"She... I think she knew it was inappropriate."

Minnie fidgets with the fabric of her snow-white apron.

"The divide between us. Me being a maid, her... the royalty of Eden Falls. The only time she opened up to me was..."

She bites her lip.

"Sorry, I should stop."

"No," I say, almost too quickly. "Tell me more."

She hesitates and I narrow my eyes at her, adding, "Now."

Minnie looks so nervous I start to feel bad.

Then, she finally speaks up again, saying, "The only time she let me see her emotional was when she found out... about you."

"Before she killed herself," I whisper.

"Yes. Such a tragedy." Minnie wipes a stray tear from her ice-blue eyes. "I still can't believe it. She broke so many people doing that. I don't think some of them will be able to forgive her."

"Do you mean Dexter?" I ask.

"I mean your family," she whispers. "Mr. Booth... I think the only person he blames for what happened is himself."

"Well, he's not the one who made her jump," I point out the obvious. "She did that all by herself."

Minnie gives me a scandalized look. I wonder whether she'll say something about me disrespecting Lily Anna's memory, but she remains quiet.

"Do you think Dexter will ever like me?"

The question slips from my lips before I can stop myself, and Minnie gives me a curious look.

"Well, do you want him to?" she asks softly, and I laugh.

"No, I don't care." My voice is confident, but I feel shaky on the inside. "I couldn't care less about him."

"Of course, Miss Pandora." For the first time, Minnie gives me a devilish look, and I laugh in surprise.

"I like this side of you," I tell her. "You should let it out more often. Be less serious."

Instantly, her smile fades. She looks as if she's about to say something else, but then she busies herself by putting my school bag away. Once she's done, she presents me with a small pager.

"Do call me whenever you need something," she explains. "Use the tablet. I'm at your service now."

"Thank you, Minnie."

She curtsies and leaves the room while I fall back on the bed, staring at the immaculate ceiling. At least now I have a friend.



Pandora is stuck on my mind, and I fucking hate it.

I really thought she wasn’t a virgin. That she’s somehow fucked away her innocence at St Cecile. The discovery of the cherry between her legs threw me for a loop. It made me jealous and possessive, and I don’t have time for that.

I shouldn't be thinking about the new girl. I have too many other things to worry about, yet my mind is constantly circling around her, wondering how to push her buttons, needing to get a rise out of her. She's so goddamn pretty when she cries, it would be a shame not to make her.