“Playing out whatever this is between you and me is worth losing everything for,” I tell her, and tears start to pour down her face. She’s never thought she was worth giving everything up for? Why? Doesn’t she know how amazing she is?

Hooking her legs around my waist, she kisses me hard, her actions telling me she hasn’t ever felt like she’s number one in anyone’s life.

“Who taught you to hit like that?” I ask, laughing between kisses. She giggles, throwing her head back, her hand coming in between our chests. It’s the hand she hit Brandy with and I see that the knuckles are bruised. Grasping her hand, I bring it to my lips and kiss each knuckle. She’s such a badass, and that’s what turns me on the most about her.

Maybe she can teach me that right hook when her dad comes looking for my ass tomorrow.

My hands slip down to her ass, trying to push her shorts down, and she grabs my wrists. My head snaps up, finding her shaking her head.

“If you think I’m going to sleep with you after having that bitch all over you, you’re insane.” Her words smack me in the face, and if my dick could cry, it would. “I can smell her on you.” She pushes me off of her and we both stand.

She can’t be serious, I’m so fucking horny and all I want is her.

“D?” I hold my arms out, trying to reason with her. She can’t be serious, I didn’t fuck anyone.

She shakes her head, holding her hand out to put distance between us. “No, it’s not happening. In fact, get that bitch out of my club and shower, then, we’ll talk.”

“Mhmm, we better do more than talk, baby.” I raise my brows at her, wanting to feel her against me already.

Before I know it, she’s walked me out of her bedroom and slams the door in my face.

Fucking scorpion just stung my ass.

Rubbing my chin, I look down the hall to where Brandy and some of the other girls were, my dick throbbing with the need to fuck already. D pushing me away is more than just the smell of another chick on my skin, she’s telling me to make her and me official without verbally asking me to be her man.

I guess I have an ultimatum then… what’s it going to be?

Am I a one-woman man now, or do I take the easy road and go back to the party where I won’t have the shit kicked out of me tomorrow by a pissed-off father?


Large firm hands suddenly jerk my hips upward, my ass now in the air instantly waking me up.

“What the?” Snapping my head to the side, ready to swing at whoever is in my room, I instantly sigh when my eyes meet with Big Chief. Jesus Christ, I could have kicked him in the face! The moon shines through the window illuminating just enough to show his hard bare chest, in fact, he’s naked except a belt around his hips.

He flips me over onto my back and I can’t help but smile at the big shiny buckle that’s hung above his erect cock.

“What are you doing?” I point to his championship buckle, confused why he left that on and nothing else.

“This?” He grabs the leather belt and then handles the buckle as if it were his dick. Proud, he gives it a gentle shake. “I’ll show you.”

His hands grasp my thighs turning me to where I’m suddenly on top straddling his thighs, my hands on his chest to keep me from face planting onto his hard muscles.

He slaps my ass, making it bounce, and puts his arms behind his head, looking me over with devious eyes.

“You’re gonna need something to hold on to when riding this cock, D.”

I raise a brow. Is he serious?

“When I used to bull ride, we would put four fingers under the belt to hold on to, just like this.”

Taking my hand, he forcefully slips my fingers under the leather belt wrapped around his bare waist.

“Ready?” His eyes look to mine, and my lips part with an unexpected breath. I am ready, but...

As if he can sense my uncertainty, he digs his fingers into my thigh. “You threw me out and made me choose between them or you. Those bitches are gone and I fucking showered, so now I’m going to fuck you as hard and wild as I want because you’re mine, D.” His words hold a promising growl, and I’m instantly wet.

I mean, I really wanted to have sex with him but the idea that he was just about to mess around with another woman had me turned off. I pushed him away, but he came back. He always comes back.

“Condom,” I whisper, my tits aching beneath my shirt to be touched already but I will not go without a condom. Ever!