She finally lifts her eyes to mine, grinning. She's the prettiest when she smiles. Too bad she doesn't do it more often.

"Don't you want to get to know me?" I ask her next, and she tilts her head to the side, watching me closely.

"I suppose," she finally sighs. "But there will be more time for that later. I want to eat now. You know what's for dessert?"

I shake my head, in awe of this beautiful creature and her uniqueness.

"My favorite," she smiles fondly. "Honeycomb ice cream."

"Sounds delicious."

I can't take my eyes off her, and I'm rewarded by a look of pure joy on her face as they bring out her favorite meal. I must agree - the honeycomb is delicious.

After an awkward lunch, I'm told to spend some time with Lily Anna and get to know her better. Despite her uncultured behavior, I'm excited by the thought. The pretty girl intrigues me, and I want to know so much more about her. I'm hoping she'll open up to me when our parents are out of the picture, but even if she doesn't, I want more of her sweet rebelliousness.

We sit in the sunroom after we've devoured our food, me awkwardly trying to find a comfortable spot in the armchair while Lily Anna toys with the too-big dress she's still wearing on the sofa. It takes me a moment to realize she's fraying the hem. I have a feeling she's doing it on purpose, to annoy Bryony. She said she was going to wear this later, and I can't imagine how upset it makes the girl's stepmother to have Lily Anna still in the expensive gown, now ruining it. She won't be able to wear it - not just to the ballet, if Lily Anna has anything to do with it.

"You're nothing like I imagined you would be," I finally speak up.

"No? I'm better, right?" She grins at me, and I briefly wonder what it's like to be that confident.

"Yes," I nod with the hint of a smile playing on my lips. "Much better."

"Good." She gives me a long, inquisitive look, muttering, "You're not that bad, either. I was expecting worse, to be honest."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that."

"Don't think you get special treatment though," she says next, making a face at me.

"Wouldn't dream of it," I mutter with a small smile, watching her closely as she pulls the dress over her legs, exposing two skinny, pale thighs covered in bright red marks and blooming purple bruises.

"Oh my..." I mutter, pointing to her legs. "Are you okay, Lily Anna? Did you get hurt?"

"What?" She glances at her legs, blushing when she sees the marks on them and pulling the dress over them again. "Oh. It's nothing."

"It doesn't look like nothing to me," I manage. "Did someone do that-"

"I said it's nothing." Her voice is cold now, icier than it was before. "Don't worry about it."

"But you're covered in bruises," I manage. "Who did that to you? Did you fall?"

"No, I didn't fall." Her voice is frosty now. "You really can't figure it out, genius?"

"I..." My eyes widen at her as she toys with the hem of the dress. "I'm sorry, Lily Anna. Is there something I can do?"

I still don't understand completely, and I'm scared to ask for more details. I can't imagine who would do this to her, this beautiful creature who is adored by everyone around her.

"No," she says in response.

Her head is downcast, her expression one of pure sorrow. I want to take the pain away. I want to tell her everything's going to be okay, but I'm frozen on the spot, unable to offer her the comfort she's so desperately in need of.

"Can I come sit by you?" I ask softly, and she gives a barely perceptible nod of her head.

I stand up, touching my tie which is cutting into my throat. I untie it and throw it on the ground while Lily Anna watches.

She smiles at this, then laughs out loud when I stomp on the piece of fabric on the hardwood floor.

I leave the tie there, walking over to her and plopping down on the sofa, my eyes drinking her in. She won't look at me, her eyes still on the dress in her skinny hands, toying with the now threadbare hem.