“Don’t forget Emilian Oakes,” Anders says in a soft tone, as if merely mentioning the man’s name is a criminal offense.

“What about him?” I ask, scratching the back of my head when it hits me.

My hand slowly falls, and I stare at Anders with narrowed eyes, hating what he’s just suggested.

“Those are heavy accusations you’re making, Anders.”

“I know,” he nods gravely. “And trust me, Master Booth, I would not be making them if I wasn’t certain of what I saw.”

I approach him, grabbing a fistful of his shirt. I can’t even control myself anymore. I need to know the truth. Luckily, Anders seems to understand how important this is to me, and he clears his throat, not mentioning my trembling hands holding him in place.

“I saw him,” he finally admits. “I saw him in the hallway after I took up some tea for your mother. He said he just wanted to talk to your parents quickly, even though I told him they were busy.”

“We need to tell the police,” I say firmly, my first reaction to alert the authorities of Eden Falls and get the bastard put behind bars. “We need to call the station right now and tell them.”

“Master Booth, wait.” Anders’ hand lands on mine and he shakes his head. “I know you want to move into action right away, but I can’t let you do that. Nobody is going to believe you, and even if they did… Oakes is influential in this town, especially with your father being gone. You don’t want a war on your hands. And you best believe me when I tell you he will buy out the whole force to cover his tracks.”

“But we can’t let him get away with it,” I hiss, unable to hide the tone of desperation in my voice. “We can’t let him go unpunished!”

“I’m afraid we don’t have a choice,” Anders says gravelly. “But you must bide your time, Master Booth. I promise you; I will help you get your revenge. I cared deeply for your parents, and I’m here for whatever you need – including putting that monster behind bars.”

He puts his hands on my shoulders that have sagged with defeat.

“You need to stay strong, Master Booth,” he insists. “There will come a time when you’ll have your revenge, but that time isn’t now. Just be patient.”

Just then, we pull up in front of the Manor. Anders helps me get out of the car without saying another word, seemingly understanding I need some time to think things over.

We get out on the driveway, and my whole body stiffens when I see who’s waiting for us.

Lily Anna’s body slams against mine, and she holds me close, as if she’s afraid I’ll disappear if she lets go. She looks up with me with adoring eyes, and I struggle with my own feelings as she watches me closely. How the fuck am I supposed to pretend nothing’s wrong? How can I keep this a secret from her?

“It’s good to see you,” she tells me timidly. “Daddy was worried, you’re late.”

I glance behind her shoulder, and my body stiffens even more when I see her father standing behind her. I don’t want to deal with Oakes right now, but it seems I don’t have a choice.

“Dexter.” He claps me on the shoulder, giving me an inquisitive look.

Worry floods me. Is he checking to see if I’m suspicious about the reason my parents are gone? He must be trying to cover his tracks. The fact that he can look in my face, knowing what he fucking did to my family, fucking hurts. I want to blow his brains out. I want his shirt dripping with his own blood when I put a bullet in his chest.

Bide your time. Be patient.

Anders’ words ring true in my mind, and I take a deep breath before giving Oakes a smile he doesn’t deserve. This seems to calm him down, and he offers me his condolences, which I greet with a curt nod.

“I know this is unorthodox, but I’ll allow Lily Anna to spend the night with you tonight,” he tells me. “I’ll take one of the guest bedrooms, if that’s alright with you.”

I want to shout at him, tell him it’s far from alright, but I’m tongue tied. Luckily, Anders steps in, masterfully guiding Oakes into the house and leaving me behind with Lily Anna.

“They’ve already fixed so much,” she tells me softly. “The roof has been fixed, and they’re starting to repaint the whole house. And they’ve sealed off the room… Like you requested.”

“Good,” I mutter, pulling her closer against me. “Are you going to sleep in my bed tonight?”

“I think Daddy will allow it,” she says with a wicked grin. “Just for tonight. But you have to promise to behave.”

“I’ll be the perfect gentleman,” I grin at her, forgetting about what happened for a single moment about what’s happened. “I’m more worried about you behaving, Lily Anna.”

“Why?” she smirks. “I’m always so well-behaved.”

I laugh out loud, but the sound reminds me of what happened, and I go quiet, thoughtful, wondering whether I’ll ever be able to laugh freely again.