Big Chief is in front of the window looking out, one hand on his chin. Climbing onto the bed, my stomach growls.

“I need food.” I pull my shirt up and slap at my talking stomach. Big Chief turns, a blunt in the hand that wasn’t rubbing his face. I sit up with excitement.

“Where did you get that?”

He smirks.

“I always have weed, babe.” He hands it to me and sits on the edge of the mattress.

Placing it between my lips, he pulls a lighter from his pocket and lights it. I take a few puffs to get it started, then pull away when my mouth fills with earthy green smoke. I inhale it into my lungs and fall flat on the mattress, blowing smoke into the air.

“That’s good stuff.” I take another long drag and then pass it to him, his fingers touching mine when he takes it.

“Of course it is, it’s from the south.”

“What does the south have to do with growing weed?” The club has some good weed too. What does Big Chief know that we don’t?

“They grow it fresh and natural. Everyone uses it, so nobody has to worry about cops checking back yards or having a card to buy the shit.” He takes another drag, the paper burning fast and smoke filling the room.

“Hmm. I guess that makes sense.”

LA can still be pretty strict about recreational use. I pop my arm up into the air and wiggle my fingers, conveying it’s my turn to take the joint. He chuckles and hands it over. Even with the strong smell of marijuana, I can still smell Big Chief on me, the scent of sex lingering around us like a bad secret. I can’t help but wonder if we will do it again or pretend like nothing happened? I won’t lie, what happened in the bathroom makes me want Big Chief even more now. My stomach knots and growls, reminding me I haven’t eaten in forever.

“This is going to make me even more hungry,” I say around a mouth full of smoke. Everyone knows weed gives you the munchies, at least for me it does.

“Really, it makes me wanna sleep, but I’ll take care of you, princess.” He grabs my knee and pushes up off the bed to grab his cell phone.

Princess? I hate it when people call me that! I’m far from anything pink and delicate. Just to show him I’m just as hardcore as him, I smoke as much as I can until the cherry of the blunt burns my fingers. I hear Big Chief ordering a pizza, but I’m so focused on the smoke dancing around my head, the plush blankets swallowing me into a bed of softness and how fucking good I feel all over to really focus on what he’s saying.

All of a sudden he’s lying next to me, taking what’s left of the joint. I lay dazed and confused with a dopey grin on my face.

“You stoned, and thoroughly fucked is a sexy look on you, D.” Fingers graze my cheek, and I roll over onto my arms and stare directly into his eyes.

“You might take a picture because you won’t be able to see this again. Not after your truck is fixed and we’re back home,” I remind him of the boundaries we have to follow and how we cannot be like this when we return home.

A silent laugh racks his body. “That’s a good idea.”

Devious eyes staring back at me, he slides off the bed and grabs his phone. Angling it at me, I roll over onto my back, my shirt halfway up my chest showing a good amount of side boob, my panties on full display he hands me the roach and I take the last drag the little thing has to offer and blow it into the air. The sound of his phone taking a picture, has me drop my pose and I hand him back practically ash. He takes it to the bathroom to get rid of and I lay here thinking of his hard chest and pizza.

“Man, that’s some really good stuff.” Coughing, I sit up and eye Big Chief. “How many women have you had?” My tone sultry, and eyes half dazed.

“What?” He looks surprised by my question. I’m shocked I asked it to be honest.

“You heard me.” I laugh. “How many women have you slept with?”

He plops down on the bed and adjusts the pillow under his head.

“I don’t kiss and tell, Delilah.” Fierce eyes narrow in my direction. “I’m a gentleman.”

Crawling on all fours, feeling like a high huntress, I boldly straddle Big Chief’s body, my hands on his chest.

“A gentleman, huh? That’s not what you said in the bathroom. Remember, you’re a murderer.” I whisper the last part and his eyes darken.

Grabbing me by the thighs, he jerks us to where I’m suddenly under him and he’s hovering over me.