"I... I..." I'm struggling to find the words, adrenaline pumping through my veins and threatening to punch my father square in the face. "You can't do that to her. She's so young. And what about Bryony?"

"What about her?" Father stares at me blankly. "She's fucking the pool boy, and I pay for that too. So what's the problem here?"

"She's..." I close my eyes firmly, squeezing Minnie's hand. "She's seventeen, father."

"It's not like I'm fucking her," he says cruelly. "Just giving her some much needed discipline. Besides, who are you to question me? You’re getting too friendly with the staff, daughter.”

He slaps Minnie’s ass, and she pales.

“Get up, daughter.”

A deathly silence falls upon the room and I glance between Minnie and my father with an outraged expression. Why the hell did he just call her that?

"Out," father barks next. "Both of you. Pandora, you stay."

I'm shocked that he used the wrong name with Minnie, but suddenly cares enough about me to use the one I prefer. The maid and her daughter scramble out of the room, and I watch them go with tear-filled eyes.

My father is a twisted man. Not that many of the others in this stupid town are much better. But this... this is sick.

"I can't believe you... I just can't..." I start, but he cuts me off, pulling out his wallet from the pocket of his jeans and counting out some cash.

"How much do you want?" he asks calmly, and I balk at him.

"What do you mean?"

"To keep this quiet," he mutters. "How much money?"

I struggle to understand him. A part of me has already realized he's a monster, but I'm a far way off from accepting it. And I know I need to help Minnie. She doesn't deserve this.

"I want three grand," I say. "And your credit card. I'm going shopping."

"Three?" He counts out the money, making my eyes widen. "Here. And use the gold American Express. Get whatever you want."

He hands me a card next, and I just stand there, feeling like I've sold my soul to the devil.

"Are you going to keep doing this?" I ask him in a small voice. "Hurting Minnie?"

"Are you going to try and stop me?" he asks with an amused expression. "Because you can't. I might as well tell you that now."

"You're evil," I whisper. "You're just..."

"Did I ask for your opinion?"

His gaze is like a cold burn on my skin and I shake my head wordlessly. I need to find a way to help Minnie. The money will be a good start.

"I'll see you later," I mutter, still feeling shaken up by what I've seen.

He waves me off without saying goodbye, already focused on some paperwork on his desk. I leave his study, leaning against the door and taking several deep breaths as I attempt to come to terms with what's happened in there.

I take the next few minutes to catch my breath and try to think of something that would help Minnie out of her horrible situation. I can't help but feel responsible. It's my father who's doing this to her, after all... and I need to get her out of this mess.

By the time I'm done contemplating a solution, it's already five minutes past the hour Araminta said she'd be there by. I'm half-convinced she's decided to blow me off while I wait in the hall, but after a couple more minutes pass, I see a car pulling into the driveway.

I run out the front door, grinning and waving when I see Araminta getting out of a black limo with tinted windows. God, these people really do travel in style.

"Hey," I call out. "I'm ready to go."

She smiles, then surprises me by giving me a quick hug, and we get into the car. Once again, she looks like a freaking movie star, and I start getting excited about my promised makeover. She's scrolling through her phone as the driver pulls away from Oakes Estate, and I nervously fiddle with the hem of my dress.