Eric was the perfect kind of bad boy for Kieran. And Kieran was perfect for Eric. Sweet. Kind. Hot as balls. Had impeccable style. And Eric had made it clear through our time together that he loved fashion. We bonded regularly over footwear.

I turned my attention back to my conversation with Jay, the one I was trying not to let get out of hand.

“Look,” I sighed. “I’m going to a movie star’s home. Their security is top notch. I know that because Greenstone Security handled it, and they know their shit.”

I waited for Jay to argue with me, but I knew that he wouldn’t because I was right. Greenstone Security did Jay’s house too. Keltan, the owner, had been out last week, checking up, doing updates, commencing in an alpha male huddle with Jay and Karson. Jay wouldn’t employ anyone but the best.

“Eric can sit outside on the curb. I will text him every five minutes if that will appease you. But I’m going in there.” My stance on this was clear from my tone. There were a lot of times when I’d let Jay tell me what to do. Most of them were in the bedroom, sure. But outside of it, I’d found safety in that. In him. But that did not mean I was a submissive. At least not entirely. My independence, my agency, was something I’d never give over to him.

He sighed on the other end of the phone. “You’re getting punished when you get home, Stella.” Though his voice was strained, there was no mistaking the erotic promise in it.

My hands gripped tightly on the steering wheel, and I pressed my thighs together.

“Well, if I’m going to get punished...” I hung up the phone with a smile.

I hadn’t told Jay who my client was on purpose. It wasn’t technically lying, but it was close. A dirty trick, considering what we’d gone through with Felicity. But I’d figured a genuine client who he was once unnecessarily jealous of compared to a woman who he actually used to fuck then had in our house weren’t the same, like at all.

Ollie paid well, and he was great for my career. He’d recommended me to a bunch of his very rich and famous actor friends. Plus, I actually enjoyed his company.

Ollie pulled me in for a hug as soon as he opened the door. And it was Ollie who opened it, not an assistant or a housekeeper. Which was Ollie. Who was not thinking friend thoughts when he hugged me tight and a little too long for a friend.


“Stella! I cannot believe you disappeared across the world, leaving me to dress myself,” he accused once he’d let me go, not before his eyes went up and down the tight t-shirt dress I was wearing with strappy Manolos.

“I went on Jimmy Kimmel, and I did not pull off the snakeskin loafers my publicist talked me in to.” His eyes were warm and teasing.

“That I cannot be blamed for,” I replied, walking inside his impressive foyer. My heels clicked against the marble floor. “You’re a strong, intelligent adult man, you know better than snakeskin loafers.”

I reached up to push my hair behind my ear, feeling slightly uncomfortable being alone in a house with a man who was making it clear that he wanted me. With his teasing eyes and lingering hugs. I didn’t feel threatened or unsafe, but it felt weird and wrong now that I belonged to Jay.

Ollie stared at my hand. Specifically, the large diamond glittering on my left finger.

“Fuck,” he muttered.

I raised my brow at him in question.

He nodded to my hand. “I’m too late. Should’ve asked you out the first time I met you. But I’m not very good at that shit. Thought I’d work up the courage next time I saw you.” He ran his hand through his hair in what was most definitely a nervous gesture. “But then you go away for five months and come back belonging to someone else. I’m too late. So ... fuck.”

He looked at me, rubbing the back of his neck, a shy smile on his very attractive, very famous face. It was slightly insecure. Which made it all the more endearing. Ollie radiated such confidence, he seemed so sure of himself, yet there was something boyish and genuine about him that set him apart from every other leading man with a square jaw and broad shoulders.

“If it makes you feel any better, I belonged to him the first time I met you,” I told him, my mind wandering to a place where I hadn’t met Jay, where I waited for Ollie to work up the courage to ask me on a date, where I said yes.

I’m sure he could’ve brought more sunshine out in me, made it so that the darkness inside of me was just a mere shadow that visited sometimes. Of course he could’ve been putting on an act this whole time, turning out to be a huge tool who was bad in bed, but I didn’t think so.