Page 35 of Finding Solace

“I don’t know.” There’s a hint of excitement in her tone.

While running two of my fingers on the inside of her thigh, my gaze rises back to hers. “I want to relearn everything about you. Every inch. Everything that brings you pleasure.” I reach down, running the tips of my fingers through her slickness. I kiss her collarbone as I push in, our bodies beginning a slow dance, coming together and moving apart. My emotions are too wrapped up to pretend this doesn’t mean more than I’ve let on. It does. Being with her does. From that look in her eyes, I believe this means more to her as well. Pulling back, I touch the tips of my fingers to my tongue as she watches under lust-filled eyes. “Tastes like honey, honeysuckle.”

“Kiss me, Jason.”

I lower on the bed and place my hand on her stomach. “With pleasure.” Her eyes go wide when I lick through her wetness. Memories flood my mind and taste buds. She was always so fucking delectable. Her hips begin to wiggle, and I hear her moan. My hair is tugged, but when I stop to look up, her bottom lip is under pressure and her eyes are closed.

Fucking stunning.

I make love to her with my mouth as her sweet sounds of bliss fill my ears. When she comes, she comes hard, her fingers tangle in my hair, and she calls my name as if I’m the one she prays to. I can’t take any more. I’m about to explode. I’m so turned on, I’ve started to hump the mattress beneath me, seeking relief. I come up, sliding my body along hers as I lift myself.

“I have condoms in the nightstand,” she says.

I don’t care how stupid my smile looks at the moment. I reach over and open the drawer. With condoms in hand, I drop them on the bed. “Tell me these aren’t the same ones from back in college.”

She laughs. “No. Newer condoms.”

“How new?” I ask, waggling my eyebrows. Her being prepared is sexy. I’m curious how many towns away she had to drive to buy these.

She slinks down on the bed a bit and covers her face with her hands. Speaking between her fingers, she says, “This afternoon.”

“Oh no. You don’t get to hide your eyes.” I take her wrists and move them to the side with little resistance. I see her vibrant blues, her carefree smile, and when she giggles, I add, “You bought condoms because you were hoping to get lucky?”

“I figured better safe than sorry.”

“So just anyone could have been in my place tonight, or you bought condoms to use with me?”

She rolls her eyes, but the grin gives her away.

Pinning her wrists above her head, I say, “Admit it. You were hoping to have me naked in your bed tonight.” When she laughs again, I push for more. “Come on, Delilah. Tell me how much you wanted to have sex with me.”

“You win,” she says, trying for nonchalance. “I drove thirty minutes out of my way just to score some condoms without judgment or gossip getting around town. All the way to Cleverton.”

“I may not blush like you do, but I’m flattered nonetheless.”

“So much talking, Koster. How about we get to the main attraction?”

I kiss her cheek. “Wow, you get feisty when you get a taste of the good stuff.”

“And by taste, you mean you?”


“Well, get to it. I’m all warmed up, baby. Raring to go. Again.”

Baby. I sure like the sound of that. I chuckle. “Are you now?”

“I am. So ready for more.”

More. I’ll have her begging for more all right. I slide a condom over my erection and hold it proudly. Women aren’t impressed with large dicks. They’re impressed by how they’re used, so I don’t need to wave it around to brag. I just need to make her feel every hard inch, filling her not just for my pleasure but also for hers. I position myself back between her legs and press the tip against her sweet abyss.

My nerves from earlier are buried under the desire I have for her. “More,” I mumble, immersing myself in her heat when I slide slowly inside her. “Fuck,” I exhale the word under a heavy breath. I want to say it’s the sex, the overwhelming sensation of having it again, but that would be a lie. It’s her—wet, tight, angling, moaning. Fuck. Delilah’s heaving chest with perky tits on top, her tongue sliding over her lips, her back arching. “You feel amazing.”

Her nails drag over my shoulders and then her fingers lace behind my neck, pulling me to her. “Kiss me.”

I do.

I kiss her and thrust—tongues and other parts of my body going deep—claiming her in ways I haven’t in years. Our breaths are exchanged, one lifeline sustained by the other. When her hands find my ass, she squeezes. “Faster.”