He spotted her bright, waist-length hair across the room, her slim body swaying too damn close to her partner, keeping perfect time with the upbeat country western song. Stomping over to the bar, he ignored the questioning looks from friends and glared at Connor across the bar top. “Explain.”

Grayson, whom he hadn’t noticed sitting on the stool next to him, slapped him on the back none too gently. “Lighten up. We’re keeping an eye on her. She’s having fun and is a damn good dancer for a city girl.”

Connor shrugged, just as unperturbed over Caden’s anger as Grayson. “I have every right to invite a guest and don’t need your permission.”

“Fuck.” Running a hand through his hair, he looked over at Sydney again and had to admit they were right. His gut tightened when she laughed up at Dan, a long-time friend and member, her green eyes alight with pleasure. The tight band of her skirt hugged her slim hips before flaring out around her thighs, her twirls revealing creamy, soft flesh he itched to touch again. Small breasts swayed braless under the cotton tee, and his eyes weren’t the only ones enjoying the rigid outline of pert nipples.

“How long are you going to sit there stewing?” Connor asked him.

Ceding to the inevitable, Caden dragged his eyes from Sydney to his conniving brother. “Your turn is coming. Don’t forget that. You too,” he included his best friend, Grayson, before turning his back on their smirks.

Nudging his way onto the dance floor, he tapped Dan’s shoulder. “My turn with our guest,” he stated without giving the other man a choice. Thankfully, Dan was a good sport and nodded with a small grin curling the corners of his mouth.

“No problem, Caden. Thanks, Syd.” Dan bent and kissed her on the mouth before sauntering toward the bar.

Moving in, Caden drew Sydney next to him, enjoying the way the quick flare of ire in her eyes changed to a gleam of excitement as he pressed her close. “Someone should’ve warned you of the consequences of playing with fire, darlin’.”

“Oh, they did, but I found getting singed could sometimes be worth it, for the right reason,” she returned with a smug look.

The brush of those pert nipples against his chest turned out to be a good example of getting singed, Caden thought. He could swear the turgid tips left imprints on his chest when she shifted away.

“Yes, but that doesn’t negate the higher risk of getting a third-degree burn.” That saucy smile prompted him to make a snap decision and try to thwart her persistent come-ons with a harsher taste of what she thought she wanted from him. The spanking yesterday seemed to have done nothing but spur her on. Knowing his luck, this may not work either, but he’d be damned if he’d stand by all night and watch her flirt with others. He would save questioning the prick of jealousy that poked him when he saw her with Dan for later.

Grabbing her hands, Caden drew them behind her, cuffed her wrists together in one of his hands and hauled her tighter against his gyrating pelvis. He ground his thick erection against her mound, watched her eyes widen and eyed the rapid beat of her pulse in her neck with relish. His little cook wasn’t as sure of herself as she let on.

Bending down, he ghosted his lips over hers, whispering, “You want to play with me, Sydney?”

Sydney shivered from the unexpected light brush of Caden’s mouth, the warning in his tone bumping up the heat pulsing in her sheath. She liked the tight clasp of his hand around her wrists, the way the restraint bound her to him, stripped her of choice and gave him complete control. “Yes, I mean… all I know is I can’t stop thinking about…” Wanting you. “Hell, Caden, I don’t know, but I want to give it a try.”

The resigned look crossing his sun-bronzed face was not flattering, but she’d take what she could get as he ground out, “Then come upstairs, and we’ll see if you can take what I like to dish out, and we’ll both know, one way or another.”

He brought her hands in front and kept a tight hold of both as he tugged her along behind him toward the stairs and then up. The sense of urgency he displayed would thrill her if she didn’t think his sole intention was to drive her away rather than introduce her to the pleasures he indulged in. She was getting good at shoving aside the pangs of hurt he caused her.

The dim lighting in the loft cast eerie shadows around the space, but Sydney could still get a clear picture of various apparatus scattered around and barely make out the row of spanking implements hanging on the far wall, some of which drew a frisson of unease down her spine. The faint strands of music were over-ridden by the sounds of leather-slapping flesh and high-pitched cries from either pain or pleasure, or both. Caden didn’t give her time to gawk at the scenes taking place as he led her over to what looked like a gymnastics vault until she got close enough to see the thick dildo attached in the middle.

Stumbling to a halt, she tugged on her hands. “Uh, what…”

Turning, he drilled her in place with his vivid gaze. “You’ve been pestering me for a riding lesson, haven’t you?” he reminded her with a slow lift of one brow before commanding without pause, “Strip.”

She struggled to swallow past the sudden lump constricting her throat as she glanced around to see if anyone watched. “On this?” She waved to the vault. “Just like that, huh?”

He nodded and crossed his arms. It was the ‘I told you so’ confident smirk on his face that galvanized her into action. Moving fast, she shimmied out of the skirt, whipped her top over her head and toed off her shoes. Standing in just a pair of bikini panties, Sydney swore she could feel the heat of his blue gaze seeping through her skin. Her nipples puckered under his intense regard and her pussy warmed and swelled, reactions she was starting to get used to. God help her, but she wanted him any way she could get him.

Waving his fingers, he cocked his head, asking, “Do you need help with those?”

“No.” Sydney slid the last barrier to complete nudity off and then gasped when he clasped her waist and lifted her astride the wide, padded vault.

“It’s called a Sybian.” After placing her feet in stirrups on the sides, Caden wrapped her hands around the pommel set a few inches in front of the long, wide dildo that was giving her heart palpitations. “I’ll leave your hands free since you’re new at this.” The light brush of his callused fingers up her slit drew a full-body shudder as he nodded and then grasped her hips and lifted her, leaving her little choice but to lower onto the phallus or say the safeword.

A low groan spilled past Sydney’s compressed lips as the sheathed, lubed toy speared her vagina, stretching the under-used muscles until she sat with it fully embedded. She tossed him a look of triumph he cut short with the flick of a side switch and a sardonic curl of his mouth.

“Oh!” The slow roll of the Sybian accompanied small vibrations against the long-neglected, ultra-sensitive nerve endings deep inside her. Sydney was so intent on concentrating on rocking with the apparatus and dealing with the fast spiral of arousal curling up through her pussy, she didn’t notice Caden retrieving a slim rod from underneath, or the square, silicone slapper attached on the end until he snapped it against one buttock. The immediate sting snagged her attention and her eyes flew to his.

“Either ride or say the safeword. Those are your two choices. Anything else will earn you a punishment I guarantee you won’t enjoy.” He flicked his wrist and struck her other cheek, the sudden burn fueling her lust and whipping her into a frenzy of need that outweighed the urge to kick out at his smug look.

Pressing down with her feet, she rose with the forward sway of the machine and lowered when it righted itself. Closing her eyes, she pictured herself astride Caden’s wide body, pretended it was his cock she gyrated on with increasing vigor, his hair-roughened thighs against her softer ones as she gripped his sides tight. A few more strikes peppered her buttocks, the painful heat spurring her on until he switched and shocked her by blistering her right nipple with a snap of the rubber square.

“Ow!” Reaching up with one hand, she cast him a reproving look while rubbing the abused tip. Too bad her indignation fell flat when the throbbing, painful burn executed a straight beeline south to take up residence between her legs, the added pleasure spurred on by her hand caressing her nipple.