As soon as Evan gives her away, she hands her bouquet to Maize, then we face each other and hold hands. Pastor Mike says some opening words before we share our vows. We agreed to write them ourselves, to make them more personal. Even though it’s hard to put into words how much she truly means to me, I did my best for her.

I pull the sheet of paper from my pocket and see my heart spilled out on the page. Licking my lips, I quickly glance up at Elle before clearing my throat.

“There was a point in my life when I didn’t know if I’d ever be happy again. Almost as if I didn’t deserve to be. It felt like I’d lost everything that ever meant anything to me other than my practice. Then you came along and showed me there’s more to life than burying yourself into work to avoid the hard stuff. You showed me what it meant to live, to laugh, and most importantly, to love. You’ve already made me the happiest man in the world, and I can’t wait to spend forever with you, Elle. I promise to always protect you. Honor you. Nurture you. Care for you. Make you laugh. And most importantly, I promise to always love you with every part of my being for the rest of our lives.”

When I meet Elizabeth’s gaze, tears fall down her cheeks. I wipe them away and whisper, “I love you so much.”

She repeats the words to me before Maize hands her a piece of paper.

“Connor, my love and my best friend. My life changed the day I walked into your office. My dad and uncles have told me time and again that when you meet the person you’re supposed to be with, you just know. The moment I met you, I knew. Deep down, I knew, and I think you did too.”

I nod in agreement, holding her other hand while she reads. The emotions pour through her as her words burrow themselves into my heart.

“I vow to always be with you through thick and thin, through busy days and bad ones, through it all. I’ll always support you, take care of you when you’re sick, make sure you get enough sleep, and remind you to eat when you forget. More importantly, I vow to be your partner and a mentor for Olivia. I love you both with all of my heart.”

After we exchange rings, Pastor Mike announces us as husband and wife. Then I finally kiss my bride. Cupping her face, I crash our lips together for a heated kiss. My tongue sweeps hers, and I deepen our connection. We only pull away when people start whistling and cheering. When the recession music plays, the wedding party exits, and we follow. Soon the group of us are led off to take pictures as everyone else goes to the barn where dinner is being served.

After we eat and chat with as many guests as we can, the barn transforms for the reception. The DJ introduces us, and I lead Elle onto the dance floor. Pulling her into my body, I rest my arms on her waist. We dance to one of her favorite country songs, and I even throw in a few dips and spins. Though the room is packed with people, the only person in the room I see is Elle.

When the song ends, the DJ invites everyone else to join us. As Evan dances with Elle, I grab Olivia, who stands on my feet. She’s having such a good time, and I love seeing her this happy. It’s a complete change from how she was just a year ago. Elle helped a lot with the transition, and I will forever be grateful for how she made my baby feel important.

After a while, Elle and I cut the cake and take more pictures. She wanted chocolate and vanilla, so we cut a sliver of both. When I slip the small bite of cake into her mouth, she sucks on my finger, and my face turns blood red. She snickers.

“Starting to work on those grandbabies right away, I see,” I hear Rose say from the side, and I grin, knowing she saw.

“Planning on it.” I shoot her a wink, though I’m dead serious. Just imagining Elle carrying my baby has me growing hard, but I save those thoughts for later when we’re alone.

Once we’ve finished and the caterers hand out the cake, Evan announces for us to come back to our table for speeches. Elle’s Uncle Drew and Aunt Courtney from California say the most heartfelt words. I only just met them, but they’re just as crazy and nice as the rest of the family.

“I knew Elle had found the one when Mama called and told me my niece had invited a man to the Thanksgiving celebration. Although I wasn’t here to witness it, these two were all anyone talked about, and I think we knew y’all were gonna fall in love,” Courtney says, holding up her glass. “To Elle and her new husband and family. I wish y’all nothing but the very best.”