"Looking for this?" Caspian waves the notebook in front of me, and I narrow my eyes.

"Give it back," I demand right away.

"Ooh, is the new girl keeping a diary?" Julian approaches us now, his handsome mouth open in a cruel smile. "I would love to know what kind of things she's written about me."

"I wouldn’t mind reading it myself." Lai joins them, smirking at my hopeful face as he takes the journal from his friend, squinting at the lock. "I'm sure I can break this puny little lock in a matter of seconds. What kind of secrets will I find out if I peek in here, little Pandora?"

"Don't," I beg him. "Just give it back. Please."

Of course, my words have the opposite effect. Now that they've realized I don't want them looking at it, they're even more eager to uncover the secrets of Lily Anna's diary. I briefly wonder if I should tell them it's not even mine, but quickly decide against it. If they knew the journal belonged to my predecessor, they'd probably be even more eager to take it away from me.

"Give it back," I demand again, getting up and leaving my food on the table as I advance toward Lai, reaching up for the locked diary.

"Not so fast."

He grins down at me, and I realize he's fucking enjoying this, which only makes me more fucking angry.

"Lai, stop it," I say, trying to talk some sense into the boy that has seemed the nicest so far. "Please, you don't even know what's in there. It's important."

"Well maybe if it's so important, I should take a closer look at it," Lai tells me with a wicked grin, keeping the diary in his outstretched arm, just out of my reach. "But here's a little deal for you, Pandora. If you can take it from us, it's all yours."

I make a grab for the notebook, but Lai tosses it easily to Julian, laughing at my outraged face.

"Come and get it, little girl," Julian mocks me, taunting me with the locked journal.

I advance on him, but before I've even made a grab for the book, he's already tossed it to Caspian.

This is fucking hopeless, and they know it. There's no way I can stand up to three big bullies determined not to let me have the journal back.

I glance from one of them to the other, their cruel smirks mirrored on all their faces. By now, the entire cafeteria is watching us. They're like goddamn vultures, eager to descend on the smallest bit of drama between the Firstborns. As long as they aren't involved, they're hungry for more.

"Come on Pandora," Caspian speaks up, his tone apologetic, sweet. "Come here, I'll give it back to you. These guys are such jerks for playing games on you."

Relieved, I take a step forward as he holds out the journal, but before I've even touched it, Caspian's arm has wrapped around my body, pulling me tight against him. I shriek, but he places his free palm on my mouth, shutting me up effectively as his body cages mine beneath him.

"You really thought it would be that easy, didn't you?" Caspian growls in my ear, and I struggle against him to no avail. "You're so fucking stupid, Pandora. It's a small wonder you've managed to stay alive for your first few weeks in Eden Falls."

"Fuck you," I sputter, but he merely laughs at my words, shoving me forward so I fall into Lai's arms.

The taller boy accepts Caspian's gift, gripping my tightly and grabbing my arms behind my back, painfully twisting them and making me cry out.

"Stop it," I demand. "You're fucking hurting me!"

"Do I look like I care?" he grinds out. "What, you think you're important now? I could just easily take that engagement ring off your finger... There's no one around to stop me, is there?"

Behind my back, his fingers find mine and I cry out helplessly as he touches my left ring finger, twisting the ring off. He flashes the diamond before my eyes, and a shiver goes down my spine when I feel him pressed up against me, his hard cock digging into my spine.

"Not so brave without Dexter, are you?" Lai mutters in my ear. "I knew you wouldn't be. I knew you'd give in the second he was gone. You can't resist me, can you, little lamb?"

I stay stubbornly quiet, and he quickly grows bored of it, shoving me so I stumble forward. Julian's on my next, and he cops a feel of my boobs as he pulls me against him.

"Where's your precious little book now?" he asks me innocently, showing me his empty hands. "Look, it's all gone. However are you going to find it again?"

"I hate you," I grunt.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he rolls his eyes. "One day you'll get sick of those empty threats, little girl. You should know by now they have next to no effect on guys like us."

He's right, but I refuse to acknowledge that. Instead, I raise my chin up stubbornly as the guys keep passing me around like it's some kind of fucked-up game they're playing. Every couple of seconds, one of them cops a feel. There are hands all over me, tugging on my hair, pinching my nipples, holding my throat. They're rubbing their cocks all over me. They have no mercy for me, especially with Dexter not being here.