"I thought it would be funny," he laughs at me, sending cool chills down my spine. “Besides, I needed to show you I’m not always nice, didn’t I? I gave you so much pleasure. Now it’s time for some pain.”

He motions behind me. “Hey, I think you broke our friend Caspian's phone over there."

"W-What?" I glance behind my back at the remains of the phone I just smashed.

"That's right," Caspian mutters. "You ruined my property, Pandora. Now it's time to pay."

“Like you can’t pay for a new one!” I cry out. “You’re freaking loaded, anyway.”

He looks at Dexter, asking, "Can I?"

"Yes," Dexter nods. "Please, be my guest. I need to let my toy pay for the mistake she made. I taught her better than that. Touch her. Kiss her. Do anything you want.”

"Freak," I mutter under my breath while Caspian steps forward, out of the shadows.

His face is a mastery of cruel perfection, the lines sharp and jutting out provocatively.

"What are you going to do?" he asks me, his voice patronizing. "There's nowhere to run now."

Dexter’s booming laugh follows as he says, “Why don’t you get a little closer, toy? Kiss him.”

Something switches inside of me then, like a light going out. I shock myself by taking a step forward, holding my chin up proudly.

Caspian's eyes narrow at me. He's interested.

I look over his shoulder at Dexter. I can't see him properly in the darkness, but I can tell his fists are clenched.

"You told me to, Sir," I purr innocently.

Then, I press my lips to Caspian's.

His mouth accepts mine, and we push our tongues together. I make matters worse by moaning into his mouth, and this seems to encourage him. He grabs me by the waist, pulling me firmly against him so his cock digs into my hipbone. Then, a moment later, Dexter's pulled him off me like a fucking animal.

"Excuse me," he snarls. "We got somewhere to be."

"No we don't," Caspian bites out. "Let go of me, dickface."

Dexter drags him to a wall and throws him against it.

"She's my toy!" he growls. "Mine!"

We're all too shocked to react. I just stand there, my lips still glistening from the kiss. Dexter gives me one last look before kicking the door down. One moment it's there and the next he's got it on the ground. I can barely breathe.

"Out," he demands. "Everyone out. And you..."

At this, he turns to me, glaring me down.

"I'll see you at the debutante party tomorrow."

My heart speeds up. The day falls almost exactly on my birthday. I'll be turning eighteen at midnight the day after tomorrow.

"Don't you dare do anything stupid until then," Dexter finishes. "You're already in enough trouble."

They leave the room, and I sink to my knees on the floor with my heart pounding.

I will never get the better of them. It seems like they're always, always a step before me.

But I'm not done fighting just yet.