Page 73 of Finding Solace

“You know why? Because when I heard you were single again, all the plans I made suddenly seemed secondary. Scars don’t scare me. I have a lot of my own. As for your divorce, I say this is my lucky day. It’s as if Cupid himself had a say in the matter. I also think you’re more stunning than the day we fell in love.”

“Which time?”

“Both. Age doesn’t hold a candle to your beauty. But who cares if we get lines and both age if we’re living a good life and growing old together?” Taking her by the hips and wiggling them back and forth a bit, I say, “I’m not sorry about ruining your plan to grow old alone.”

“Why are you so good to me?”

“Because you deserve good. Lots of it, and I intend to give it to you for the rest of your life.”

“I love when you give it to me.”

Leading her back to the bike, I say, “Speaking of giving it to you . . .”

With my ass pressed to the leather, Delilah slides down my erection. Once she’s fully seated, her head falls back, and her hair sways across my thighs. When she tilts forward, she says, “I will never get tired of how good you feel inside me.”

Fuck. “Show me how good I feel to you.”

“So good,” she rasps, rocking her hips on top of me.

My stomach muscles tighten from the sound. “I’m not gonna last long, babe.”

She moves faster, her eyes closed, her nails digging into my shoulders. “Don’t come yet. I’m so close.”

She’s an angel under a halo of blond hair. A vixen who knows how to command her pleasure. “You’re so fucking gorgeous.”

“God, yes,” she releases on a sharp-edged breath, her body tremors and her hands squeeze like that perfect pussy of hers.

“Fuck.” I grab her by the hips and hold her down while I thrust until I’m emptied of everything held deep inside—my emotions, my secrets, my cum, my sins. Everything is given to this goddess who rules my world and is healing my soul. I drop my forehead against her chest, trying to catch my breath.

When I look at her, her gaze is on me. She runs her fingers through my hair. “I’d marry you if you asked, but I only want you to ask when you’re ready. Not for me but for you. We’re not in a hurry. I’m not going anywhere.”

“I love you.” We kiss, and things feel settled between us in the good kind of way. It’s dark, and the stars are out, ready to guide us home. “We should get back.”

“It’s a shame to leave somewhere so beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here again.”

“I’m glad we came.” I wink, amused by the double entendre.

“So, do you always carry condoms in your pocket?”

“Only when I’m with you.”

“Good answer, Mr. Koster. Good answer.”

Once we’re dressed and back on the bike, ready to go, I lean back, and ask, “You ready?”

“Ready for anything.”

I’ve been back long enough to have stopped by to say hi, so here I am walking along the far side of the field, ready to remedy the situation.

The little house looks to be in good shape. Paul and Lorraine always did take care of it. I find Paul on top of the smaller tractor, cutting the weeds lining the road. He shuts it down when he sees me and leans on the steering wheel, wearing a smile that time recorded in the deep lines surrounding his mouth. “I was starting to wonder if you were ever going to stop by.”

Kicking the large tire, I gaze up, using my hand to shield my eyes from the sun. “I should have come sooner.”

“Yeah, you should’ve.” He climbs down, and we shake hands. “It’s good to see you, son. How are ya?”

“I’m good. Staying out at the farm and helping Delilah with chores. You?”

He sits on the step, shadowed by the tractor, and takes off his hat to wipe his forehead. “Keepin’ on with the keepin’ on. Heard you were hanging around these parts.”

“Yeah,” I say, looking toward the farmhouse in the distance. “Never thought I’d be out here again—”

“But here you are.” He grins. “She’s always been a good girl.”

“She has.” I shove my hands in my pockets, the conversation awkward when I don’t want it to be. “I wanted to come by and say hi because things are getting serious with Delilah.”


“Maybe already are.”

“That’s what I thought, considering that truck of yours seems to be permanently parked over there.” He stands but puts his foot on the step, the lightness already making room for the talk I knew was coming. “It’s not been easy for her. If you’re planning on leaving anytime soon, then best be doing it now. She doesn’t need another broken heart.”

“I’m not leaving anytime soon.” I glance over when a car drives by. When I turn back, I look him in the eye. “I’m going to marry her this time.”