Page 85 of Finding Solace

“You would have never let me walk out of here, so let’s not pretend otherwise. Now that the tables have turned, what do I do with you?”

Before I can decide the next step, Cutler comes barreling down the hall screaming and pounding his chest. What the hell? Has he lost his ever-fucking mind?

It happens fast, and I’m flipped to the floor. The guns scatter with us scrambling after.

I grab one and turn on my ass to find a gun already pointed at me. The sound of the bullet discharging echoes through the air. I close my eyes and wait for the hit.



Cole groans in pain, dragging himself to sit. “I’ve been shot. You shot me!”

This is going to be a bloodbath. I’m stuck in a standoff with my hand steady on the gun I’m aiming right at his heart. His gun aimed right at me.

“Shut up,” I growl. I hate Cole . . . even saying that fucking name. I also may want to kill him, but I’m not going to let this guy kill him for me.

Knowing there’s no way out of this mess, I keep flashing my mind back to Delilah. Delilah and I didn’t fall in love slowly. Nothing came slow when it came to us. We fell fast and hard. I can’t lose her.

The door opens, and my eyes flick to find her standing with a gun aimed at this dick. Why will she never listen to reason? “Get out!” I yell.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I see her flinch in response. The guy in front of me grins with pure evil in his eyes and turns his gun on her.

“Run!” I say. I work my way up until I’m standing, ready to take that bullet if he shoots at her.

He laughs. “I’m not afraid to shoot a woman in the back.”

I believe him. He’s trapped and is going to hell soon enough, so he might as well try to drag an angel with him. “You shoot her, and there’s no reason for me to keep you alive.”

She doesn’t move.

“Tough guy, huh?” His aim doesn’t shift while she stands frozen in the spotlight. “Come here, doll,” he says to her.

“Don’t listen.”

She glances at me. “What do I do . . . Eric?”

Cole knocks his head against the wall, and whines, “Who’s Eric? Help me, Delilah. I’ve been shot.”

As if she just spotted him, she looks his way, her hands starting to shake. “Oh, my God.”

For Delilah, I’ll die any day of the week. But for Cole, fuck that noise. “It’s barely bleeding.” Even wet, his pants make it look worse than it is. “You’re going to live,” I say.

The asshole shifts, practically belly laughing at this scene. “This is the ex? Damn, I’d be fucking her, too, pretty boy.” He gets to his knees, keeping the gun on her.

The term grates my nerves, drudging memories of that gun to my head back in that alley years ago. My body tenses, and I grind the warning, “Sit back down or I’ll make you hit that floor.”

Despite the odds against him, he’s emboldened and gets to his feet. Nodding toward Cole, he says, “So this must be Cutler.”

“I don’t want to die,” Cole cries. “I’m sorry, Delilah.” Cole is moaning. “Shoot them, Koster. Shoot them.” The asshole needs to shut the fuck up.

My finger twitches, causing the other asshole to blink. I’ll win. I can have a bullet between his eyes before he has a chance to blink. My target is in focus, the room starting gray.

“Eric?” The sweet voice of an angel wipes the gray away and brings me back to her. My eyes slide to Delilah’s. “Remember how you said it was us or them?”

I will never forget the night I killed that man. “I remember.” I don’t want her dead, but I don’t want her left to be tortured by these guys either if I’m killed. We’re stuck in this damn standoff like we have no chance at that happiness Delilah and I have talked about.

“This is one of those times,” she says. Why is she referencing our conversation about why I had to kill someone? Without regret. “A situation like this is why you made the decision you did, right?” There’s no tremble to her tone. Her confidence is fierce.

I glance around at the predicament we’re in. His hand is shaking. Mine is not. He doesn’t want to shoot me. What kind of money collector is this clown?

When I look back at Delilah, she’s not scared. She’s not shaking. She’s strong, stronger than I thought possible. I reply, “Just like this.”

“I understand why you did it now.”

The guy says, “Clue me in. Did what?” When Cole groans in pain again, the asshole yells, “Shut the fuck up,” and then shoots him.

Delilah screams as another shot slices the air. I follow through and take the shot, aiming to injure but not kill. I’ll spare his life this time. I’m on my feet and over him. Cole blacked out, and I can tell Delilah’s going into shock. She’s going to be in shock, but I need her to stay focused. Just for a little while longer. “Call 911,” I say.