Climbing off, I stretch my legs, and Lee puts his bike on its kickstand.

“Big Chief!” The realtor steps out of her car wearing a big pink lipstick smile. Her dark blue pencil skirt and blouse with nude heels is stereotypical for a realtor.

“Erica, thanks for finding us a place so quickly.” He holds his hand out to shake hers, as soon as they make contact he gives a curt nod and takes his palm back. The southern gentleman oozing out of him. Her eyes light up and I can’t tell if it’s just a mask she puts on for her clients or if she’s really into him. Erica glances toward me, her lips pursed as if I’m a wet dog he brought along.

“Why yes, of course, anything for my clients.” Her eyes sweep back to Lee and she bites her bottom lip before looking to the building.

“So, I thought this would be perfect for you. There are two garage bays, an office with some space in the back, and even a small loft upstairs.”

“It’s not for me, it’s for her.”

They both look at me and my eyes widen at the sudden attention.

“Her?” Erica seems confused, looking back to Lee for an explanation.

“Yeah, she’s opening her own detailing shop. I’m just here to help give her that push she needs to believe in herself. So, you gotta sell her on the place, not me.” He chuckles, and her mouth slightly parts with surprise.

“I didn’t realize you were seeing—”

“I love the outside,” interrupting her, I cross my arms and walk between them both, making sure they’re spaced apart, and right to the front door.

Heels click against the concrete and Erica slips in front of me to unlock the glass door.

“The sellers are asking two-hundred thousand. Is that something in your price range?” She cuts to the chase, the tone in her voice conveying she doesn’t expect me to afford such an expensive place. I’m used to people underestimating me though, it’s a gift.

Stepping into the front, it’s full of glass windows, a counter right in the middle of the room. I look at the flooring, it’s some kind of gray tile but it’s in good shape, no chips or scratches. The walls have a fresh coat of white paint, and the lights above look clean of any dust or cobwebs. It’s a really nice place actually. I step around the counter and slide my hand along it, imagining a book full of clients and appointments, maybe a phone right next to it.

“Back here you could have a snack machine, fridge, or store supplies.” Erica walks in the back catching my attention; I follow her.

The walls are white, but there are no windows, just two fixtures above giving off little light. There are two black doors to the left and one wooden door in the very back wall.

Erica points to the wooden one. “This door leads to the loft.”

Grabbing the bronze handle, I open it and head up the stairs. They creak and groan, a light flickering on just above me. At least this staircase has a fucking light. The one in Georgia didn’t and I hated going up and down those damn things in the dark.

“There are two switches, one at the top of the stairs and one at the bottom,” she informs, just as I reach the top, the little detail making me love it more.

It’s a one-bedroom kind of loft. A kitchenette to the right and a large space to the left with two floor-to-ceiling windows. I like it, a lot. It’s simple and perfect for just me.

Large arms wrap around me, startling me from my imagination of where a bed should go, and if I should get a bar or a kitchen table.

“What do you think so far?” Lee whispers in my ear, and I bite my bottom lip.

“I really like it.” I can’t hide the smile in my voice.

Erica clears her throat, and Lee’s arms slip from my body. I can’t help the bitchy look that crosses my face when I look at her. Can’t she see he’s with me?

“Should we check out the garage? I have another client waiting on me.” She crosses her arms at the wrists and lifts her chin like a smug bitch. I can’t help but wonder if Lee and her have hooked up. God, I don’t wanna know.

“Lead the way.” Lee holds his arm out, gesturing to Erica to take us downstairs and show us the rest of the building.

The glare that’s on my face stays put as we head back down to where the two black doors were.

She opens one showing a blue-themed bathroom and the other door that leads into the actual garage part.

“Here we are, the last stop.” She gives me a tight-lipped smile before blushing in Lee’s direction who is right behind me.