Page 91 of Finding Solace

The back of my seat is grabbed, and she pulls herself forward. “What? You’re engaged?” Her eyes dart to my hand.

“We are.”

“When? How? Oh, my God. My baby sister is getting married.” Her accent has lessened since she’s lived in the city the past couple of years, but every now and again, I hear it. Like now. “Delilah Rae, how could you keep this secret from me? Tell me everything, and you owe me a pie big time. You so lost that bet.”

Jason’s too busy laughing to get in the middle, so I reply, “Not even a week ago. I wanted to tell you in person. As for the pie, I already have one cooling in the kitchen.”

“Yum.” She hits Jason on the arm. “Well, look at you coming back to town and sweeping my lil’ sis right off her feet all over again. Took you long enough.”

Turning onto our property, he says, “It’s good to have you back, Shelby.”

“It’s good to be back. So. When’s the wedding?” Sidetracked, she leans so far forward she’s practically in the front seat with us. “Oh wow.”

“What?” I ask, looking through the windshield to see what I’m missing.

“This place. Doesn’t matter where I go, or how long I’ve been gone, there’s no place like home. Pictures do not do the farm justice. I miss being here so much.” As soon as the car stops, she jumps out and heads to the side of the property to see the lake.

Jason looks at me, his hand gently rubbing my shoulder. “You okay?”

“I’m so much more than okay.” His smile sends my heart soaring. “I’ve never felt happier.”

“Glad to be a small part of that.”

The engine is off, and he’s about to get out, but I stop him. “You’re more than a small part of it. I know I shouldn’t rest my happiness in other people, but it’s good to have a place to rest it for once.”

Leaning over, he kisses me and then rests his forehead against mine. “I will always be a place of rest and peace for you, babe.” He pulls back, but stops to add, “I didn’t know I could be this happy either. But that’s what you’ve gifted me along with a place to rest my soul in peace.” Caressing my cheek, he stares into my eyes.

Sometimes, I wonder what he sees when he looks so deeply into my eyes, and sometimes, I just like the feeling of his need for me. Well, I always like that, so . . . “How hungry are you?” We have company, so I guess we need to remember we have an audience.

He cracks a smile. “Starved.” Hopping out, he hurries around to help me out.

It drives him nuts when I take away an opportunity for him to be chivalrous. He ribs me over it, but he also knows that sometimes I’m okay standing on my own independence. I take his hand, though, because I appreciate having his support, too. He allows me to feel safe and secure being me. The me I like.

When we reach the corner of the house, he says, “I’ll take her bags inside. You should spend time with your sister.”

A small look is exchanged, love filling in any space between us, and we both smile.

When the tips of our fingers part, I walk around the house to find Shelby standing with her hands clasped in front of her chest. She reminds me so much of my mom who used to do the same thing. I stand next to her, looking out at the water. The wind blows and sunlight sparkles like stars across the tops of each ripple. “It never gets old.”

She glances over with a gentle smile, and then wraps her arm around mine. “You’re pregnant.”

My body shifts, but I don’t move away. “Why do say that?”

“I can see it. Your eyes. Your skin. Your happiness. The way you hold your stomach without even realizing you’re doing it.” The lake holds nothing to the glistening in her eyes.

“Nothing’s confirmed.”

“But you know, don’t you?”

I nod. I do know. I feel the shift inside me, excited to watch it bloom. “Mom and Dad would be so happy for you, Delilah.”

“What about you?”

A tear slips down her face. “I’m happy you found a love to last a lifetime.”

I embrace her as tears slip down my cheeks. Leaning my head on her shoulder, I sniffle. “Thank you. That means more to me than you know.”

After our mother died, Shelby not only looked after me like a sister but also a mother. It’s a role she shouldn’t have had to take on, but she did, putting her needs behind mine. When we look back up, we laugh—feeling a little silly and a lot sappy. “You’ve done so well managing this farm on your own. Maybe you should take this time for you and Jason.” Pressing her hand lightly on my belly, she adds, “And for your family. The farm will always be here. Go see the world you’ve always wanted to explore.”