Just as I’m about to fall asleep I feel the blankets wrap around me, Big Chief is tucking me in. His hand brushing my face.

It’s going to be hard to pretend none of this happened in a couple days and we just keep making it harder on ourselves.


Big Chief

Something loud and annoying has me stirring awake. Groaning, I lift my head up off the pillow and realize my phone is ringing. Snatching it off the nightstand, I answer it.


“Hello, I’m calling to let you know that I was able to get your truck in early and it’s back in the parking lot of the hotel.”

The news has me waking up immediately. “Oh, okay. How much do I owe you?”

Sitting up I grab my card from my wallet sitting on the nightstand.

“Five hundred dollars even.”

“Jesus Christ! I’m in the wrong business obviously,” I mutter, a little surprised by the cost.

“With the price of the pump, labor, and my fitting you into the schedule it can get a little pricey, sir,” he explains the costs but I just read my card number off. “Thank you, and the keys are under the floor mat.”

“Alright, thanks again.” Hanging up I can’t help the strung-out sigh that leaves my body. I toss my phone on the nightstand and glance over to a sleeping Delilah. The truck is done which means we have to end whatever this is and go home.

Leaning over, I shake her awake.

“Hmmm?” She slaps at me, trying to get me to leave her alone.

“Wake up, it’s time to hit the road.”

This catches her attention and her head snaps up, hair everywhere.

“What? What about the truck?” She flails her hand around her face, trying to move her hair.

“They got us in early, it’s done.”

“Done?” Shock is in her voice. I’m glad to know I’m not the only one a little taken aback by this news.

She stares at me with those beautiful green orbs and for a second I’m wondering if she’s thinking the same thing I am… pretend the truck isn’t done so we can stay here with our dirty little secrets.

Breaking eye contact, I shove my leg through one of my pant legs, as much as I’d love to keep lying to her dad, it’s better we do this now because it’s just going to get harder the longer we stay and pretend.

“I’ll check us out, pack your shit.” My tone sharper than I meant, I continue to get dressed, realizing the jacuzzi is still full of water from earlier.

The image of Delilah and I slowly having sex on the bed still fresh in my mind. The way her lips parted, body moved against mine, and my hand on her throat. I don’t know what differentiates fucking and making love but something sensual happened between us last night for sure.

Shaking my head, I grab my boots and head toward the door. Downstairs I pay for our stay, and go get my keys from my truck. I feel numb and angry, not wanting to talk about it or think about Delilah and me anymore than I have to. It’s just time to head home where everything will be back to normal. We knew this was coming and it’s time to just do it.

Slipping my phone out of my pocket, I shoot Shadow a text.

Truck fixed, heading home. - BC

There, no turning back now.

See you and my daughter in two days. - Shadow

The way he says “and my daughter” has me tense, it’s like he knows I touched her. Jesus, I’ve never been scared of another man but for some reason Shadow has me fucking nervous. I wouldn’t put it past him to shoot me if he ever finds out about what happened here.

One hour later, we’re in the truck on our way to LA. I drive and Delilah sits in the passenger seat with her foot propped up on the dash. The window down, her hair blows in the wind and the sun shines on her face. Her head nods and body rocks to the beat of the song from the radio, “Who Do You Love” by The Chainsmokers. I’ve heard them before but I usually have rock or country songs on my radio. She must have put this on. Leaning my elbow on the door, I scratch my head and watch her without her knowing, she’s something else. These last few days have given me an interesting perspective on things, like the idea of being with someone.


The violent vibration shakes me awake, and in a panic, Big Chief swerves back onto the highway. He must have dozed off and the truck almost went off road. My eyes now wide open and awake, my hands clawing at the seat, I stare at him in mere terror as we just about went off the road if it weren’t for the strips.