Once Olivia is buckled in her booster, we begin the four-hour drive to Eldorado. We stopped for food, and I let her order whatever she wants, as promised. I text Elle to let her know we’re on the way back and that I’ll tell her everything later. By the time I pull into the driveway, Olivia’s exhausted. I hate that she’s been going through this with her mom for who knows how long. My parents are going to be just as mad as me, but they’ll be ecstatic that she’s back. The only thing that has kept me grounded is knowing Vivian just lost her rights to our daughter. If she wants to fight me in court, I’m ready. My lawyer is ready. And this time, I’m not backing down.

After Olivia has had a proper dinner and a bath, I read her a bedtime story.

“I love you, Daddy,” she tells me, her eyes heavy.

“Love you too, baby. Sweet dreams. Blueberry pancakes in the morning.”

She smiles, barely able to keep her eyes open. “With extra butter and syrup?”

“You know it.” I wink. “Good night.”

I place a kiss on her forehead, tuck her in like a little burrito, then turn off the light. The night-light casts a warm glow in the room, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s asleep by the time I make it to the kitchen.

I grab my phone and text Elle again, knowing she’s the only calm in my storm.

Chapter Twenty-One


I’ve been worried about Connor and Olivia all day. I’ve been insanely busy at the office seeing patients, but it’s kept my brain from wandering. When Connor and Olivia were on their way back home and again when they arrived in Eldorado, I got an update. I’m dying to know what happened and nervous about what's going to happen. By the sounds of it, his ex has created lots of issues for him.

As soon as my shift is over, I head home and take a shower. The hot steam relaxes my tense muscles as I impatiently wait for him to let me know what’s going on.

As soon as I see his text message preview, I hurry and unlock my phone.

Connor: Olivia’s sound asleep in bed.

A relieved sigh escapes me.

Elizabeth: Good. How are you doing with all of this? Did you eat dinner?

Connor: I’m frustrated as hell and aggravated, but actually, no. I didn’t have much of an appetite when Olivia ate.

That makes me frown.

Elizabeth: Well, lucky for you, my brother said Maize made her famous shepherd's pie tonight. I can drop some off to you if you want?

Connor: Thank you for the offer, but I’ll be fine. I’ll warm up some leftovers.

I shake my head at his normal stubbornness and put on my shoes. The past two weeks with Connor have been a dream come true. The man never fails to amaze me with his kindness and also his willingness to please me in all ways. We’ve talked a lot, and I understand him on a different level than I did before. I want to spend all of my time with him, every waking minute, so I’m thankful we work together.

After I’m dressed, I walk into the living room and see Ethan’s sitting on the couch watching TV with Harper.

“Where ya headin’ at this hour?” he asks.

I turn on the lights. “Hand check,” I tease. Though he’s not much younger than me, it’s still funny to pester him about girls.

Ethan throws a pillow at me, and I catch it, then throw it back, smacking him in the head.

“Shh!” he demands. “We’re trying to watch a movie.”

“You asked me a question first. I was just gonna pretend you two weren’t cuddled up on the couch like a couple. In the dark,” I say with a shrug. Ethan rolls his eyes, and Harper laughs.

“Y’all lookin’ guilty.” I point at them, knowing they won’t admit their true feelings. It was worth a try anyway. I’m determined to make one of them crack eventually.

“I’m heading to the B&B,” I say, not telling him the full truth. I give them a wave, flip off the overhead light, then leave.

After I’ve said hello to the evening staff, I grab a couple of to-go boxes. Though I already ate a sandwich after work, I got some for me too because it’s impossible to pass up. I make sure to also grab us each a scoop of peach cobbler.

Before I can close the lids and place them in a paper bag, Grandma Bishop rounds the corner. My eyes go wide, knowing the questions are coming.

“Elizabeth. What’re you doin’ here so late?”

“Just grabbin’ some food,” I tell her hesitantly, hoping I don’t get tangled into her web where she sneaks the truth out of me.

“Oh, for who?”

I swallow hard, unable to lie, but knowing I can’t tell the truth either. “Just for a friend and me.”