She rounds the counter and kisses my cheek. “Just don’t tell your grandmother I said that.”

The next morning, I head to the B&B for breakfast and to chat with Maize. No surprise it’s packed with Bishops and ranch hands stuffing their faces.

Ethan is sitting with Riley, Diesel, and Grayson, who are being loud and obnoxious. “Y’all gotta be so damn rowdy? It’s like eight in the mornin’,'' I tease, standing next to their table.

“This is them twenty-four seven. Obnoxious and annoying,” Kenzie interrupts as she comes out of the kitchen with flour on her apron.

“Hey!” I squeal, giving her a quick hug. “No school today?”

“Nope, we gave the students an extra day off, but honestly, it’s mostly for the teachers.” She snorts. “But of course, I got tricked into helping here and puttin’ up with these animals.”

“Don’t listen to her. We’re fine gentlemen,” Grayson interrupts with a mouthful.

“Shut your pancake hole.” Kenzie glares at him, and Diesel bursts out laughing. Those two have been at each other’s throats for as long as I’ve known Grayson. He works with Diesel in the cattle operation and is just as wild as the others.

“It’s Mr. Pancake Hole to you, ma’am,” he taunts, and Kenzie rolls her eyes with a sigh.

“Grow up,” she shoots back.

“Maize in the kitchen?” I ask, hoping to ease the awkward tension.

“Yeah, with Gavin trying to make a baby,” Kenzie replies.

I snort because the two have only been engaged for a week. Though it wouldn’t surprise me if they get hitched and she’s knocked up within six months. “Perhaps I’ll wait till she comes out then.”

Kenzie walks around the buffet, checking on what needs to be refilled as I add food to my plate. On her off days, she likes to help out and always gives the ranch hands a hard time.

“Have you seen Rowan lately? How’s she doin’?” I ask Kenzie when she’s close again.

“Saw her a couple of days ago. She’s good but says she’s always hot.”

We both laugh. Rowan’s almost halfway through her pregnancy, and I’m excited to find out what they’re having.

“Elle!” I spin around to Maize and wrap an arm around her.

“Hey, lovebirds,” I say when I spot Gavin behind her.

“Are you off all weekend?” she asks as I pile on some bacon and eggs.

“Well, for sure tomorrow, but I told Connor I’d come in Friday if he needed me, and then I’ll be on call over the weekend as usual,” I explain. When I do get called in, it’s usually only for a few hours unless it’s a major emergency.

“Awesome, we’ll have to hang out. Maybe do some shopping. I need to get some wedding ideas.” She beams, and I smile at how her whole face lights up. Though I’m envious as hell she’s found her forever love, I’m super happy for them.

“Did y’all set a date already?” I ask, sitting at the table next to the boys who are still scarfing down food.

Maize follows me as Gavin loads his own plate.

“We’re thinkin’ a summer wedding. Probably June since July is always a busy month around here. Something small and on the ranch with lots of pretty flowers. Then a reception in one of the storage barns.”

“There’s no such thing as a small Bishop wedding,” I taunt.

Maize grabs one of my mini muffins and smirks. “That’s for sure.”

For the past eight years, I’ve busted my ass juggling work and school, and today, it’s finally going to pay off. I’ve been dreaming about this moment since my first day of college. There were times when I was overwhelmed with finals and work and wasn’t sure I’d make it. But my graduation day is finally here.

The ceremony is long, and since it’s May, it’s hot and humid. But I don’t care because all the sacrifices I’ve made finally feel worth it. My parents have always encouraged me, and knowing how proud they are made me an emotional wreck. My grandparents and brother also watched me walk the stage, and when it’s finally over, they swarm me with hugs.

Not everyone in the family could attend because of work obligations, so Mom and Dad have a big party planned for tomorrow. Though I would’ve been happy with a small family dinner, they insisted.

The day of the graduation party is a beautiful Saturday and seeing everyone makes me so happy. “Elle, darlin’.” Grandma Bishop finds me at the dessert table Maize is responsible for. “You look stunnin’.”

“Well, thank you, Grandma.” I smile, giving her a big hug. “Probably the last time I’ll look presentable for a while.”

“Why’s that?” Rowan walks up with baby Rory in her arms. He’s only a month old and the sweetest boy I’ve ever seen.

I reach out and steal him, placing him close to my chest.

“Because I’ll be studying for the state board exam nonstop. I can’t practice until I pass,” I explain, pressing little kisses to Rory’s chubby cheek.