“Never gonna happen,” my mom chimes in.

Grandma comes over as if we summoned her. She’s still carrying Mila, then steals Rory from me.

“So when are you due?” I ask Rowan.


“I hope it’s a girl,” I tell her. “You need some balance in your house with all these boys.”

She sighs. “I agree, though I’ll be happy either way. It’d be cute to see Diesel be a sucker for a little girl, though.”

“What are you tryin’ to say, woman?” He raises a brow.

“You heard me.”

After Olivia is done with the bouncy house, we serve cake, then bring her to the barn for her gift.

“Are you ready?” Connor says while I cover Olivia’s eyes. Mr. and Mrs. Wallen are behind me as we all eagerly await Olivia’s reaction.

“Yes, Daddy!”

Everyone counts down from three, and then I release my hands, and she gasps at the Appaloosa pony.

I kneel behind her and squeeze her shoulders. “Happy Birthday, sweetie.”

“It’s…it’s mine?”

“She sure is.” Connor beams.

Olivia slowly but excitedly walks over to her. “She has spots on her butt!”

I laugh. “Think you can handle your own pony?”

“Yes! I can’t believe she’s really mine…” Her bottom lip trembles as if she’s about to cry.

Connor holds her. “All yours, baby.”

People watch Olivia get acquainted. I suggested that we give her a pony for birthday since she took it so hard when we lost Spirit. Considering she's been here six months, it just felt right. Now Olivia will be able to ride as much as she wants and learn how to care for a horse.

“Grammy, look!”

“That’s a beautiful pony.” Mrs. Wallen smiles. “What’re ya gonna name her?”

“Hmm…” Olivia places a finger on her mouth. “What about Sparkles? It’s kinda like Spirit but different.”

“I think it’s perfect.” I grin.

Kids come over and pet Sparkles, then they get bored and go back to the bouncy house. Connor shows Olivia the different brushes he got for her to use and leads Sparkle to the stall she’ll stay in. Sparkles will be boarded at the B&B, but we’ll still be responsible for her.

“Do you want to open your other presents now?” I offer.

Connor whispers something in her ear before walking away.

“First, I have a question,” Olivia tells me.

“Sure, sweetie. What is it?”

“Will you marry my daddy?”

I blink, then swallow hard, positive I misheard her.

“What’s that?”

Olivia flashes the biggest grin, then looks past me. When I turn around, Connor’s on one knee, holding a ring.

I gasp, taking a step back. “What…?”

Olivia stands next to Connor, and when he smirks, I start crying.

“Elizabeth, sweetheart. We love you and want to have you in our lives forever.”

“Forever!” Olivia adds, making me laugh between wiping my cheeks.

“Will you make us happier than ever and marry me?” Connor asks.

“Say yes!” Olivia whispers.

I crack up laughing, nodding furiously. “Yes, yes! Absolutely.”

Falling to my knees, I wrap my arms around them. It’s only when I hear clapping and cheering do I realize everyone’s surrounding us.

Though I feel like I’ve somehow stolen the spotlight off Olivia’s big day, she explains it was all her idea, so then the date would be double special.

“Another Bishop wedding…might as well keep the bouncy house up.” Grayson mocks.

“Shut up,” Kenzie blurts out, then whips a water balloon at him. It hits him smack in the face, and the moment Grayson realizes what happened, he chases Kenzie.

With a scream, she runs away to grab more balloons. Before we get drenched in their crossfire, we leave the barn.

“Welcome to the family.” My dad shakes Connor’s hand when we sit at one of the picnic tables outside.

Connor’s parents join us. “We’re really happy for you,” Mrs. Wallen says. “I haven’t seen Connor smile this much in years.”

My heart speeds up, knowing his past and how we’re writing our future together.

“Thank you. That means so much to me,” I tell his parents.

“Did you know Connor asked our permission?” My mom grins.

“Didn’t ask mine.” Ethan walks up.

I snort.

“Sorry, man. Couldn’t find you without Harper attached to your hip.”

I burst out laughing because Connor’s been in on this inside joke with Ethan and Harper for months.

“Funny.” Ethan grunts.

“Speaking of which, where is she?” I look around, then notice her talking to Grayson.

Arching a brow, I say, “I think someone’s makin’ a move on your woman.”

Just as Ethan turns, Kenzie comes up behind Grayson and dumps an entire bucket of water over his head.

“Don’t think I have anythin’ to worry about. Eventually, he and Kenzie are gonna hate ba—”

Quickly, I cover Olivia’s ears and glare at Ethan. “Little ears, brother. Watch what you say.”

Ethan coughs. “Anyway…Grayson’s in love with Kenzie, so it doesn’t matter.”

“Do I detect a little jealousy in your voice?” I tease, watching the vein in his throat pulse.

“Nope. We’re just friends, for the eleventy-billionth time.”

“So, you wouldn’t care if she dated Grayson?”

He shakes his head with a shrug. Alright…let’s test this theory then.