After I drink a few cups of coffee, I wake up Olivia. After helping her pick out some clothes, I make her a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon. She asks for orange juice, and I pour some in her favorite princess cup. While she eats, I pack some activities for her to do at the office since she’ll be coming with me today. My mom has a doctor’s appointment this morning, so until she picks up Olivia, I need to find ways to entertain her.

“Are you ready?” I ask after she grabs her favorite blanket.

On the way to the clinic, Olivia asks me questions. “Is Beverly gonna be there?”

“Yes,” I say, meeting her eyes in the rearview mirror.

“Yay!” she squeals. She adores Beverly, but I think it’s because she always gives Olivia suckers and hard candy. That’s all it takes to earn the loyalty of a kid. When we pull into the parking lot, she’s raring to go, and I remind her of the deal we made.

“You promise to be good while Daddy works until Grammy comes, right?”

She nods hard, puckering her lips, showing me that she’s serious. It makes me chuckle as I unlock the door and we walk in.

She runs down the hallway and comes back to me. I lead her around, reminding her where everything is because she’s only been here a few times.

I open the door to one of the exam rooms. “This is where Daddy checks on dogs and cats. This is the bathroom,” I say, walking to the end of the hall. “And this is my office. Today it gets to be your office.”

She runs in and sits in my chair, then giggles as she spins it around. As soon as Beverly enters, Olivia sprints to hug her.

“Oh goodness, child. I didn’t expect to see you here!” Her face lights up.

“My grammy is at the doctor, so I’m the boss today!”

Beverly laughs. “How old are you now? Are you ready for Thanksgiving?” she asks Olivia, who’s following her like her shadow.

“I’m six, and yes! Though I’m more excited about Christmas. I’m trying to be extra good for Santa!” Olivia explains. I walk into the lobby and watch Beverly dig into her purse that’s big enough to fit a cattle barn and hand Olivia a few chocolates.

“You spoil her,” I tell Beverly.

She drops a few more in Olivia’s hand. “Can you blame me?”

Olivia looks at me with begging eyes. “Can I open this, Daddy?”

“Yes, go ahead,” I say just as the main door opens behind me. Elizabeth enters, and I’m brought back to the party where Stephen had his hand on the small of her back. My nostrils flare at the thought of them together.

“You okay?” Elizabeth asks after I turn my head and try to focus back on Olivia.

“Fine,” I tell her.

She shrugs and walks forward, then stops when she sees Olivia. A smile touches her lips. “Hey, Olivia!” Elle’s voice is full of excitement.

“Hey! I remember you from yesterday,” Olivia says, grinning. “What’s your name again?”

“I’m Elizabeth, but my friends call me Elle,” she explains.

“I can call you Elle?” Olivia asks and pops the chocolate in her mouth.

“Yep, you sure can!” Elizabeth tells her, then heads to the break room.

Olivia thanks Beverly again and gives her a hug before skipping away.

“She’s adorable, Connor.” Beverly’s words pull me back.

“Thanks. She’s never allowed to get any older, though,” I firmly state.

“Yeah right. I said the same about my grandson, but he just keeps growing. You’re gonna have a fun time keepin’ the boys away when she gets older.”

I roll my eyes. “No dating until she’s fifty.”

Beverly snorts. “Uh-huh. Good luck with that. She probably already has a boyfriend at school.”

Shaking my head, I laugh, then walk toward my office. I hear Olivia talking to Elle in the break room, and I stand in the hallway and listen.

“Are you married?” Olivia asks.

“No, ma’am.” Elle laughs. “I’m an independent woman.”

“Oh,” Olivia says. “My mommy and daddy used to be married, but when I was little, they got in a device and…”

“Do you mean divorce?” Elle patiently asks, and I can imagine Olivia shrugging.

She continues. “And Mommy moved away, so now I gotta take turns. That’s why I’m here.”

“Wow. Well, I’m not glad that your parents divorced, but I’m happy you take turns and I got to meet you.”

“Really?” Olivia asks. My heart aches from what she shared. I can’t imagine how damaging this is, and I wish I could change things to give her a more stable home life.

“Totally. Plus, I bet your daddy is really excited you’re here too.”

“He is,” Olivia proudly says. “Can I have some of your coffee?”

“Umm. I don’t think that’s a good idea. I put a lot of sugar in it,” Elle explains.

“I love sugar!” Olivia shares, but before she coaxes Elizabeth into giving her some caffeine, I enter.