Page 64 of Finding Solace

I’m not having this insanity ruin my night out with Delilah. Whispering, I warn her, “This town may let you pull this bullshit with them, but you won’t with us. I’ll let you walk away without embarrassing you in front of everyone, but this is your only warning. I want you to stay away from Delilah and from me. You see us coming, you cross the fucking street. Do you understand, Sabrina?”

Her mouth was gawking open by the word “bullshit,” so I know I got her attention. “Well,” she starts, raising her chin in stubborn defiance and fluffing her hair. “A microscope is the only thing I ever intend to share with you, Jason Koster. Your meanness is noted.” She scoffs as she walks back to her booth and the poor sucker stuck with her for the night.

I’m still shaking my head in annoyance when Delilah says, “I’ve noted a few things about you myself.”

The beers arrive right on time. I down some of the cold lager, and ask, “And what might those be?”

Leaning over the table, she looks to her left and then to her right before returning her gaze to me. “The impressive size of your—”

“Delilah.” It’s not the name that has her tensing. It’s the fucker saying it. I see how her shoulders cave forward and that chin that was held high lowers.

My heart starts pumping against my chest, my hands fisting. I stand, turning and come face-to-face with my ex-friend. “Turn around and walk away, Cutler.”

“Me, walk away? That’s my fucking wife.”

The word cuts deep, but I’ll never bleed for him. Delilah stands behind me with her hand on my back. “Ignore him, Jason.”

Cower? For him? No fucking way. I owned this town once, and I will again if it means putting him in his fucking place. Taking a step closer, I bump my shoulder against Cole’s, and I say, “Don’t you ever fucking call her that again. And if I see you within ten miles of that farm, or my girl, I will fucking end you.”

With our eyes locked on each other, we remain in an unwavering silent standoff. McGilley finally yells, “Break it up, boys, or hit the streets.”

Cutler ignores the bartender. “You need to check yourself, Koster. That woman—”

“She’s not that woman. She’s her own woman. She’s whoever she fucking wants to be.” And goddamn do I hope she chooses me.

My words seem to cause him to choke, and that’s when I’m unfortunate enough to get a whiff of his breath, which is alcohol laden. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

I’m shoved but don’t budge, and I’m definitely not taking the time to explain things. “I suggest you go back to wherever you came from and don’t come back over here.”

“You heard him, Cole. Back off.” Delilah wraps her hand around my forearm. “Jason, let’s leave.”

That’s when I see it. Not her, but the look he gives her, the one that comes loaded with threats he intends to carry out—hate darkening his pupils as his eyes narrow—latched onto her. “Leave?” His shoulder punches forward as he grits. “Together? What’d I tell you about him?”

What he told her? He’s so lucky I don’t level him right the fuck now. I step in front of him and give my last warning. “Don’t look at her. Don’t talk to her. Ever. Again.”

Billy comes over and tries to pull Delilah to safety, but her hold on my arm tightens. “Jason,” she pleads as she comes around me. Her fear has disappeared as she faces Cole and says, “You and I are done. You need to leave us alone.”

He reaches to touch her, but I knock his hand away. Cutler shifts and then faces me. “You got a death wish, Koster? Cuz I’m happy to fulfill it.”

“You’re drunk. Go home.”


“Hey. Hey,” Billy cuts between us. “C’mon, guys.” Looking at Cole, he says, “Stop causing trouble where there is none.”

“He needs to stay away from us,” I say.

“You do realize I own half that farmhouse you’re fucking my wife in?” He laughs, but it’s more maniacal than humorous.

Speaking of death wishes, he’s close to making his own wish come true. “Ex. You seem to be forgetting that important detail.”

Cole swings, but Billy pushes him back on his ass. “Time for us to go,” Delilah says, taking my hand.

Before we leave, I add, “Put it on my tab, McGilley.”

“Sure thing, Jason,” McGilley replies.

Before the door closes behind us, Cole yells, “You’re my wife, Delilah. A piece of paper doesn’t define us.”

Outside, I glance down the sidewalk and then at her. “Are you okay?”

“I want to go home.”

I wrap my warmth around her, hoping to ease the fear that’s causing her hand to shake. I don’t blame her for being shaken. I thought I was about to come to blows with Cutler, and I was willing to because it’s clear he’s gotten into her head again. And she put up with that asshole for how long? “Okay.”