Sighing, I grab the phone off the side table and open the browser, looking at schools nearby. Maybe I can go to college and get a degree in art. Biting my lip, I swipe and read what they have to offer, but their art doesn’t sound like my kind of art. They want me to learn about history and shapes, and I just want to design and learn how to use tools to help further my work.

Screaming and laughter draw my focus from my screen to the wall, I’m distracted. Closing the screen on my phone, I drop it between my legs. I wonder if Big Chief is having a good time? Is he drinking with the guys and being a dumb ass or is he with a woman?

Sitting up, I sigh again. I should just go out there and end my misery. I could use a drink and a good time. I love partying and letting loose. These are my people and if anyone is excited for Big Chief being patched in, it’s me. And while I’m out there having a good time with my family, I happen to see Big Chief with a woman, then I’ll know for sure that whatever happened between us is over. Like a one-night stand… a couple of times.

God, what if I see one of my uncles with a woman though? I mean, I’ve never seen any of my family members cheat before but I know it happens because I have heard other clubs coming through sleep with women and then their ol’ ladies show up for a rally months later. It’s weird to witness. I wonder if they know their men sleep around? How are they okay with that? I wouldn’t be, I’d think I wasn’t enough or something.

Climbing off the bed, I go to the bathroom feeling conflicted about whether or not I should go into the party or stay in here. I flip the light on and look at my reflection in the mirror, I don’t even look like the same girl anymore. Especially with these fucking stitches. I push my hair out of my face, straighten my large black shirt and tuck in the front so you can see my frayed loose shorts. This would be the perfect outfit to go out there and have a couple of drinks, see what everyone is doing and just chill. Maybe toss a couple back with Big Chief even. Is it weird I miss his company?

The toilet makes a rushing water noise, grabbing my attention. I wiggle the handle trying to make it stop and the water begins to rise.

My mouth parts with panic, my hand frantically lifting the lid and trying to flush it before water comes spilling over. But wait, the toilet is… broke. Now, I have a reason to leave my room!? Gone with the panic, I step back and let the lid fall with a loud thud.

“Toilet’s broke, I guess I’ll have to leave the room to use the hall bathroom,” I say to myself, a devious smile on my face because I have no intention of going to the bathroom at all. Not wasting any time, I open my bedroom door and step into the party.

It’s loud, smells of perfume, weed, alcohol, and sweaty men. Keeping to the wall, my eyes search every face I pass, not wanting to admit to myself I’m looking for Big Chief. Coming into the common area, I spot him standing behind the bar, by himself.

Relief floods my system and I smile. He’s not with anyone, and if he’s not hooking up with anyone on the one night he’s expected to sleep with random women, then it must be because of me, right?

God, he looks so good. Hair ruffled, shirtless with only his lather cut on that proudly sports his new club patch, with a pair of low-slung jeans. Black lights and strobe lights dance across his face as he talks to a guy I don’t recognize. He turns around toward the bar where a woman sits looking at him like… I’m looking at him. Her tits are hanging out of a corset, and nothing else on but a black thong. Big Chief steps in between her legs, grabs her by the thighs and pulls her to the edge of the bar right into him.

He is with someone.

Anger takes over lust, my chest filling with a weight I’ve never felt before. I can’t breathe, I want to scream but nothing is coming out. My nails bite into my palm in an attempt to keep my jealousy under control.

That motherfucker. That mother fucking fucker!

Her? She’s not even one of us! Where the hell did they even find her?

Impulsively, I start shoving people out of my way until I’m on the other side of the bar behind Big Tits Barbie. I snatch her by the hair and yank as hard as I can.