Big Chief

The hostile storm outside following us as we make our way west, drowning out the music on the radio. The fucking wind is so fierce that I’m practically wrestling the wheel to stay on the highway. Glancing over at D, she’s slouched in the seat with her foot up on the dashboard. She’s staring out the window watching rivulets of rain zig-zag downward and sideways, lost in her own head. She’s pretty beat up and it makes me feel some sort of way inside. Angry, possessive, and revengeful if I had to put it into words. I should’ve backed over every one of those motherfuckers with my truck, making sure to push them into the arms of the reaper. Shadow is going to fucking lose his shit when he sees his daughter like this. Which reminds me, I need to call him and let him know what went down. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, my finger hovers over his contact info. He’ll want details, he might disclose something he doesn’t want Delilah to hear. So, I shoot him a text instead.

Shit hit the fan, I have D and headed back. Call when we stop. - B

“He’s going to call.” Delilah’s cold tone has me take my eyes off the screen and look at her, she’s not even watching, so how the hell does she know I’m texting her father? Opening my mouth to respond I decide against it and close it. I’m sure this isn’t the first time she’s been picked up by a club member that was ordered to deliver her back home. She probably knew one of the guys from the club would be lurking around watching her before too long.

The phone begins to ring and she turns her head with an I-told-you-so look. Raising a brow at her, unimpressed by her assumption, I answer it.

“What the fuck happened? Why do you have her?” Shadow barks into the phone. He’s fucking pissed as he should be.

“I’m not sure, I just found a group of guys beating the shit out of her in the street—”

“WHAT THE FUCK?” he shouts, and I have to pull the phone away before he blows my goddamn eardrum. Undiluted rage pounds through the speaker as he continues to fire off a series of questions.

“Shadow!” I cut him off and finally he stops talking. “I hit them with my truck and snatched her up, we’re on our way home but going to stop soon so I can clean her up. Get some rest and refuel.” His breathing becomes audible through the phone, fury building inside of him so hot I can feel it from here.

“Okay,” he grits through his teeth, his tone grim and husky. “Get me more information. I want to know what the fuck happened and who this goddamn club is!”

“Will do.” I sigh and hang the phone up.

I feel Delilah staring at me before even having to look at her, but I do it anyway. I glare in her direction.


“How does it feel being my dad’s bitch?”

My insides knot, nostrils flaring at the audacity of this little spoiled brat. I just saved her life and she’s going to ridicule me for it? I know I’m a prospect and supposed to keep quiet and just do what I’m told, but it’s about time Delilah figures out I’m not just any piss ant of the club and she can say whatever she wants to me.

“How does it feel to be an obedient little shit running away from home only to have to run back to mommy and daddy?”

I watch her eyes widen with shock, it’s gratifying to see her in such a way. She’s obviously not used to having others put her in her place. Well sweetheart, treat others how you want to be treated. Everyone’s momma teaches them that when they’re shitting their diapers and just because she’s a club princess doesn’t make a lick of fucking difference to me.

Shaking her head, she turns her gaze back to the window. Lights from passing cars, lightning from the sky illuminating the cab long enough for me to see her face. She puts on a badass front but there’s a delicacy inside her that I want to tear from her tough farce. Just the thought of getting past her walls and inside of her is enthralling.

My hands tighten on the wheel, the tires hydroplaning us into the other lane, I’m jerked back to reality. I hate how distracted I get when I’m around Delilah. She affects me on a whole other level but the worst part is she’s Shadow’s daughter, my president’s little girl, which means off limits to me. Nobody will ever be good enough for Delilah, not to Shadow and Zane. I kind of feel sorry for her. Shadow and her brother are going to make it to where D is single and alone for the rest of her life if they don’t back off. Her leaving in the middle of the night is making more sense to me now. But I’ll never tell her that. On the outside, I’ll appear confident and focused on the mission at hand, which is to deliver the princess back to the club in one piece.