“I did, but it was knocked from my hands inside my apartment, I didn’t have anything when I reached outside.”

He shakes his head like something isn’t adding up and walks out of my room, leaving me with more questions than before. That’s what the club does though, they ask questions, poke around and leave you wondering what the hell is going on. You can ask questions but they won’t tell you. It’s club business and telling you just puts you at risk and leverage.

“Everything okay?” Mom’s voice has me glance back at the doorway. She looks after Dad but he must not answer her because she rolls her eyes and comes inside the room. Just as I think she’s about to scold me for more information as well, she holds a new phone in her hand, her finger stabbing at the screen as if she’s confused and angry.

“So your dad doesn’t want you without a phone and I agree.”

“I can get mine replaced, I just need to go to the store,” I tell her, not wanting to draw from mommy and daddy’s bank. I may not be able to get one as good as the one I had, but I will at least have one.

“Well until then, you can have this one. Dad had Bobby put the girls’ numbers in it for you and all that fun stuff.” She hands the phone over, a smile on her face.

I take it and instantly think of Piper. I need to call her. I miss her.

“Thanks, Mom.” She’s happy I’m home, and that makes me feel good. I’m glad I’m here. I shouldn’t have left.

She cups my face, her head turning to the side just a bit.

“You okay? You seem… different.”

That’s because I am different. I didn’t notice it until I got here though. Nodding. “Yeah, I just had my ass handed to me and it was a wake-up call, I suppose.”

She smiles but with her eyes as if she knows exactly what I’m talking about. I remember her saying something about her trip from New York to here, did the move change her too?

“Yeah, I know how that goes. I’m going to go fix something up for the boys to eat, I’ll bring you a plate when it’s done?” Her voice lingering as a question.

“That’d be awesome. Thanks.” Hand on the door, I shut it and turn back to the small bedroom. My new home.

Big Chief

Sitting at the wooden table in the room adjacent to the common area, Shadow sits in his spot at the head of the table, a gavel and a small glass of amber liquid in front of him. He’s been acting weird, always walking away on the phone, he and Bobby huddled up somewhere talking quietly. He even asked me if I fired my gun when I picked up Delilah and then asked me again. Something is going on but I don’t know what. Zane is the vice president. Bobby is the sergeant of arms, and Lip is road captain. I’m a prospect still and only get told what they want me to know.

“Dani said Delilah is different. What happened while you were with her?” His eyes staring at me like the Devil. His head tilted just enough, fingers tapping the side of the glass he’s drinking from.

My heart starts to drum inside my chest, nervous he knows I did dirty things to his little girl and all I can think about is what she fucking tastes like. Racket outside the room has me look to the doors finding Delilah bent over the bar trying to steal a beer or two from the bar, her shorts riding up revealing just a peek of her ass cheeks.

Pssh, little girl, my ass. Pushing the intimate moments to the back of my head, I inhale a breath. Making myself look away and back to Shadow, I straighten my back and try and focus.

“Um, she was bored, healing mostly, I think she did a lot of thinking about home and leaving.” I piece a response together, leaving out the sexual tension, drinking, and fucking. I’ve helped this guy get rid of bodies, clean up messes, and cover tracks. The last thing I want to do is piss him off. Fuck knows what’d he do to me if he could read my thoughts.

He rubs his chin, his eyes falling to the table deep in thought.

“I cannot believe that fucking club had the balls to do what they did, and to a club princess at that. If that doesn’t scream war, then I don’t know what does.” His voice becomes angrier the more he thinks out loud.

“They were doing a number on her when I showed up, that’s for sure.” Memory of a guy kicking her and laughing flashes in my mind and my hand curls into a fist. I’ve never hit a woman, let alone beat the shit out of one I don’t know how a man can do it.