find whole fryers in either the mess hall’s freezer or yours and the guys have been asking for chicken and dumplings.”

He nodded toward the chicken coop attached to the horse barn. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll save you a trip. How many do you need?”

Sydney stiffened with a wave of incredulity at his suggestion. Indignant, she fisted her hands on her hips and sputtered, “We are so not eating Clara or Betty or Tandy…” He closed his eyes and his lips moved but nothing came out. Cocking her head, she asked blandly, “Are you counting?”

“It’s either that or wring your neck. You’ve named the damn hens? Please tell me you haven’t been making nice with the chickens like you have the dogs.” He tipped his hat back and his eyes held the same disbelieving surprise she’d felt riding the Sybian at his command, only now there was also a hint of humor tugging at his mouth.

“Well, I couldn’t very well keep calling them ‘hey you’, now could I? And all I’ve been doing is tossing them some of the rotting vegetables from the garden. Besides, my meat comes already dead, plucked and ready to cook. Later, boss.” With a small finger wave, she strolled to her car, feeling the heat of his gaze through her jacket.

Last Saturday, Caden, Connor and the weekend hands had been called away from the ranch on an emergency involving a lost herd and hadn’t returned until sometime after midnight. Part of Sydney had been relieved at the call of duty that kept Caden from going to the club that night, but his attitude toward her hadn’t thawed a whole lot since he’d seen her naked and his orders had driven her to a height of ecstasy she’d never achieved with anyone else. A few times in the past five days, she’d caught him looking at her with an expression that brought on a heated rush through her veins that compelled her girly parts to sit up and beg for attention. Just from him. But he’d covered it quickly and treated her with the same friendly indifference as he did all his employees, damn it.

Still, those few looks were enough to inspire a thread of hope he would come around in two days and ask her back to the club himself. If not, she wouldn’t be above cajoling another invite from Connor. She’d enjoyed dancing last weekend, flirting with the men who all bore the same dominant air about them that tickled her in more ways than one. Just socializing had helped dispel the loneliness she’d lived with the past few weeks. The weekly calls she’d been making to her grandmother were both difficult and heartwarming. She loved hearing Nana’s voice and catching up on what her cousins, aunts and uncles were doing. But they always ended with nostalgia pulling her down, and an ache for her world to be put to rights.

Driving down the highway toward the small town of Willow Springs, she pulled up the few memories she could still recall about her mother. Sydney had only been eight-years-old when Nana’s only daughter died from an undiagnosed aneurysm, leaving her grandparents and her devastated. She’d never known her father, and no one spoke of him. That had been fine with her; she had everything she wanted with her mom, and afterward her grandmother and two oldest uncles did everything in their power to keep her happy and well-grounded. Only Uncle Mike, the youngest and most spoiled of Nana’s four children, never bothered with her, always too busy with his self-centered life to mess with a young, clinging niece who lived in fear of losing someone else.

“Be careful what you wish for,” she mumbled, pulling into a parking space in front of the only grocery in town. When Uncle Mike finally got around to paying attention to her, she’d found out it had only been for his own, selfish purposes. She didn’t know how much longer she could keep the truth from the rest of the family as they kept threatening to track her down and drag her home. But until she figured out a way to prevent hurting her grandmother with the news of Mike’s attack on her, she would continue to struggle with balancing her growing fondness for her temporary new life with the longing for home and loved ones.

Winding her way through the aisles of the small, family-owned grocery, Sydney filled the cart with items lacking in both kitchens at the ranch, smiling inside as she imagined Caden’s face when she showed him the receipt for the amount she would put on his account. Then again, he didn’t appear to be struggling financially, so maybe it wouldn’t faze him. She was trying to think of another way to get under her rancher’s skin when a man stepped in front of her, his sudden appearance bringing her to an abrupt halt with a hand braced on her cart. His hold prevented her from moving and the cold look in his dark eyes sent a ripple of unease slithering under her skin.


bsp; “Excuse me,” she said in a polite tone, wondering what his problem was.

“I have a message for you, Ms. Greenbriar. Go home, or else.”

The wave of apprehension turned into cold dread as she stared at the stranger who not only knew her real name, but just threatened her. “Who… who are you?” she whispered past the tightness of her throat.

“An associate of your uncle’s. Unless you want to be responsible for what happens if you don’t heed my warning, I suggest you get on the road soon.” Tipping his hat in mock politeness, he walked away without a backward glance.

Sydney stood rooted in disbelief, her hands shaking, her abdomen cramped with fear. What did he mean by ‘what happens’? Her blood turned to ice in her veins as she stood there in indecision. He’d have trouble getting to her on the ranch; there were always men about, and rifles in all of their trucks. Surely that alone would be enough to keep her safe from the stranger’s cryptic remarks. God help her, she just realized how much she longed for more time at her temporary home. The thought of leaving Caden and the friends she’d made brought an unaccustomed ache to her chest. The stranger didn’t know it but delivering the threat from her uncle only reinforced her belief she couldn’t return home yet. Besides, if she left, where would she go?