Fumbling with her underwear and trying to tell her dad to get out, Shadow maneuvers around her and somehow pushes her out of the bedroom and locks the door on her.

“I asked you what happened on that trip and you fucking my daughter was a detail you forgot to mention!” His voice roars through the room, the entire club hearing what’s going on, I’m sure.

Delilah bangs on the door, yelling on the other side of it.

Grabbing my briefs, I put them on and stand.

“Shadow, listen.”

Crack. His fist connects with my face, my head snapping to the left. Pain throbs through my cheekbone, and I stumble backward. Fuck, that hurt. He definitely hits harder than Bobby.

Groaning and rubbing my jaw, he rushes at me and throws us both against the wall. His fist in my gut, then my ribs, he lets his anger out that has me gasping and grunting with pain.

“I don’t want to fight you.” Wheezing, I hold my hand out and shove him away. He’s my president and I have a lot of fucking respect for him, but he’s got to stop beating my ass.

“Yeah, well, too late for that!” He jabs me in the face and little black dots swim in my vision.

Not about to stand here and get my ass killed, I throw a punch, my fist landing right into the side of his jaw. A look of surprise crosses his face. I didn’t want to fight him, I said that but the way he’s going he ain’t stopping until I’m on the floor with no heartbeat.

“You’re one stupid motherfucker.” Warning in his tone. He’s going to kill me regardless. Getting in a fighting stance, my fists up, I bounce on my heels.

“It’s different with her, Shadow.”

“No, it’s not. None of you guys are different.”

He swings and I duck, moving to where he was standing seconds ago.

“What the fuck does that mean?”

“I refuse to let her get hurt again and I’ve seen the way you go through women around here… she won’t be one of them!” He lowers his fists and points to me, his brows narrowing.

The door is finally pushed open and Delilah, Dani, and Bobby all fall into the room. Both of them rush to Shadow, grasping him by his leather cut and pushing him back. Delilah comes to me, her hands on my face, eyes filled with concern as she looks me over for injuries.

“Are you okay? Oh my god!” She looks defeated and scared as she looks my cheek over. I must have a cut or something because it feels wet and really hurts.

“I’m fine,” I whisper, taking her hand that was cupping my cheek into mine.

The intimate interaction makes Shadow growl like an animal and Bobby has to push him back against the wall to restrain him.

“I went across the country to get her, I think it’s obvious I’d do anything for her!” I yell, trying to get it through his head that I’m not like other fuckers that have tried to get into her pants just to say they fucked Shadow’s daughter. She drives me fucking insane but is the only thing that makes me laugh and want someone by my side.

“Dad, I’m a fucking adult, let me decide what I want!”

“The last time you picked a man didn’t really go that well for the family, Delilah. You think I’m going to let that shit happen again?” The resentment in his voice has us all in shock. What the fuck is he talking about?

“Dad, enough!” Zane snaps, coming out of nowhere and glaring at his father as if he was out of line. A family secret only they know about starting to crack and reveal itself.

Something big had to have happened with Thane that I don’t know about, it would explain why he’s so protective over Delilah. It would explain a lot actually.

Lifting his chin, his eyes cast a dark shadow down his face, pinning me to where I stand. He’s fucking pissed. The reason he’s the president and feared by a lot of people started to come to light. He looks like a fucking serial killer right now.

“You’d do anything for her, huh?”

“Dad, no!” Delilah steps in front of me, her eyes wide with panic.

I shrug and nod. Yeah, that’s what I said.

“Bring him to the garage.” Shadow looks to Bobby, ordering him to do a job.

Before I have a chance to put on some jeans, Bobby and Lip fist me by the upper arms and escort me out of the club right in front of the garage. Delilah is being held inside the club, I can hear her screaming and yelling. Her mother is with her though, so I know she’ll be okay. It’s best if she stays inside anyway, I have a feeling this is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better. Is Shadow going to shoot me? Have the club beat my ass?