“I want a dessert buffet!” Olivia crosses her arms, then stomps her feet. She rarely makes a scene, especially in front of other people, but luckily, Elle goes to her and kneels.

“You know, I bet if you asked your daddy nicely, he might consider it. Perhaps your grammy and poppy can come too?” Elle looks up at me with an apologetic expression, then continues, “Everyone’s always welcome, but it’s up to your daddy, okay?” Elizabeth stands and glances over at Beverly and Trina. “You two are invited as well. Grandma would love to see y’all.”

Beverly thanks Elle for the invite, then explains she’s making a big dinner for her family this year. Trina tells us how busy she’ll be too.

“Can we, Daddy? Pretty please?” Olivia puts her hands together in a prayer hold.

“I’ll think about it,” I say, hoping she’ll forget between now and then. The last thing I need is to witness Stephen’s slimy hands touching Elle even though she said they weren’t dating. I’m not sure I could handle seeing it again

Somehow I’m able to cheer up Olivia before she can bring it up again, but I’m sure it’s just a matter of time until she does.

“I’m sorry, I hope I’m not too late,” Mom says, rushing in before my lunch break.

“Not a problem, Ma. Just appreciate you takin’ her for the afternoon.”

Thanksgiving isn’t for another three days, which means I have to work until the holiday.

“You got everything?” I ask Olivia.

She nods and grins. I imagine she shoved three hundred crayons in the bottom of her backpack. “Okay. See you after work. Love you.”

“Love you, Daddy.” She waves before grabbing my mother’s hand, and they leave.

The rest of the day passes by quickly. As I’m scrolling on my laptop, I look up and see Elizabeth leaning against the doorway.

“You know I wasn’t kidding about y’all joining us. You really are welcome to come. Grandma Bishop would eat her up,” she muses.

As I open my mouth to explain the invitation wasn’t necessary, she holds up her hand and interrupts me.

“If you change your mind, be there around three. You know where the B&B is.” She gives me a smirk before walking away.

Chapter Fifteen


“So I heard Stephen sent you flowers,” Ethan sing-songs as we clear the extra food off the table from our Thanksgiving lunch.

I groan with an eye roll.

“Mom said you rejected him. Really think you should be turning down guys at your age?”

“Oh my God.” I punch him in the shoulder. “You’re a pain in the ass. Go away.”

“Stop being rude to Elle,” Harper scolds. She puts the bowl of leftover mashed potatoes in the fridge. Though they’re still “just friends,” Harper joining our family holiday meals has become a tradition.

“A woman has every right to keep her standards high when waiting for the right one,” Harper confirms.

“Exactly,” I drawl out. “Which is why she’s kept you in the friend zone.”

I burst out laughing as Ethan’s face drops.

“That’s what you get.” I poke him in the chest. “Mind ya own business next time.”

After Stephen sent a massive bouquet to the clinic on Monday, I let him know I wasn’t interested. Even though he very well could be a great guy to date, there was no spark. No real connection. I wasn’t about to lead him on, so I thanked him for the generous gift and explained how I felt. He wasn’t thrilled but understood. Stephen won’t have any issues finding another date.

However, it was interesting to watch Connor’s eyebrows lift when he heard who they were from. I know he has a lot going on with his ex-wife and daughter, but if he’d open up just a little and give me a chance, he’d learn I’m a great listener. Even if we only stayed co-workers, it’d be nice to see that side of him.

After our half-day of work yesterday, I reminded Connor about the invite. I hope they join us, but he’s stubborn. The only way he’ll budge is if Olivia wears him down.

Once the kitchen’s clean, I tell everyone that I’m heading to the B&B to help set up and chat with the girls. They’re probably dying to interrogate me about Stephen and Connor. Especially since no one knew Olivia existed until Maize’s party. Well, most of us didn’t anyway.

“Hey!” I call out when I walk into the B&B. Rowan and Kenzie are sitting on the couch with Zoey. “Did I miss the memo or somethin’? Y’all are here so early.”

“We were summoned by Maize.” Kenzie laughs.

“Where is she?”

“She and Gavin are in the kitchen,” she explains.

“Which is why the rest of us are out here.” Rowan smirks.

“I actually just came for the early access desserts.” Zoey chuckles, rubbing her baby bump. She and Riley are expecting baby number two in a couple of months, but she already looks uncomfortable as hell.