“Though I don’t know the details of what happened with your marriage, I can promise you that I won’t be perfect either. Between school and my demanding boss, it didn’t leave a lot of room for dating.”

“Good, then my plan to keep you away from other men actually worked.”

“Wow, with all your scheming, it’s a shock I didn’t catch onto your feelings sooner.”

“You mean, how I saved you from repeated heartbreaks? You’re welcome.”

“Funny.” I glare. “But with our lack of experiences, I guess that means we’ll equally fuck up a time or two.”

He grins. “Glad we got that out of the way now.”

I snort, pulling him in for a kiss.

After I finish making breakfast, we sit on his couch with our plates and cups of coffee. He opens up about his ex and what he’s been dealing with over the past few years in regard to seeing Olivia. I grow angry when he explains how Vivian is making a habit of not following their custody agreement. Olivia being four hours away sucks, and I wish for their sake she’d get to come here more often. I sympathize with him because I can imagine how hard it is.

“My mom’s been bugging me about this for a while, so I’m finally going to call my lawyer. I want more time with Olivia. After seeing Vivian spiral out of control with a trashed house and men coming and going, plus her drinking and smoking, I have to fight for what’s right for my daughter.”

“Yeah, absolutely. I can’t understand why Vivian would be okay with that.”

“She was always selfish, though I was too distracted with getting the clinic started to notice how bad it’d gotten. Partly my fault for not giving her more attention, but I’ll never forgive her for taking Olivia away from me.”

Hearing Connor talk about his personal life makes me feel so much closer to him. He’s never shared much about his ex, and it explains why he’s been so reserved around me. Just seeing him with Olivia, I could tell Connor’s a great dad and cares.

“Well, I better get home before my parents start wondering about me,” I admit after we’ve talked for a couple of hours. “Plus, I need to do some laundry so I have clean clothes for the week.”

Connor nods and offers to drive me. Though I’m nervous as hell about the shift between us, a part of me can’t wait to tell my cousins. I already know they’re going to freak the fuck out because I kinda am.

“Let me know what your lawyer says,” I tell him when he parks in front of my house. “Only if you want to talk about it later.”

He cups my cheek and presses his lips to mine. “I will.”

Grabbing my stuff, I jump out of the truck. “See you tomorrow bright ’n’ early.” I smirk before closing the door. He wanted to walk me to the door, but I don’t need anyone seeing him just yet. Not until I have a chance to tell them myself.

“Well, well, well…if it isn’t the walk of shame,” Ethan bellows out as I enter the living room. “You finally found a man?”

I glare at him, throwing a decorative pillow at his face. “Mind your business. I’m twenty-six years old and don’t need permission to stay out all night. Got it?”

“Sad you’re still living with your parents at your age. How awkward.”

“Living at home is convenient. It’s not because I have to, you little snot,” I retort. “But hey, at least I’m not living in denial about being in love with my best friend but too scared to say anything.”

He narrows his eyes at me. “That's the best you got?”

“Nah, but I’ll spare you for now. Just a warning, the longer you wait to make a move, the greater the chance another guy will come around and scoop her up.”

And with that sisterly advice, I go to my room with a bounce in my step. Nothing can bring me down today, not even my pain-in-the-ass brother.

As soon as I change into something more comfortable, I grab my hamper and go to the laundry room and start a load of clothes. I can’t stop smiling and decide to group text my cousins before the rumor mill gets to them first.

Elizabeth: I have news!

Maize: You finally banged VetDreamy?

Rowan: And now you’re having his baby?

Kenzie: I second that!

Maize: Yeah right…we all know Elle’s too stubborn to admit her true feelings for him. She probably got a puppy or something. Is that it?

Rowan: A puppy?! I wanna see!

Kenzie: Hopefully one that’s better trained than most of the ranch hands.

I snort at the way they’re having a complete conversation without me.

Elizabeth: Not a puppy.

Rowan: Damn. Maybe I’ll talk Diesel into getting me one for Christmas :)

Maize: So what is it then?