She gasps as she admires it. “Wow.” She wraps the chain around her neck but struggles to clasp it.

Going against my better judgment, I say, “Hold on, I’ll help you.” Elle hands me the necklace, and I stand behind her as she moves her hair to one side. My fingertips brush the softness of her neck as I clasp the necklace. I see goose bumps form across her skin, and I force myself to sit back down. The space between us is needed right now.

Twisting the charm around, she looks down at it. “This is…amazing. Thank you so much. It really means a lot to me. I might never take this off.”

I hold on to her every word, relieved she loves it.

“No problem. Welcome to the team,” I say. Holding out my hand, she takes it and firmly shakes it.

“Oh, and I’m giving you a raise.”

Now, she’s laughing. “Okay, now I’m really worried. Did you hit your head or something while I was gone?”

I shrug. “I realize I’ve been a dick. I’m sorry.”

She reaches out and pinches her arm. “Not dreaming. Okay.” Elle’s emerald-green eyes meet mine. “Apology accepted. Thank you again, Dr. Wallen.”

I give her a small smile, wanting to tell her to call me Connor but decide not to. “Ready to work today?”

“Yes, please. I’ve been losing my mind waiting around. I’ll just need to run home and change.”

“Sounds good. Happy to have you back, Dr. Bishop.”

“Excited to be here.” Happiness radiates from her, and I love this look on her, wishing I could be the reason for it more often. She’s so goddamn beautiful that I can’t keep my eyes off her even though she’s completely off-limits.

Chapter Thirteen



This year has just passed by in a blink, and here we are in November again. While everyone’s off getting married and having kids, I’ve been working. Diesel and Rowan tied the knot two months ago, plus Gavin and Maize found out they’re expecting twin girls. Zoey’s going to pop in only a couple of months. To say Grandma Bishop is thrilled beyond belief is an understatement. It’s super exciting, and though I’m happy for everyone, I feel so behind on the whole husband and baby thing.

Today’s Gavin and Maize’s housewarming party. I’ve been dreading it all week because Connor will be there, and after I went back to work in July, he went back to being a hard-ass and avoiding me. Then a couple of days ago, Maize told me he’s bringing a date, which means I couldn’t go solo either. Mom has begged me to give Stephen Burk a call for months, and I’ve refused. Not only have I not had time to date but I haven’t really had the urge either. But Mom’s been pushier than usual about it, so I finally caved. He’s a doctor at the hospital, in his mid-thirties, and has no kids. So after Maize gave me a heads-up about Connor, I asked Stephen to join me. Before we go to the party, we have coffee at the diner in town. I’ve met him before, so we’re not complete strangers, but this is new territory for us both.

Stephen’s dressed in nice black slacks with a tucked-in black button-up, like we’re going on a nice date. He’s trying to impress either my family or me but more than likely both. We chat about work, and I learn that he’s around eight years older than me. As soon as he tells me how many hours he’s putting in at the hospital, I know this won’t work out between us. Between my own hectic schedule and his, we’d never get to see each other long enough to have a relationship. Regardless, I keep a smile on my face and the conversation moving. He’s an interesting guy, smart, good-looking, but there’s no real connection.

“I guess we should get going,” I finally say, looking at the time.

He gives me a grin. “We’re already late.”

“You’re right. But that won’t be why they’re lookin’ at us.” I shrug. My cousins are going to freak out.

Stephen’s a gentleman and opens the door for me to climb into his spotless Mercedes with pristine leather seats. It’s a shame it’s gonna get dusty after being on the ranch for a few hours.

The conversation continues all the way to Maize and Gavin’s house, and I’m thankful he’s easy to talk to.

“So you love it in Eldorado?” he asks, making the turn down the shell driveway. I already see cars and trucks lined up by the house.

“I really do. I love my job and being close to my family. Those two things are everything to me,” I admit.

“Ahh, so you like working with Dr. Wallen?”

I nod, hoping my cheeks don’t heat at the mention of Connor. “He’s alright.”

“He’s good at what he does,” Stephen continues. “Best in the area.”