My hand trembles as he grabs it, forcing the ring off my finger. There’s already a white mark where I wore it, and I rub it self-consciously. Why is this messing me up so much? Why do I want my father to say it isn’t true? That it’s just another one of the cruel tricks he loves playing on me so much…

“So, it’s really over,” I whisper. “I’m not going to marry Dexter.”

“Not if I have anything to do with it,” he mutters. “That boy’s off-limits now, daughter. I don’t want to see you with him – not now, not ever.”

“But I-”

“No questions,” he barks at me. “Absolutely none. You’re not to spend any time with Dexter Booth anymore. Is that fucking clear?”

“Yes, father,” I whisper, my heart telling a different story.



On the day of the equestrian show, I get dressed in an outfit I deem utterly ridiculous. Cognac-colored tall leather boots on my feet, black riding pants and a white blouse to complete the ensemble. A look in the mirror reveals I look nothing like myself, and yet, I’m strangely excited for the event.

Dexter has been a no-show all week. It bothers me, even though I hate to admit it. He hasn’t even bothered to call me since my father’s announcement that our engagement has been broken off, and I hate him for it.

At least things at Prep have been better. Audra has wisely kept her distance, and the students seem to have a newfound respect for me now that news of what happened in the classroom have made their rounds around the school.

Kelley drives me to the event, dropping me off along with Tatianna, who is wearing the most inappropriate frilly gown. But nobody dares challenge her, and she gets away with it, somehow managing to look stun

ning in the process.

“I’ll see you later,” she says nonchalantly, sauntering away the second we arrive and squashing any kind of hope I had for our sisterly bonding.

In all the time I’ve spent at the Estate so far, she’s barely shown any interest in me, which should upset me. But I’ve got enough to deal with as it without worrying about my sister and her bratty ways.

I make my way to the seating area. There’s a bunch of riders getting ready with their horses, and my eyes land on Easton moments later. He’s standing next to a chestnut horse with a white star on his forehead, wearing a jockey uniform and a helmet. He pulls it off, shaking out his hair and making my stomach flip.

There’s something about the boy that makes me excited, and there’s no denying it, as much as I want to. I wonder how different his touch would feel to Dexter’s. Whether he’d be gentle, or rough like the boy I was supposed to marry only a few days ago. I suppose I’ll never know.

Just then, Easton spots me in the bleachers, grinning wide and waving me over.

I walk up to the grassy area and he nods at me in greeting.

“Placing any bets today?” he asks me.

“I don’t have any cash,” I sigh. “All I have is my father’s credit card.”

“Here.” He passes me a hundred-dollar bill. “Bet on me. Easton Brantley with Aquamarine.”

“Thanks.” I grin wide, taking the money and making a mental note to find a bookie later. “You nervous?”

“Not really,” he smirks.

“Not much competition?”

“Oh, there’s competition alright,” he mutters, motioning to a figure who’s attending to his black horse.

“Is that… Brazen?” I narrow my eyes at the sight of my brother.

“You didn’t know?” Easton asks, and I shake my head. “He’s the reigning champion. Although he won’t be after tonight.”

“You seem confident,” I smile, and he shrugs.

“Gotta be if I want to win.”