Holy shit, I'm going to kill him.

I run up to the teacher, demanding, "Where's the school radio room?"

"Up the stairs, to the left," he replies.

His eyes insist on mine for a second, so I know he's telling the truth, but the next moment,

they move down to my tits straining against my uniform.

"Hey!" I bark, and he looks back up. "I don’t have time to deal with this now.”

While my biggest shame keeps playing out on the speakers, I run out of the classroom. I take the steps two at a time and nearly trip in my effort to get up there as soon as possible. Thankfully the hallways are empty since it's still in the middle of the lesson - a small mercy.

I locate the small room under the attic stairs, hammering my fists against the door.

"Dexter! Open the fuck up, right now, you fucking dick!"

No answer. I scream in frustration, banging on the door harder.

"Open up right now you fucking jackass!"

The door flies open. My fists meet a strong, puffed-out chest instead of the wall, and I widen my eyes.

"Brazen," I spit out. "Where's Dex?"

He laughs in my face. "Think this is his work, little sis? Aww, you really are stupider than you look."

"What?" I scowl at him. "The fuck are you on about?"

"My little revenge of course." He points to the room behind him. "You like it? I asked Dexter to record you coming on the phone. Thought it would come in useful."

I balk at him and he narrows his eyes at me.

"Wait... you do remember your little slut ass got me out of going to the first party of the year, do you?" he asks.

"That was... ages ago," I spit out. "And it was nothing!"

"Well, it was something to me," he grits out. "So here's your punishment, you disobedient girl."

I barge past him in the radio room where the recording is still playing. It's a dark, tiny room with almost no light.

"Count faster," Dexter snarls on the phone.

"Three," my voice pipes up.

I grab the phone connected to the computer in there and smash it on the floor. I stomp on it until there's nothing but glass and plastic left, and then I kick it in frustration. At least it's off the fucking speakers.

"That was very dumb of you, little sis," Brazen tells me, and I whip around, but instead of focusing my eyes on my brother, I notice the three figures standing behind the door.

"What the fuck?" I mutter, my heart hammering in my chest.

"Now you're gonna have to pay for it," Brazen shrugs, smirking as he slams the door of the room.

A lock clicks into place outside just as the three boys approach me. Beautiful Caspian, vicious Lai and brutal Dexter. My eyes focus on his now and I feel rage pumping through my body so fast I'm scared I'm going to just kill him on the spot.

"You fucking dick," I snarl at him. "You let him play that shit? Why did you record me?"

He grabs my fists in his hands. He only needs four fingers to grip me and push my arms down.