Page 33 of Finding Solace

There’s the smile I adore. The apples of her cheeks are still pink, but at least the tension she was exuding has evaporated. “Do you think I’m crazy?”

“Yes, but it’s a good kind of crazy.” Moving my hand over the tattoo, I rub a few circles before going a little lower and a bit over.

“I didn’t know there was a good kind.”

“There is when it comes to you.” I kiss her lightly on the lips.

Why am I now nervous?

I’ve been with women, though it’d be embarrassing to admit how long it’s been. It’s inhumane to go so long without doing something so natural. But I couldn’t afford the distraction during the job I was doing, a job that took an immense amount of attention. I was extremely focused when I worked with no break in my concentration. Too many accidents happened otherwise.

Delilah’s naked body is before me, reminding me how long it’s been since I laid eyes on such beauty, reminding me she was created to be my undoing. I never get nervous. I was good at my job because I was unshakeable, but this beauty has me anxious, wanting to please her.

Moving her under the water, I watch as she closes her eyes. I run the back of my hand over her cheek and then continue down her neck and lower. Her chest rises and falls with deepened breaths, her lips part so temptingly that I lean in and kiss them, my tongue connecting with hers. When I pull back, she opens her eyes, the tips of her fingers finally finding my skin. Her bottom lip finds the underside of her teeth while she runs her nails across my chest.

“Why’d you stop?” she asks.

“Because I like looking at you.” When a smile crosses those sexy lips, I have an epiphany. “But I think I like kissing you more.” I step closer and take her face in my hands, our lips meeting in the middle. Her nails scrape down my ribs, and I run my hands over her shoulders. Holding her to the side, I reach up and turn the showerhead, so the water warms us against the cold tile.

She’s not just beauty, but brains, though I have no idea if she’s lost her better senses since she let me back in her life. I may have loved her, but I never deserved her.

I was once naïve enough to believe we’d have it all if we were together. But like our love once did, that organ in my chest had died. At least I thought it had. But being with her again makes me feel alive again.

Leaning my head against hers, I close my eyes and breathe her in. “What’s happening?” I ask, my voice competing with the falling water.

Her hands run over my shoulders and up my neck. A kiss to my chin, my jaw, my cheek, and finally my lips. “I don’t know, but . . .” With drops dripping from my hair onto her face, she peers up into my eyes. “I’ve not felt this good in so long, so don’t worry about me, or the past. Just kiss me again.”

I do. I kiss her, covering her mouth with mine and drinking her in until a giggle bursts free from her.

“What are you laughing about?” I ask.

Shyness creeps in. Yep. We’re naked in the shower together, and now she’s shy . . . go figure. I laugh this time. “This. Us. It’s like years ago in the best of ways.”

“Yeah, I remember all those nights in the bed of the truck, in the field that time we had no other choice, and in my house.” I take her hands and bring them to my lips while keeping my eyes on hers. “You’re gorgeous, inside and out. If it’s okay, I’m going to kiss you everywhere tonight.”

Pink creeps up her chest and settles on her cheeks. She starts to raise her hands to cover herself, but I kneel in front of her instead while holding them at her sides.


I swear I hear her gulp. “Everywhere.”

“I’m, um . . . uh . . . I don’t know.” Her voice pitches.

“Shh.” I hold her still while kissing the apex of her thighs.

“Okay.” She’s breathy when she speaks, and I hear the back of her head hit the tile. Determined fingers weave into my hair and tighten. When I peek up, she says, “Don’t look at me like that.”

“Like what?” I ask, smiling.

Her thighs clench together. “Like . . . like . . . like you want to eat me.”

“I do want to eat you.”

She sucks in a breath, and another giggle exhales from her mixed with a delirious laugh. Her tits also look amazing. “What’s so funny?”

“You. You’re staring at my girl parts.”

“Girl parts?” Scrunching my brow together, I stand, resting my hand above her on the tile. Searching her eyes for any indication that this isn’t the first time she’s had sex since . . . I don’t want to think about him, but I have no idea how long she’s been separated and then divorced. Surely, she’s dated since . . .