I bring her to Rose, who immediately tears up. She adores all her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

After almost an hour of everyone taking turns holding the baby and taking pictures, I kindly escort them out so Elle can rest. It’s only a matter of time before her cousins and brother arrive.

Once Elisa’s fed and changed, I rock her in the chair next to Elle. They both fall asleep, and I take in how blessed I am to have a houseful of girls I love so much. There’s nothing else I could’ve asked for that would’ve made me any happier than I am right now.


You’d think after helping heifers deliver their babies, I’d be prepared for giving birth. I was wrong. The pain was so intense, I nearly blacked out, but the result was one thousand percent worth it.

Elisa Rose Wallen.

Rose, named after Grandma, of course. And Elisa because that’s what Olivia picked. However, I loved the name the moment she suggested it.

It’s just after dinner when my cousins show up. Connor told them to wait, so I could nap, but truthfully, my adrenaline was still so high, I wasn’t able to sleep very long. But it gave us some alone time. Watching my husband with our baby made my ovaries burst all over again.

Connor’s been an amazing support system and partner. This past year of marriage was better than I could’ve ever anticipated, yet it still feels like we’re in the newlywed phase.

As soon as we told Olivia she would be a big sister, we started preparing for the changes that come with a new baby—the nursery, clothes, baby furniture, and gear. Olivia’s loved being part of it. Truthfully, I’m relieved she’s old enough to help and hopefully babysit one day.

“Baby.” Rory points. He’s two and a half and walking everywhere now.

“Yeah, that’s your cousin. Isn’t she cute?” Rowan says as Diesel holds him. She’s holding onto their daughter, Ruthie who turns one soon. We were all so excited last year when we found out she had a baby girl.

“My baby,” Zach blurts out, standing next to Rory. He’s four and reminds me so much of Riley.

“No, that’s not your baby,” Zoey tells him, holding Zealand, who’s turn two in a few months. With all these littles, I’m surprised Grandma didn’t stay longer to spoil them.

“Maybe he’s trying to tell us somethin’?” Maize grins as she lowers her eyes to Zoey’s stomach.

“Ohh, no ma’am. These two rascals keep me busy enough.” Zoey shakes her head, and we all laugh. It’s no wonder since the boys are basically mini Riley’s.

“That’s nothing. Try having two the same exact age.” Gavin mocks as we glance at the car seats. The girls are eight months and already eager to walk.

“Try having two that are as fiery as their father,” Maize adds.

“You mean their mother,” Gavin retorts.

“So basically, we’re all SOL because no matter what, they all have Bishop genes,” I interject, laughing.

“But don’t let that deter you from trying for the next one right away,” Kenzie says, finally contributing something to the conversation. “It keeps Grandma off my back.”

“No way. You’re next. I don’t care if you have to shove sperm up your hoo-ha. Make it happen,” I order. “Now that I’ve experienced giving birth, I’ve been scarred for life. You need to experience it.”

“And what makes you think I wanna go through that?” Kenzie grimaces. “I’ll just adopt. It’s not like I’m going to find a man who doesn’t annoy the hell out of me. And on the off chance I do, I’ll be fifty, and my eggs will be dried up.”

Chuckles fill the room because we know she’s referring to Grayson even though she’d deny it.

“You’re so dramatic,” Maize tells her, and Kenzie rolls her eyes.

They stay for a bit longer, and as they leave, Ethan finally shows up with Harper, of course.

“Hey, brother. About time,” I scold.

“Sorry, I had some errands to run and lost track of time,” he admits, running his fingers through his hair. Visiting hours end in thirty minutes, so he won’t be able to stay very long. “Good thing you had her before I leave next weekend.”

Where’re you goin’?” I ask.

“Harper and I have a trip out of town planned.”

I furrow my brows, confused by what he means. “Where?”

“Don’t worry about it, nosy.”

I roll my eyes. I’ll get it out of him before he goes.

“Can I see her?” Harper leans over with a smile, changing the subject.

“Of course. Let me just get her off the boob.”

Ethan turns with a red face.

Just as I’m fixing Elisa’s blanket to hand her over, I notice Harper’s wearing a diamond ring on her left ring finger.

“Um…is that an engagement ring?” I blurt out.

Ethan spins around as Harper’s face turns crimson.

“Oh my gosh, how embarrassing. I meant to take that off.” Harper quickly shoves it into her pocket and doesn’t offer any more details. As she takes Elisa, Ethan comes over and admires the baby too.